Thank you Tom for another informative report. Sounds like lots going on and the dam republicans can take the blame and be oh so proud of themselves

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A little clarification, the distance between Mariinka and Kurakhove is about 13-14 km.

P.s. Thank you, Tom. Haste never helps in such things and the Russians do the same mistakes like they always do.

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Many Thanks Tom !

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Спасибо за работу

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Ukraine was leaked, this is obvious. Europeans are too worried about watching inflation than thinking about the future of the European Union, which will be dismembered by Putin and his friends. And the Americans. too much carried away by the state of their refrigerator, not noticing how their information space is making idiots out of them.

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Just listen to this video message to the West from a British medic fighting for Ukraine. Pain, tears and anger about how the West is helping Ukraine in its war with Russia. If Western politicians are so powerless, ordinary European citizens can help Ukraine themselves, on the United24 platform or donate to the Ukrainian armed forces.

Ordinary Ukrainians donate to the Ukrainian armed forces all the time, so why don't ordinary citizens of Europe help, donate a few euros and dollars it would also be a help.

I sobbed listening to this, sorry.....


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Thank you, Tom

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Thank you very much.

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Thanks a lot for all the info, I am curious about the current status of millions of DPICM from US? Was it already all utilized, or is it stockpiled in US waiting for vote of House of Representatives, or shipped to Israel? This summer I didn’t expect another lack of 155mm shells so soon.

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Mine guess is your second option

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AFAIK, there are still around 5 million of these, and they are all collecting dust in different depots of the USA.

Actually, Biden has enough authorisation to let them all be shipped to Europe, for example, and then declare them for 'surplus to requirement' and donate them to 'whoever is ready to pay transportation costs'.

....but, he's not moving his small finger...

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It is not profitable for Biden to send these projectiles to solve Ukraine's problems. On the contrary, it is profitable for him to constantly emphasize that Ukraine has problems and that Trump is to blame for this. So Trump and Biden benefit from the failures of Ukraine in order to blame the competitor in the elections

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Well, things are actually not looking that bad.

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On the eighth day, the forty-year-old hobo said to Billy, 'This ain't bad. I can be comfortable anywhere.'

'You can?' said Billy.

On the ninth day, the hobo died. So it goes. His last words were, 'You think this is bad? This ain't bad.'

There was something about death and the ninth day. There was a death on the ninth day in the car ahead of Billy's too. Roland Weary died -- of gangrene that had started in his mangled feet. So it goes.

/* Slaughterhouse-Five */

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Thanks Tom! Ukraine did several successful and not-so-successful drone attacks striking deep into Russia. But it has been a week or two without any (or maybe I just haven’t heard anything). Was it an one-off or are the Russians better defending their airspace now?

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The problem is the low rate of production of long-range UAVs.

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What would be the bottleneck? I read that Russia has the capability to produce around 400 Shaheds in a month. Of course we are talking about countries in a very different situation but what is Ukraine lacking - safe spaces to construct them, engines, sensors ….

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If only the muddy road would start sooner, I hope it will slow down Russia..

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The snow is long gone and the ground is drying in Kyiv region. This winter was warm and dry. Snowdrops flower for a week already.

I think in the south it should be even warmer.

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Unclear antecedent on whether Robotnye in Ukrainian or Russian hands....

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Thank you, I enjoy reading every installment.., even tho I do not understand the thinking on a lot of the wests policies

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It's far away from the front (250+ km) which is surprising. The Azov see underneath is said to be blocked with nets under the Crimea bridge. Looks like Ukraine got a new capability.

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Thanks for the update but damn, the Russians have a mind boggling amount of resources. Its quite disheartening considering Ukraine has to fight the Russian military that NATO prepared for but without anything close to enough Western military equipment. Enormous respect to the people of Ukraine. Also I sent a small amount for the Shark UAV and will be sending more as the year progresses. Thanks for the information. As well there is information about another downed A-50.

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If it helps, NATO was prepared to fight the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact nations, who are now part of NATO. But, yes, Ukraine definitely deserves respect.

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