Crypto support would be great

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Ah yes... crypto: sorry, no crpyto account there.

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unfortunately, crypto transactions could be in noway turned into official account balance. especially in such bureaucratic organizations as MoD

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If you have crypto to donate Повернись Живим / "savelife in ua" (the biggest fund) accepts crypto donations, is trustworthy and spends money efficiently. Not gonna link it directly b/c of spam filters.

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sell your crypto and sent the money. easy solution.

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I spare a handful of €. Hope next paycheck arrived soon and I can send a few more. As you say, each cent counts!

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Sent. Can't wait to see all the things they will find when they get it airborne.

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Done for a second time :) It is a pleasure and honour to help them.

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Paypal does not allow transfer to Ukraine from my country :( .

I used the SWIFT dollar option, hope the money will arrive.

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Transfer complete.

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Thanks Tom. Can’t wait til we get this sucker operational. Tell these guys we’re behind them all the way. Слава Украине!!!

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Done. I've donated €50 so far. Money well spent.

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And I did it again Tom

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When Ukrainians say "every cent counts" (кожна гривня важлива) they mean it quite literally. Early statistics of donation campaigns were about 50%/50%. 50% of sum covered by large donations. But the other 50% - small donations averaging at about ~5€.

Donating worth of single coffee money is *not* useless! It's very helpful!

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100 EURO, God bless!

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Tom, this is on your Facebook page, right? Would you be able to make that post public and share the link? So I can send to my local friends on Facebook who support Ukraine

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Yes, it is. And it's set on 'public', too (https://www.facebook.com/keksifarm.hayday/).

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Kaching! Second transfer completed 💪🏼

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Third transfer completed. :)

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Thank you, Tom!

+couple of thousands UAH(you lost account number, so I found it in your previoud article;) )

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Thanks Tom

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