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Aug 4Edited
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What is the reason to oppose to any, but literally any resolution of the EU? I understand national interests, that's normal, but to be against everything at any moment in time it's ridiculous.

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"(But nah: it’s me, and I’m clueless how diplomacy works, and when I express critique of this kind then it means that I’m convinced I could do it better, while declaring everybody else for stupids…)"

Yes, you are way too honest.

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Yes, honesty and integrity is not good for that kind of Work.

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Thanks Tom, clear as usual!

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Thank for the update. Same impression of this as I have had for some time. Minor bad news overall, Russia slowly advancing here and there. Something must be done to shift this trend, But I guess the question is really how. No good ideas, Lets hope the attacks of the airbases Work and stopp/ reduce the glide bombs. That would help. Otherwise I appriciate your critical analysis of Ukrainian statements.

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Thanks Tom, you are certainly being kept busy!

A question for your “little toe” regarding the recent hostage/prisoner deal agreed. Do you think that some of the reluctance of American snd allied support was to help facilitate this and to do so before the election? Or am I catching some of your well earned cynicism? 😜

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Your remarks about the submarine are very interesting. After some time maybe we shall know definitely whether the same vessel was hit or not. Nevertheless this blow is of major importance.

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I'd love it if they nailed two. I'm surprised though that the RU was able to "fix" this sub that fast. I figured it was a write off, but then again, since subs appear to be the only ships the RU can really use in the Black Sea anymore I guess this was critical for them. Oh well, a nice underwater habitat now.

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Hi, Tom!

Check official UA F-16 cammo:


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Actually there is even more interesting detail on video. Namely, f 16 are equipped with Italian-Danish (companies Leonardo and Terma) electronic warfare containers. It is very good information

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Its MAWS - missile approach warning system mounted on the mid wing pylons with some limited jamming capability. Very useful against SAMs, not so much against an R-37 in terminal dive. Also disappointing no Sniper or full size EW pod, no towed decoys, only AIM-120 B and AIM-9M = just an expensive Shahed and cruise missile hunter.

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It's the highest level of stupidity. A few days ago Tom explained how important it is to keep a secret, but unfortunately, Zelensky didn't read this blog.

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They may have decided that Russia probably already knows the planes are there, so it's time for a little propaganda.

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Creo que si Zelensky y sus "aliados" se pondrían a leer este blog la guerra hubiese terminado hace mucho.

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Thanks for the updates Tom. Great to see the Ukrainians slowly but surely build up their capacity to accurately strike Russian military targets in Russia.

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Pokrovsk smells bad

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Hi Tom, thanks for the report. As for the submarine, it is unlikely that the Russians will repair it, not because of its capabilities, but rather because they are weapons that are subjected to significant pressure once submerged. The fire that was caused when it was hit in September 2023 must have deformed a lot of structural material and changed its mechanical properties, so risking repairing a submarine that was so damaged is crazy. What is the point of repairing a submarine that you cannot submerge to operational depths . . .

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Acá en Argentina ya tuvimos esa experiencia...

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Cómo? Repararon una submarina que no puede sumergir?

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El caso del submarino ARA San Juan, a principios de los 2010s se necesitaba una revisión mayor y en lugar de enviarlo a Alemania (dónde fue construido) para realizar las tareas, por motivos políticos, se lo mandó a revisar en el astillero Tandanor, Bs.As. (sin capacidad de construcción y reparación de submarinos desde la década del 90), en lugar de reemplazar las baterías fueron "reparadas" y el snorkel filtraba agua.

A pesar de los problemas entró en servicio limitado (también hubo corrupción en la Armada).

En noviembre de 2017 se pierde el contacto con el San Juan durante un despliegue, el filtrado de agua hacia las baterías en mal estado provocó un incendio en la sala de máquinas, consumiendo todo el oxígeno y toda la tripulación muere de asfixia (44 marineros), el submarino se hunde hasta el límite y ocurre la implosión.

El náufrago es encontrado un año después, hasta el día de hoy no hay ningún funcionario y oficial responsable detenido.

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Es la historia muy triste :( Pobres marineros...

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Its so interesting to read about some events in "statistics" manner and meanwhile participating in the same events. Thanks, Tom.

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Aw, I was hoping for some more comments on the EU saying "Hey use the Croatian Pipeline" and the response of "What? Those guys are untrustworthy!".

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I am very much liking the fact that the RUAF (sorry, I just can't seem to ever remember the correct letters so I'll just be the ignorant American on this one) is finally getting hit in the right places. Ammo depots, fuel depots, infrastructure, repair facilities, all good targets that don't move. Planes are nice, but you can jack up an air force a lot faster by knocking its support out from under it versus hunting down its planes.

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I'm waiting for one of the Russia fans to explain that their jets can be repaired with a crowbar, take off from any ravine, and fly on coal.

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Well, shouldn't be long now.

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Thanks Tom

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Hi, Tom. What are your thoughts on F-16's equipment and weapons shown in today's videos? Is there somethings interesting? And isn't it too much environment information for ruzzians in these videos?

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Regarding the diplomacy part, did you know that the right dishonourable Mr Szijjarto has had a Friendship Award pinned on his unperson by Lavrov himself? Rumint says the badge contains the controller, but it's rarely used as most of the time he readily knows what to do.

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