Hello Tom. At least it looks like that 20 km deep break through isn't a scenario now( I hope). Anu information about ZSU Atacams strikes in Crimea? Looks like last burnt 2 c 300 launchers
Hello Tom. At least it looks like that 20 km deep break through isn't a scenario now( I hope). Anu information about ZSU Atacams strikes in Crimea? Looks like last burnt 2 c 300 launchers
Hello Tom. At least it looks like that 20 km deep break through isn't a scenario now( I hope). Anu information about ZSU Atacams strikes in Crimea? Looks like last burnt 2 c 300 launchers
Yes, have heard something like that but got no time to cross-check. Sorry for this: I'm still trying to catch with the news.