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Mar 1, 2024
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What do you think is all that 'burning things separating from a big fireball'?

Early celebrations of 1 May?

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Thanks Tom, very interesting the details, as always . .

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ZSU claimed 3x (1+2) Su-34 for March 29.

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Last year or in the future?

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Definitely not last year or any year I the war so far

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February 29?

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I don't really get why everyone so focused on patriots, while Ukraine still have significant amount of S300, which shouldn't have any problems in intercepting Su-34/35. And i highly doubt that Ukraine is sharing any secret info with the USA about Su-34/35 avionics from wreckage, considering that the USA is wanking around since October and major intelligence leaks, including the fact that plans of ukrainian counter-offensive was on russian table before counteroffensive even started. Thus, if Ukraine is sharing any info with the USA,the USA won't get it for free.

The most obvious reason of why so many russian aircrafts are getting wrecked is because Zaluzhniy was replaced with Sirskiy. Zaluzhniy is very well known for being too cautious and for keeping weapons just in warehouses, despite it all was needed on frontline. On the other hand, Sirskiy is very well known for being more risky, so he probably just send AA systems closer to frontlines. Plus russians are trying to make "victorious picture" for putin before elections (mid of March), so they are using more aircrafts on frontlines to release KABs, thus it's easier for ukrainian air forces to intercept it (more targets - bigger chances to shot something down).

Surprisingly, word "thus" is very useful. Now i will be boldly exploit it too, lol.

Regardless all this...

It's raining jets!


russians getting wrecked!


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Old S300 missiles have shorter range and lack active radar homing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-300_missile_system

Active radar homing allows the AD radar to be turned on for only a brief time - this lowers the chance of the enemy detecting the AD system.

IMO the recent increase in hit rate has the following causes:

* The Russians started to mass-produce and use gliding bombs. Before that their planes were flying low (invisible to AD radars) and shooting missiles. The bombs deal much more damage but require the bearer planes to fly at a high altitude (in the vicinity of AD).

* A50s which used to hunt the AD radars were driven away, thus the AD is a bit safer to operate.

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I tried to google but was unable to find a confirmation that Russian use radio beacons on their military jets to signal catastrophic damage

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I did not write anything about radio beacons

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No, but it was a very interesting topic. I heard the same about locating the downed aircrafts by these signals, and how they correspond as number. Now I understand :)

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Not on aircraft: pilots are carrying radios with them. Such emergency radios have a beacon function.

That said: the story circulated in the social media.... hm... 'nifty' to me.

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Ok, thanks, because they used that COSPaS based map with signals on it as a proof of downed planes. Civilian planes def have them- they are activated by pilots or by extreme force - during crash. But I was unable to find any proof they install similar radio beacons on military aircraft

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The principal 'beacon' on any aircraft - military or civilian - is its IFF-transponder.

Of course, crews of military aircraft tend to turn their off as soon as they 'go places'.

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Ok, so how do they signal for help if they crush or how are the planes detected if they get downed on a mission?

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Of course, the US and Ukraine are exchanging information. There is one faction of one party that is denying aid to Ukraine. All other US parties wish to aid Ukraine. In the absence of military aid, the US is doing what it can to aid Ukraine with information. It wouldn't make any sense for Ukraine to stop providing raw data to the US. Ukraine is the country that needs the analysis.

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Well, considering huge intelligence leaks from US regarding war in Ukraine made by some young military technician, who was posting top secret information in discord just to impress his friends with whom he was playing in, god give me a patience to end this comment without slurs, Minecraft, I'm sorry, but personally i can't call the USA army as reliable allie to share any sensitive info with.

Like don't get me wrong, i know Ukraine exchange some general information with the USA, and the USA gives general infromation to Ukraine, like when russians is about to launch another major air strike and what missiles they are going to use, etc, but that's is very far away from sensitive high priority information like how Su34/35 avionics works. And again, considering major intelligence leaks from the USA, it means the moment the USA knows that ukrainians put their hands on Su34/35 avionics and figured out how it works, will be the moment russians will know that too.

And why you are so sure that only americans can analyse those avionics? I get that you are as westerner and probably american think that the USA is superior in everything and "'Murica fuck yeah", etc, but Su-34/35 is just a deep modification of Su-27, which Ukraine use too, and while avionics in Su-34/35 can work completely different from avionics in Su-27, it's most likely still based on the same avionics that Su-27 have on board. Thus, it's most likely that Ukraine can do better analysis of Su-34/35 avionics than the USA.

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Show me where I said that Americans are the only people that could analyse the information. Tell me what you think of me when you know nothing about me. I'm just telling you facts. You can disagree with them if you want, but it doesn't make them less true.

And then this logic of yours.: You're saying that Ukraine shouldn't give information about Russian aircraft to the US because the US might leak it and, what, Russia will find out how their aircraft works?

Let's all take a breath.

Intelligence leaks are always going to be a problem. Every country has an issue with it and the more people in an intelligence agency, the greater the chance that one of them will betray their trust.

There are levels of clearance for information. In the US, it's unclassified, confidential, secret and top secret. Then there's compartmentalization. As the importance of the information rises, the more it is restricted to people with the need to know. That airman, or anyone else on his base, didn't have access to a lot of critical information.

The fact is, Ukraine wanted to share information with the US. Not because the US has some god-like status, but because it has a lot of money and intelligence costs money. There are a lot of excellent intelligence services around the world and Ukraine is one of them. Years ago, they wanted to cultivate a relationship with the CIA and gave them excellent data to show what they could bring to the table. But the CIA was reluctant because Ukraine was riddled with Russian agents. They were worried about sharing with Ukraine because it might end up in the hands of Russia. Like I said, security is an ongoing issue for all intelligence agencies.

But what Ukraine brought to the table was enticing, so the CIA station chief in Kyiv and the head of Ukrainian intelligence started to cultivate a relationship to build up trust on a personal level. WIth setbacks and advances, they ended up with a professional, lucrative, and mutually beneficial partnership. The US had another source of information that they couldn't get on their own. You see, Russia has its own issue with leaks and Ukraine was uniquely situated to exploit that. So the US gains information and then uses it to further their own national interests by giving Ukraine actionable information to kill Russians. Ukraine's survival is in the US's best interest.

I'm frustrated with a lot of governmental choices in this war, as well. I'm not immune to emotional responses. But when emotions fail us, it's best to fall back on logic.

We both want Ukraine to survive. We want Ukraine to win. We want those invading *ssholes to go home. There's only so much you and I can do, but fighting each other when we have common goals isn't productive. I can do my best to share information and I can vote, so I'm going to do that. I'll trust that you'll do whatever you can do, as well. You and I are not enemies, we are allies. We have to keep our focus on our common objective. I want you and everyone you care about to have the life that you deserve.

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What was leaked at that time it was mostly old information actually. America might suck sometimes, but not that much. For sure we should trust nobody 100% but some we should trust more than the others. For instance the leaks of the Germans about British personnel operating Storm Shadows in Ukraine are quite annoying. But they'll continue to work together for now, obviously.

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Be sure: Ukraine _must_ share secret info with the USA.

Is one of principal pre-conditions for receiving any kind of arms from Washington - even for closest allies.

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Jup, this fact as a picturesque example of a „no brainer“…

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Of course they must share information. At the moment I think they are also quite willing to do, grumbles about a lot of important issues aside. They share and they get.

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More likely, the supply of arms from USA has stopped because they find out that plans of Ukrainian counter-offensive were on russian table before the counteroffensive even started. Zelinski is already well known by Wagnergate for disclosing a treasonous leakage to society first by himself before it's shared by a media to weaken a shocking news. But apparently nobody is surprised by this news in Ukraine.

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As Tom wrote above, that was already back in 2022 - the year Zelenski gave a speech before the US assembly. Different times.

Furthermore, with all due respect to the Ukrainians, the US has far more capabilities to analyse an enemy jet which they are doing since the beginning of the cold war and the US is dependent on air superiority - so there is enough motivation and experience.

Additionally as the US is the main supplier of weapons to Ukraine, you excpect something back and I think the Ukrainians back then were more than happy to offer that wreckage as they were busy defending themselves for which they needed every weapon they could get a hand on.

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Another great piece. Thank you!

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Very interesting Tom. Let's hope the VKS has to start preserving aircraft ( reducing missions).

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Very interesting Tom. Let's hope the VKS has to start preserving aircraft ( reducing missions).

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Anything new on the 3rd Assault ? I am really anxious to hears some news about this lovely chap after I read somewhere he is a battalion commander there, 2nd bt. If I remember correctly.


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Oh, sure there are: shall I start posting photos of all the Russian 'de-nazifiers' they've captured the last few days, full of Swastikas and other (Neo)Nazi tatoos?

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You can post whatever you want man, it's your blog and you don't need my permission. But I am not too concerned about Russians because they are not the ones asking for part of my tax money. And when did it became ok to do it because the other part is doing it also ?

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Guy who pays taxes, tell me honestly, have you never in your life, out of protest or simply out of a desire to stand out from the crowd, done something reprehensible or shocking?

The video shows football ultras, who by definition are hooligans, whose main task is to force football players to play more actively with militant calls. And in this case, zigging and shouting are just aggressive incitement, but not Nazism.

And yes, ultras are not all Ukrainians.

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He is shouting Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil. Google what Sieg Heil is and then come back to me.

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He shouts "ziga-zaga". This is the chant of many ultras.

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Okay...🤡 Never knew he was a member of the Spice Girls. Ziga-zig aahhh ! 😂😂😂😂

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I don't mind if he shouts "Allah Akbar!", "Deus Vult!", "Tenno Heika Banzai!", "Tulta munille!" or whatever he wants - as long as he kil... khm, kuddles russians.

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Good for you. I wonder if you would keep your opinion if faced face to face with one of them Russians. My best guess would be "no". Actually, the only uncertainty is from which orifice liquid will start to flow from first, front or behind.

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That's BS. What he shouts is a German Cheer on: "Zicke zacke - zicke zacke" which is replied with "Hoi, hoi, hoi". That's commonly used also nowadays at festivals and football games in Germany or Austria. For example here you can hear it at the Oktoberfest in Munich (at 0:40) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lArB_F148W0

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And the hand gesture ? Is that the Hail Caesar salute of the Roman legions stationed in Moguntiacum or Bonna ?

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Also in 1935, the book for the Hitler Youth by Trude Sand was published with the title Zicke zacke Landjahr Heil! Lives, activities, deeds and adventures of the boys and girls in the country year (Stuttgart: Union 1935). The fact that the triple call was already widespread in the 1930s is demonstrated by a report by Rudi Frohloff in the “Heimatblatt der former Kirchengemeinden Landsberg/Warthe Stadt und Land” from June 2006.[2] Henri Nannen also reported that the title of his youth magazine Zick Zack, which appeared in 1948, was too reminiscent of the Hitler Youth's usual zigzag zigzacke hoi hoi hoi.[3]

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Maybe you are one of the most important taxpayers in the USA.

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Sorry, what ?

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They are asking for your tax money because if you don't help them your country will be next. And including you will have to plan what's going to happen when you "meet face to face with one of them Russians", or if you think you're going to enjoy it because you really love pudding, no one stops you right now to buy a plane ticket and to move to that "great country" he built specially for people like you. 😉

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Bullshit ! We've been planning for this possibility since 68.

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I bet you were one of those who were saying "Bullshit!" when everyone were saying pudding will invade Ukraine and start a war in Europe.

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Nope. After I saw some satellite pictures with the troops concentrations at their border, I knew what was about to happen.

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Who is "we"?

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The collective "we", as in the sum of all citizens living here from 68 onwards.

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And your plans are based on what? I am extremely curious, please enlighten. Can you successfully defend yourself alone, or some others will help, with their taxpayers' money? Do you you remember Ribentropp and Molotov?

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I could explain it to you but our previous interactions suggest that you do not have the capacity to understand, so there is no incentive for me. Bye !

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You are a primitive propaganda-monger.

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Why are you in such a hurry to grow up ?

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Why are you supposing that a Jew is a Nazi?

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Don't feed the Troll

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I never said he is, although anything is possible at this stage. I said he has no power in controlling the ones who are.

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Dear Razvan, especially for you, this was back in 2007. Was it good or bad? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-racist-idUSL2851145120070128/

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In the video the guy is wearing a football scarf and shouting typical hooligan "ziga zaga oi oi oi". Back in the day all British football hooligans were shouting this and no one dared to call them nazis. You can still hear "ziga zaga" in Germany during Oktoberfest.

Just saying.

And before you start talking about nazis in Ukraine hear this:

There are zero nazi parties, zero nazi laws, zero nazi government programs.

"You Will Know Them by Their Fruits" Matthew 7:16

Azov are the "healthy man's" right-wingers. Zero anti-muslim, anti-polish and anti-semetic incidents with them. They fight well, care about their men and abide the law.

This is why Times of Israel wrote an article about Ukrainian Jews DEFENDING Azov.

Meanwhile in EU radicals attack muslims, draw swastikas on synagogues and do mass-shootings. No such things in Ukraine. If Europe's right wants to be respected they should learn a lesson or two from Azov.

If you refuse to support them it portrays you in a bad light, not them.

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After Russia lost the first the first A-50, they apparently vegan keeping them farther from the front line, out of range of Patriot and S-300 missiles. Now that they’ve lost an A-50 to an S-200, they will presumable keep them even farther from the front line. How much does the added distance degrade their ability to monitor and control airspace near the front?

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As always, by far the best analysis we get to see.

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I was posting a question under Tom’s post. I’m am curious how they confirm hits. One way obviously is to see interception on the radar screen.

In addition Civil planes are equipped with emergency radio beacons that emit signal when there is a crash and are seen in COSPAs system. I wonder if military planes use the latter as well

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Thanks for the explanation and illustrations Tom.

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Great info Tom, thank you, you were the first to accurately describe the way Ukrainians were using the Patriot in assault mode early last year. While so many people tried crediting shoot downs to Ukrainian BUK system. We now know that you were right.

I also see a new line being pushed by the Ukrainians government that the Russians had access to their counter offensive plans. This was initially stated by Zelensky and now Budanov is echoing it was as well. I suspect it was a leak both from the West as well as within Ukraine considering that US intel officers had access to Ukrainians Consolidate Air Defence picture for example and shared it with Russian intel via Discord. I wonder what your thoughts on this are.

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Wow very good report this helps explain a number of things, lets hope the UAF can keep up the good work Tom. Thanks very much

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Ty for the update tom. Great insight to the great patriot caravan

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Few Addendas: Part 1

1) Captured Su-30 and Su-34 – the mentioned photos shows near intact wing containers for ECM – probably they were evaluated by western engineers

2) But even if evaluated we can hardly know what informations were extracted and if they were sufficient to update PATRIOT command module that it would be able to shot at SU-34 emissions.

3) The entirelly unknow question is what russians has done in rection to such loses in subseqent months – most probably they dont have equivalent of such thinks like MALD – but where is the problem to re purpose the UMPK module for a crude missile trap? Pairing the UMPK not with FAB-500 but with some aerodinamic container ale to fly straight long enough to cover the „release-and-run“ maneuver that SU-34 crews are performing after release of their UMPKs.

4) They certainly fly SEAD missions – maybe sucesfull maybe not that hard to tell. But still, this put additional danger on UA PATRIOT mission planners and from what is know Russians are mercilessly bombing any building large enough to be used as cover for UA ADF systems.

5) Mentioned serviceability of Su-34´s – I dare to say that the planes are certainly tired after excessive flying but aviation industry is doing its job, master repairs often mean rebuilding the plane to „SU-34M“ standart (so called Su-34SVO – Su-34 with updates based on combat experience from SVO). https://twitter.com/piotr_butowski/status/1710232113734156775

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