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A very optimistic and highly informative report! Really USA wants to rule and to use this war by balancing between the negotiations with Putler (it is impossible but the USA is not ready to accept the truth) and attempts to frighten him with the perspectives of the "growing difficulties" (none in fact) in Russia. I wonder how people with…
© 2025 Tom Cooper
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A very optimistic and highly informative report! Really USA wants to rule and to use this war by balancing between the negotiations with Putler (it is impossible but the USA is not ready to accept the truth) and attempts to frighten him with the perspectives of the "growing difficulties" (none in fact) in Russia. I wonder how people with such mediocre mental capacities have reached the highest positions in the American administration. But maybe just because of it.
Being of the west, but not an American or Ukrainian, I can speak free of self interest.
I think that the Americans main wish is to live their lives peacefully, free to pursue life liberty happiness and the dollar. When Ukraine was attacked they could have paid lip service (see Obama in regards to mass civilian murders in Syria), and wait to meet Putin in NATO boundaries (like they did when Putin invaded Georgia).
Instead the current American administration (and also many private initiatives) rose up to the occasion and provided such a massive aid as was not seen in years !
Yes, they made many mistakes, but most of the great military experts were surprised by many things in this war (i.e. drones patrolling the air such that no unit is safe and large formations get instantly decimated, the importance of artillery, etc.).
And yes, they hesitated and are still hesitating over providing some types of important equipment.
And yes, some (many ? most ?) of them are overly full of themselves.
But, and there is a HUGE but here, they are standing massively by Ukraine, in word and in deed, and that, first and foremost, has to be in front of all those critics of the USA behavior in this war.
Personally, I think all Ukarainian should and probably do feel deep gratitude to that great nation which stands so staunchly by their side.
And yes, too, the american's support should be constantly evaluated and criticized, because that is the only way to improve. The united states must not be a holy cow (that cannot be criticized), that is the way to sure failure. They should be Ukraine's best friends and there should be open discussions and a lot of disagreements between them until this war is over and Putin's hordes are defeated and sent back to their original borders.
And finally, many thanks Tom for your great work !
Thank you for your comment. Be sure everybody in Ukraine is grateful to the USA. I am sure nobody even imagined that the war can be so cruel and the Russian hordes so savage. But as long as USA consider themselves the main champion for liberty and democracy (as it is constantly declared everywhere) this country is obliged to act according to its claims.
Well as you just hint when a field is overwhelmingly dominated by idiots, they tend to proceed a selection toward more idiocy.
It is the same here in France and I guess just everywhere.
To be successful the leader must not be above his followers but be on their level. Some Nazi propagandist advised to look for a pig inside a man and to appeal to this pig.