Thanks, Tom!

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Buying time with soldiers' lives was the ordinary Stalin's "art of war" in WW II. So now they are buying time to prolong Putler's infamous rule.

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Unfortunately, it works for them since Russian public does not care about lives.

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It does not care about the lives of OTHERS, but it does care about OWN life. As long as there are sufficient convicts and paupers this tactics will work.

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Теж саме стосується і наших воїнів, вони виграють час платячи своїми життями поки захід видає по два танки в місяць і 40 патронів на день

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Ukrainian army now do not need to gain time. Concerning the Western help I must admit that a lot of it is misused or simply stolen. Ukrainian people must blame themselves for the systemic corruption before and during the war.

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Українська армія виграє час поки Америка все таки надасть літаки, або ракети, які дуже сильно вплинуть на проходження війни. У вас є підтвердженні випадки розкрадання військової допомоги?

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The money which makes all world go round is stolen without shame and limits. The notorious eggs for 17 hrn and so on. You may read the reports of Dana Yarova for the additional information. As for planes there are different opinions about their influence now.

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Військовим передають яйця? Ви кажете що розкрадають саме військову допомогу, тож я прошу Вас показати хоч якісь підтвердження щодо цього.

Корупція є і буде до поки не введуть смертну кару саме для депутатів, або довічне ув'язнення. Авіація не є панацеєю, але якщо все таки ми отримаємо авіацію і авіаційні ракети повітря-повітря з дальністю 120км, що на 50км більше ніж дальність кацапської Р 37, це як мінімум зменшить їхні авіаудари плануючими бомбами. Тому так, наші хлопці своїми життями просто купують час в очікуванні, що США все таки наважиться надати те що дійсно вплине на хід війни.

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Nearly anybody in Ukraine is corrupt in appropriate circumstances. It is absurd to advocate death penalty only to deputies of Rada leaving alone all the others. Stealing money irrespectably of the forms and modes of stealing is the same as stealing weapons because weapons are bought with money.

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You are either deliberately spreading Russian propaganda or believing in it. Numerous audits of the US and the EU did not reveal the theft of military equipment. How do you imagine it, steal a tank or ammunition for it, why, what to do with it then?

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Elena, are you russian?

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Thank you for the update! 'Things are looking better than good' - all fingers crossed!

regarding works - this one hopes a more detailed summary on the VSRF attack drone units. The Lancets (and their companions) seems to be a permanent problem, yet there are very little info about their deployement. I think of data about how many launchers are in a unit, which level of command order them, are they tied to ground units or "freelance bounty hunters", etc. (Of course only if you are totally bored with your free time...)

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Thanks once more Tom!

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It looks like Ukrainians are fighting in a division or corp formation in the area.

Unfortunatelly, still bo solution to lanset and helicopters

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Tom, sounds like great news! Hope for even better news soon.

Do you know why the ZSU are never capable of achieving noticeable numerical advantage along any section of the front? They seem to always fight ~1:1, while the overall force available in the south appears to be bigger than the VSRF.

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I would say because of minefields

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Probably afraid of MLRS, especially vacuum (thermobaric) weapons.

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Great news, thanks for the update. Btw I wrote something to you at the email listed on your website. Hope you get to read it one day. the email letter is titled "thank you for wars and insurgencies in Uganda".

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Thank you Tom. Long summer...

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Given the steady drumbeat in the MSS that there is no way Ukrainian counteroffensive can make any significant progress which—given the ignorance, cowardice, and hypocrisy in the West—risks making such talk a self-fulfilling prophecy, it is ULTRA important that your professional updates and analyses get through to the too often thick skulls of journalists and editors who play a key role in forming public opinion. It seems we are indeed at a critical tipping point and much depends on individuals like Tom Cooper, Thomas Theiner et al. Thank you!

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Nice updates, thank you

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The translation of this article just appeared in "Novoye Vremia". Great news for everybody in Ukraine.

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Thank you for the report. I am curious if DPICM already started to play any significant role or if the its supply is still inferior and negligible.

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Aug 8, 2023
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That is true however, the question is what amount has already been delivered and eventually employed. The delay between announcements and actual delivery is often frustrating.

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Malyar told that the Russians spent half a million of shells on the Eastern front during a single week.

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omg just try counting stuff okay?

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Thanks for another excellent update

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I`m asking for a friend, what happened with Saints, Thunders & Lightnings, part 3,4 and 5 ?

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Aug 8, 2023Edited
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Can`t he use NATO tactics and just avoid them ?

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Just like the UA breakthrough, it's all about the wait...

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Thanks Tom for the quick report, it is indeed a good one

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Thanks, Tom. Easy to get discouraged in this phase. We see this in many of the MSM. But 1944 in Europe was just as dicey, and the allies went on to capture Paris and Rome.

Just hope they can deal with those mines. Had a similar problem in the Western Desert. but again, they did eventually get thru them.

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