Behold - the winner of today's SuperSnark badge. I really must design one so I can award it properly. Hail Sarcasto, president of Sarcastistan.

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Yes, yes, nazi rasist west and nice Russian and Chinese people treat Africans as equal, aren't they? https://restofworld.org/2022/china-racist-livestreams-africa/

Uhm, maybe not so equal but at least Russia and China treat bribes in Africa equal as at home and that's what matter!

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This crazy world is only manageable with sarcasm. For staying mentally sane, reading and (if necessary) learning to understand Sacastosaur is the best provision.

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Well if you fly full of arms and have only photocopies of your documents...

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No, no. That's racism, because all the 100+ extra bodyguards had diplomatic passes with them.... :rolleyes:

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Originals are racist, photocopies are BLM friendly?

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They're going to be a lot more worried when the effects of the dam collapse kicks in.

It was expressly designed by Putin to starve much of the world, i.e. no water, no Ukrainian agriculture in the south. They will then call for an immediate end to the war.

So get ready for higher food prices, particularly for the third world.

Just part of Putin's ingenious plan.

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Russia will be main supplier then if they will want to supply but i think they want to cause african crisis.

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Russia wants to do all evil things to Europe it can afford. It is also inspired by the success of the former immigration crisis during the attacks on Syria.

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Meanwhile, Brussels intends to engage in discussions regarding the lifting of sanctions on Belarusian carrier Belavia - a folly indeed. The forthcoming period shall be scorching in Southern Europe and along our eastern border - it is imperative to mobilize and revise international regulations pertaining to migration policies... for we risk being devoured.

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I have just been to Rome and saw crowds of immigrants from Africa and South America selling all sorts of trash. At the same time nobody cared to sweep the streets.

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In addition, mister Pudding showed them a document he described as an agreement, that was proliferated before his horde leave north of Ukraine... yet this "proliferated" document he showed... well, not only carried no signatures, but also contained points of contention, including the composition of signatory countries (Ukraine insisted on Turkiye, Russia on Bielorus instead) - so it was just impossible to proliferate this document, because it didn't reached the stage of agreement on who have to proliferate it! That's a "Circus on a wire", as Ukrainian proverb says.

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It is difficult to say what is more disgusting - speculations about "friendly Russia" and "Western imperialism" or the intention ho handle with the International Criminal Court concerning the deportation of Ukrainian children.

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It was a clever piece of theatre by the Russkis this, a staunchly anti Putler publication like the UK's Guardian, because of its liberal biases, still had to report on this "African peace proposal" in respectful tones. High silliness all round. Sino-Wagnerian colonialism in Africa doesn't fit the script just Soviet colonialism somewhere like Angola didn't back in the day.

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simply love it

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Well, if Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Iran, and Egypt join BRICS, the organization will become SUBSCRIIBE. It only snowballs from there; checkmate, Westoids.

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And BRICS is exactly what? Other then club of (mostly) no so nice people with various hairstyles...

There is one decent person in that group, Dr Modi... the rest are ...

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Dr Modi is not a decent person from the Western point of view. Poor countries with excessive population cannot afford to be decent.

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"Poor countries with excessive population cannot afford to be decent."

That is a very interesting comment, perhaps deserving of a thesis or book.

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It is a paraphrase of Alfred Doolittle's statement in "Pygmalion" by G.B. Shaw about the impossibility of a poor man to be decent.

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Wow! This is double-triple (some people would recognise the source) dose of sarcasm!

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Thank you! I had thought everyone had missed this development,

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Russian Z-channels are highly sceptical about the visit of african leaders. Most of them, like Strelkov, casually use racial slurs towards.

While it is unfair towards most of the African demographics, these particular national leaders are indeed a bunch of greed-driven hyppocrites and Pudding' personal brown-nosers. What a despicable bunch they are.

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Yes. Saw those comments. Maybe they should take some Paracetomol tablets. 🤣🤣

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Сегодня 19 июня.

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In your timezone.

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Correct, it was me who complained about excessive sarcasm a few months ago when you presented sarco-analysis of the state-of-affair in the realm of african policymakers. This time either you are better not crossing threshold or maybe i am better in understanding you and what is going on.... in either case i appreciated.

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Please be sure: there's no way I can keep records in this regards. Actually, most of time forgetting about 'such experiences' in a matter of 20 seconds to 3 minutes.

Do find them good laughs, though....

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