Do you know what the Baath party is? They are like Middle Eastern Nazis. And their ideology was similar. Poor Saddam Hussein, he only wanted to kill and get nuclear technology to kill more and commit genocides, and the evil West cynically stopped him and hanged him.
Do you know what the Baath party is? They are like Middle Eastern Nazis. And their ideology was similar. Poor Saddam Hussein, he only wanted to kill and get nuclear technology to kill more and commit genocides, and the evil West cynically stopped him and hanged him.
Good intentions lead to hell. See what happened now to Iraq, Libya, Afganistan.
Following your logic about Baath I can write a small ironic justification of the recent war: the failed state of Ukraine, which lost 1/5 of its population before the Crimea case of 2014 due to emigration and high mortality rate caused by unbearable conditions of life. The country that's been ruled by corrupted authorities that were selling arms since 1991 to any dictator or criminal regime ready to pay, a country that gave asylum to nazis and were hunting down ethnic minorities activists. The glorious army of Russia came to help and save people of MaloRossia.
Seriuosly, with a proper PR and political support one can justify any war or act of violence.
And yes, my favoured question: Crimea annexed and Kosovo...liberated?)
It's not just delusional, it's regurgitated garbage.
Substitute the name Russia for Ukraine in his drivel and the argument still fits.
That's not funny, it's downright embarrassing. Or it should be.
You're wasting your time with this clown Melchior; like all cynical vatnosti, they're desperate to compare themselves to the west while proselytizing its downfall - the same prognostication since 1917. "West is collapsing...any day now...just you'"
Do you know what the Baath party is? They are like Middle Eastern Nazis. And their ideology was similar. Poor Saddam Hussein, he only wanted to kill and get nuclear technology to kill more and commit genocides, and the evil West cynically stopped him and hanged him.
Good intentions lead to hell. See what happened now to Iraq, Libya, Afganistan.
Following your logic about Baath I can write a small ironic justification of the recent war: the failed state of Ukraine, which lost 1/5 of its population before the Crimea case of 2014 due to emigration and high mortality rate caused by unbearable conditions of life. The country that's been ruled by corrupted authorities that were selling arms since 1991 to any dictator or criminal regime ready to pay, a country that gave asylum to nazis and were hunting down ethnic minorities activists. The glorious army of Russia came to help and save people of MaloRossia.
Seriuosly, with a proper PR and political support one can justify any war or act of violence.
And yes, my favoured question: Crimea annexed and Kosovo...liberated?)
Everything you wrote is delusional.
TU-16 doesn’t mention how many TU-22’s Russia bought from UKR. Not all of them because Russia didn’t have the $.
It's not just delusional, it's regurgitated garbage.
Substitute the name Russia for Ukraine in his drivel and the argument still fits.
That's not funny, it's downright embarrassing. Or it should be.
You're wasting your time with this clown Melchior; like all cynical vatnosti, they're desperate to compare themselves to the west while proselytizing its downfall - the same prognostication since 1917. "West is collapsing...any day now...just you'"