Hello everybody!
Finally found (or took) some time to ready a review of our collection for the 151st Mechanised Brigade, ZSU.
Indeed – and also because both Anastasiia and me are feeling not only grateful and honoured by your trust and readiness to help, but also responsible for every single Dollar, Euro, Hrina, Pound and Penny donated - the aim of this update is to review everything collected, bought and paid so far.
Before I go on, please accept my apology for offering you only figures up to 16 September 2024. This ultimo is long overdue, and Anastasiia was so kind to send me the latest figures as of 15-16 September, but: I didn’t manage to ready this summary any earlier.
We’ve launched this collection on 7 August, aiming to buy a Mitsubishi L200 Rickshaw. We couldn’t find exactly that car, but have found a very similar Nisan Navara: this was acquired in the UK, brought to Ukraine, serviced, re-painted, and delivered to the 151st Mech. Then we’ve extended the collection to another SUV, resulting in the acquisition of a KIA Sportage. This was also brought to Ukraine, serviced, re-painted, and delivered to the 151st Mech. In between, we’ve also sponsored repairs on the old Mitsubishi L200 Rickshaw of the 151st.
Expenses were as follows.
Nissan Navara
- Price: GBP 4,700/US$6,500 (UAH 249,100,--)
- Delivery to Ukraine: €580 (UAH 26,564,--)
- Maintenance, repair & paint: $790 (UAH 17,050,--)
- Bank commissions/currency conversions: $100
- Total: $7,390 (UAH 304,279,--)
Generator & re-charger (31 Aug): UAH 49,847,--
Replacement oil, spare key, pump and jack (on 6 Sep): UAH 7,600,--
Repairs (on 12 Sep.):
- filter, oil, other spares: UAH 6,197,--
- Maintenance: UAH 1,600,--
Total expenses as of 16 September: UAH 319,676,-- (€6,946,70 or US$7,764,28)

(Old) Mitsubishi L200 Rickshaw of the 151st:
New shock-absorbers, tyres & other repairs (31 Aug): UAH 17,300,--
Total expenses as of 24 August: UAH 17,300,-- (€375,96 or US$420,18)
KIA Sportage
- Price: UAH 188,656,-- (i.e. €4,100,--)
- Delivery to Ukraine: UAH 5,700,--
- Maintenance, repair & paint: UAH 11,900.--
- Total: UAH 206,256,--
The car took some time to reach Ukraine, and then deliver to the 151st Mech simply because certain other cargoes have had priorities. That said, it’s with the unit since around 12 September. Sadly, after the first week of operations with the 151st (and although it looked like very well-preserved and during inspections on delivery), it turned out that ‘our’ Sportage was in need of more substantial repairs.
Cost: UAH 28,000.
While that was done, Anastasiia bought a spare wheel for it, too. Price: UAH 1,000 (US$ 24.39)
Total expenses as of 16 September: UAH 235,256,-- (€5,112,50 or US$5,714)
Now, in grand total, this means that since 7 August (and if all my calculations are correct), we have collected:
- UAH 655,633,08, or €14,227,26 or US$ 15,991.--
We have spent:
- UAH 572,232,--, or € 12,435,55, or US$ 13,898,35.
With other words: thanks to your donations, and with – actually – about 50% of money it would cost to buy a new SUV here in the EU (and then the cheapest sort of a new SUV), we’ve managed to acquire two- and repair a third SUV for the 151st Mechanised Brigade, ZSU, bring them to Ukraine, and then to the unit. Moreover, we’ve sponsored the acquisition of support equipment, spare parts, spare tyres, oils, filters, servicing, transportation and delivery to Ukraine and to the units in the field, and multiple repairs.
In this fashion, we’ve seriously helped bolster the mobility and logistics of an entire mortar battery of the 151st (and few neighbouring sub-units).
Since the Update 5 and the Update 6, you were all so kind to continue donating and, as of 16 September, the total balance was:
- Bank account: UAH 55,665,40 (US$ 1,357,99)
- PayPal: US$ 6,764,80 (that’s UAH 278,536,58)
- Cash: UAH 2,500
Or, in total: we’ve still got a total of UAH 336,701,98 or US$ 8,177,81.
Meanwhile – officially: (retroactively) per 27 August 2024 - Anastasiia was registered as a ‘volunteer’ by the Ukrainian authorities. Latest news is that we’re trying to check the option of acquiring an ambulance car for the 151st Mech. I should have news in this regards in the coming days.
If you would like to donate for the 151st Mech, or would be so kind to continue donating:
· Link to the Monobank in Ukraine. (https:/send.monobank.ua/jar/wnLvishui)
· Bank card number: 5375411220208966
· PUMB: 5355 2800 2530 1928
· Privatbank: 5168752099206529
· IBAN: UA42 3348 5100 0002 6203 1194 1485 1
· PayPal: 5266986@gmail.com (Purpose: ‘Charity for Rickshaws’)
Except for supporting the 151st, and via Eduard Burghardt from Germany, we’ve also helped the 209th Battalion, 113th Territorial Defence Brigade, repair their old SUV, and acquire a new one. Details for that collection are as follows:
IBAN: DE66 5009 0500 0002 6022 17
PayPal: eduard.burghardt@googlemail.com
Purpose: for the 209th Bat/113th.
If you would like to donate, be sure, Eduard would be happy to receive: they are currently collecting to cover the cost of transfering the new SUV to the 113th TD Brigade in Ukraine.
Finally, we have started supporting Benjamin Cook’s Charity UAO.
Believe it or not, but: within just 24 hours, UAO has received about US$ 2000 - and is on the best way to raise the US$ 2,500 to cover the cost of medical care for 100 people in need, in Ukraine.
Thanks so much: you are fantastic!
In grand total… well, what shall I tell you any more, but: SPECIAL THANKS!
Troops of the 151st Mech are grateful; troops of the 113th TD are grateful; Benjamin is grateful… and I’m actually lacking words to express my gratitude for all of you being this kind.
Heart-felt thanks for every single donation! Be sure, every cent counts, and every is used in best possible fashion: your help is reaching those that need it.
We Brazilians support Ukraine and we feel sorry for our idiot president!!
This is the way!