Decrease in production is 15% and to have serious impact we need 60 or more. Some rafinérie s are far away so not sure if UA can manage it. But to stop glide bombs you need to destroy some hundreds of small moving targets. You need maybe 1000 drones per month with better final navigation. On other side rafinérie is big static high explosive target.
Decrease in production is 15% and to have serious impact we need 60 or more. Some rafinérie s are far away so not sure if UA can manage it. But to stop glide bombs you need to destroy some hundreds of small moving targets. You need maybe 1000 drones per month with better final navigation. On other side rafinérie is big static high explosive target.
Decrease in production is 15% and to have serious impact we need 60 or more. Some rafinérie s are far away so not sure if UA can manage it. But to stop glide bombs you need to destroy some hundreds of small moving targets. You need maybe 1000 drones per month with better final navigation. On other side rafinérie is big static high explosive target.