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Well, Typ, I fail to see how a UN sanctioned invasion of Afghanistan - in which your own country supported and assisted the U.S. invasion providing airspace and landing rights - merits second guessing; and of course the first Gulf War was UN sanctioned as well. Where are the parallels? I mean you clearly sound like the desperate type to …
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Well, Typ, I fail to see how a UN sanctioned invasion of Afghanistan - in which your own country supported and assisted the U.S. invasion providing airspace and landing rights - merits second guessing; and of course the first Gulf War was UN sanctioned as well. Where are the parallels? I mean you clearly sound like the desperate type to draw moral equivalence to the juvenile antics & stupidity at Abu Ghraib with the bestial beheading of Ukrainians. Or whataboutism the American massacre of 26 civilians in Iraq and Russia's actions at Bucha? Well, the US soldiers were sent to jail; the Bucha perpetrators were given medals, Guards honorific and a bottle of Putinka to each Vatnik involved. But that's morally equivalent to you apparently.
As for Crimea and Kosovo, a really poor stretch to compare, Serbia was bombed to prevent another Srebrenicsa; and Kosovo is independent while Crimea was simply occupied. I mean I might have more sympathy for your ridiculous false analogy if Crimea was given independence - afterall, they were well on their way to autonomy as it was, but Putin's invasion and annexation betray lack of an honest effort and more of a simple land grab.
I mean for christs sake if your going to claim a moral equivalence at least MAKE a moral equivalence.
Don't your handlers give you better scripts to regurgitate?