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Oct 19, 2023
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BS. Simply hand-picked BS.

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Oct 30, 2023Edited
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Too many to list, because you're picking only parts you 'like' (that's why I said: hand-picked BS).

Inform yourself, it's easy:


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Oct 30, 2023
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Trolling, trolling, trolling, and trolling.... 🙄

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Oct 18, 2023
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"There is a simple fact at present. If Hamas were to cease firing on Israel, stop raising children in the ideology of hatred and violence, and cease calling for the killing of people, not a single darn bomb would fall on the heads of innocents."

Yeah, the people of Gaza could live peacefully in their panopticon prison and the Palestinians in the West Bank could live peacefully in the alley beside their house they were just evicted from because some white guy from Brooklyn claimed it as his "ancestral home." Oh, but don't worry, it's not like it's some regressive ethno-religious thing - after all an "Arab party sits in the Knesset", guys! Who knows, perhaps some of those Arab politicians came from Brooklyn too...

"According to Hamas's logic, Jews have the right to don ribbons in the colors of the Zionist flag and carry out bloody acts of terrorism in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, and other countries from which they were expelled almost a century ago."

Pretty sure Hamas and all other Palestinians armed movements are fighting a currently ongoing occupation in the land they or at least their parents lived in. But it's very illuminating how you project your own ideas and rationale for seizing territory onto them. It's not Hamas' logic - it's yours. So, once a people have been dispossessed of their land they have about two days to reclaim it. After that any fighting for it is Wrong and Bad. However making a claim and taking land 3000 years later is valid. What an unusual way of viewing territorial disputes. An international anomaly. Kinda weird how it totally absolves Israel of any wrongdoing...

Anyway, I can help you reduce your argument to a much finer point. This will save you a lot of time in the future. No need for these tedious essays where you feign empathy and pretend to care about justice while barely contained arab-and-islamophobia courses through every sentence. Simply tell people that might makes right. From reading your posts in this thread, that is fundamentally what you believe. "Why does Israel still have a chunk of Syria?" Might makes right. "Why has Israel been ethnically cleansing the natives for 70 plus years and corralling them into ever smaller reservations?" Might makes right.

Don't bother responding btw. I don't have discussions with genocide defenders and apartheid apologists. I regard such people as, how should I put it, "human animals."

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Oct 18, 2023
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No idea. For me, the sheer amount of indiscriminate violence against civilians - by both sides - remains stunning.

I'm not surprised by it: it was 'pre-programmed' already months and years ago, and it 'had to happen', because there was no let-up. However, I cannot comprehend the type of hatred, where people are intentionally killing hundreds and thousands. This is why I cannot understand - nor explain - where should it go and what shall it achieve.

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1) It has always been like that.

2) The modern technology abstracts the killer from his victims. One just sends bombs to pre-programmed coordinates. One does what one is commanded. What can be simpler than that.

3) If one disobeys orders, one is imprisoned for years, losing one's dreams and hopes.

4) There is hatred when one's friends are killed. And there is the sense of danger. Kill the enemy or be killed.

5) There is the sense of belonging and unity, "us" and "them". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_from_Freedom

And there is politics.

* A small victorious war is the best known cure for a ruler's falling rating.

* If a long-time ruler is not re-elected, he may be imprisoned for his crimes.

* If the ruler had plans for his country, his dreams will be void if he loses his power.

* End justifies the means.

* First and foremost, "Life is the mode of existence of protein bodies, the essential element of which consists in continual metabolic interchange with the natural environment outside them, and which ceases with the cessation of this metabolism, bringing about the decomposition of the protein."

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Thank you for writing this. You know that your going to get flak for this post :) But it is nice to see the truth even if is not what mainstream wants.

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What is the „truth“ you find in this article? This is not factual piece, it is a sarcastic article pointing out hypocrisy in reporting about this conflict.

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Thank you for writing this, it’s incredible how one can arrive at very different conclusions than many (western) commentators when one takes things seriously.

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Well, this is the way the story is told by the mass of them. I am not in their minds, so can't say why. Can only offer the 'most serious analysis'.....ever, ever, ever....

Otherwise, they call me 'unprofessional'.

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Well said! Appreciate your work. I hope you have a thick skin as zionist propaganda trolls will try to eat you a live.

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That was a delightful start to the day, after listening to the not delightful news.

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There is far too much Palestinian propaganda out there, great to hear more unbiased analysis. The Palestinian propaganda is far too polished to be believable.

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Because of the wrong done to the Jews by Hitler the Jews are always right and have a right to posess a national state Israel at any cost and at a chosen place. All the world is indebted to the Jews and to Israel in particular so the Palestinians must go and give the land to the Jews hurt by Hitler 80 years ago.

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A true lesson on reality, as mainstreamers say what “reality” is (my poor rendering of sarcasm, you know). Brace yourself for the incoming fanboys flak, and also the loss of your Mossad pay check (because everybody knows they pay you... err, wait, wasn’t the Iranians, Russians, Ukrainians, CIA and MI 6? )

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you forgot the payments of the reptiloids and backside-moon-nazis.

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You’re right! How I can forgot two of the most high payers?

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you are probably on their paylist too. ;-)

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Chisssss, they told me it was a secret. XD

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Спасибо за работу, Том.

Немного стыдно, что Украина (моя страна) поддерживает Израиль, хотя он себя ведёт даже хуже россии.

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Да, куда лучше поддерживать процветающую, прогрессивную и толерантную Палестину-союзника Ирана, ведь ось Россия-Китай-Иран-Сев. Корея именно та сфера влияния, куда стремится Украина. Так, стоп *shocked pikachu face*.

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Я не прошу Украину поддерживать Палестину, я хочу, чтобы такие методы Израиля - осуждались. Так нельзя.

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Уже осуждаются https://t.me/bbcrussian/54459

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Ох, это так мило :3 Простите, это не ваш единорожка? Он оставил у меня радужную кучку, вот, возьмите, пожалуйста (>^.^)> ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽

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So if Palestinians support Russia(of which this is debatable), doesn't it make you look even worse for supporting a country doing what Russia is doing to Ukraine? In any case its not like Israel has been willing to provide military aid to Ukraine.

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After Nazi Germany bombed USSR/Allies, would you feel bad for bombing Italy/Japan?

Plus Ukraine didn't attack Russia. Palestine, however, attacked Israel. And saying "Palestine was forced to do so" equals to "Russia was forced to do so".

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You missed my whole point. Out of principle you shouldn't support what Israel is doing to Palestine wrt killing civilians or taking their land(Since Russia is doing the same to Ukraine) nor should you support Palestinians killing Israeli civilians. That was the point.

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Jewish people is a victim of Islamic conquests, just like Ukraine is a Russian victim. See? You can twist any narrative in any way you want really.

Not to mention that soft heart for "poor muslims" is a privilege of tender and pampered with freedoms Western Europeans/Americans. I don't have such privileges, sorry, I just stick with allied countries in a wars to come.

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I didn't know the Romans who kicked a lot of Jews out of present day Israel were Islamic conquerers, I learned something new. In any case, you cant wake up and say you support Israel's illegal borders (illegal according to international law and the UN) then support Ukraine getting back its UN recognized borders. You end up looking like a hypocrite(which I dont think you are). The law doesn't work depending on if its your God or your ally. Thats why we condemn Russia for its land theft in Ukraine, condemn Hamas for killing Israelis and whole heartedly condemn theft of Palestinian land by Israel. If you dont want to anger a potential ally then stay neutral but dont choose the side of the land thief in the middle east then complain when a large portion of the world cheers when Russia is stealing Ukrainian land.

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Ukraine as a state is too reliant on the American help to have much choice. Thanks to Russia, Sir.

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не поверите: Путину и РФ , которые дружат с ХАМАС и не осудили его действия тоже стыдно, что Украина поддерживает Израиль, США. Правда ХАМАС гораздо честнее чем РФ и не говорит, что "это не мы" и "Буча - фейк". Вот и сегодня ночью попадание ракеты в жилой многоквартирный дом в Запорожье - совсем не по вине ВС РФ. Просто обиженные арабы попросили россию восстановить справедливость

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Не поняла вас. Вы считайте, что ракета в Запорожье это не россия? Или это сарказм?

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Сарказм, конечно. Арабов СССР , а теперь РФ -поддерживают всегда. Не потому что так сильно любили, а потому что всегда были против Израиля. И это не мешает Путину бомбить Аллепо. Но Вам не кажется, что бандиты из ХАМАС и "Исламского джихада" намеренно прикрываются многочисленными детьми , оставляют их в опасных районах, а потом вытаскивают под телекамеры? Давайте на секунду представим, что государства Израиль нет и на той территории остались арабы-палестинцы. Как вы думаете, там наступит мир и людей перестанут убивать? Хэсбола не будет воевать с ХАМАС? с соседними странами?

Из тех немалых деньги что им выделялись, лидеры палестинцев большую часть присваивали, оставляя свой народ нищими, а на оставшиеся закупали оружие против Израиля. В этом отношении палестинцы удивительно похожи на россиян. Счастье их состоит в том, чтоб сделать несчастным как можно большее количество стран и людей, живущих лучше их.

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I think it is great that author show us true colors of Zionist regime. We all know that never expanded Isalm is a most peacful religion of our world with most tolerant and progressive followers, unlike it's decayed Zionist counterpart, biting it's peaceful neighbors like a rabid dog. And most of all we should be grateful to famous Islamic scientists and social revolutionaries for creation of movements like Al-Queers, Terror-ban and (my personal favorite) Islamic Solidarity In Sex-pleasures (highly recommend to join, 11/10).

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....gotta love it when religious extremists are fighting over which is the most peaceful religion...

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Exactly! Remember 69th All Time Crusade Stars event a couple years ago? Almost got Jerusalem that time, we were this close! Eh, I hope next time we'll be more lucky.

Oh, and remember that guy, zionist, who drove over people with a truck? Or the one who blew himself up to make some point, apparently? Bruh...

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""c) explosive power of a 25kg warhead of a home-made rocket fired by extremist Islamo-Fascist Salafist Palestinian terrorists, is much higher than explosive power of a 907kg bomb like US-made GBU-31.""

that was came in my mind first, when Israel claimed it was a malfunction of an Islamic Jihad rocket.

"How can one of these self made rockets cause such vast damage?"

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Do you have any indications that bombs with a bigger warhead was used? So far all I have seen does not support that theory. But I have not made up my mind about it yet and also don’t want to jump onto the Waggon of people being quick in pointing the finger

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at least two buildings damged and the parking lot burnt. Hard to be be done by a self made rocket of the size the Jihad uses them.

An explanation could be a secondary explosion, but what kind of explosive is stored in front of a hospital?

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cKQfd_cDEg This is what you can do with 20 kg of explosives. I am not an expert, so I do not claim I am right, but comparing it to the picture of the aftermath I do think that it was feasible together with the secondary explosions from the vehicles. No big crater visible, even though the explosion seems to have happend in the middle of the parking lot. Still doesn’t exclude Israel though. Just I do not see the evidence for a big warhead.

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And the explosion is only a fraction of that you can see at the hospital.

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Alright. Hopefully you have evidence to back that up. Please help me out here, so far this does not check out to me. You seem to have seen something I would also like to see in order to make my mind up about it. Also you are implying that there was another explosion? Because on the pictures I have seen you can see the parking lot as the epi center of the explosion and the buildings around as mostly intact even though partly burned. There most be something else to have caused the insane number of casualties claimed.

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I am not implying there was another explosion, but the explosion as seen for example at the Al Jazeera livestream and the damage caused is way to big as to be caused by the standard Hamas/islamic Jihad rockets.

Thera are lots of evidence in Israel, what kind of damage these rockets cause, nothing comparable with the damage at the hospital.

So just ONE explanation could be, something else exploded too.

But it did not seem to be classic israeli ordnance either.

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Video of the Location: https://pr0gramm.com/top/5895362

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Hamas has truck mounted mlrs. If one rocket goes boom, prematurely, they all go boom.

Now you have a 200kg detonation.

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....and then all the cars remain where they were? 'Just burn out'?

I'm very sorry. I know this is making me appear 'extremely biased', and I've said it clearly: yes, I'm super-critical of Israel.

But, I've seen too many of cases of 'it wasn't Israel, they would never do that', and then everything is babbled into atoms until forgotten... and then, 2, 4, 6, years later, all over again.

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Oct 18, 2023
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....another one from the Google University of Online Telepathy... you've got no trace of clue what do I 'think', and have never even got the idea to ask about that. Please stop harassing me, or I'm going to ban you.

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Au contraire, mon ami. It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that IF a rocket malfunctions shortly after launch, that most of the propellant remained unused. The crater in the parking lot was more of an indentation...the main damage was the ROCKET FUEL.

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I am not your friend att all, and you did not pay attention to what I wrote about that rocket fuel. It apparently NEEDS to be a scientist to understand that there are to many parts on this malfunction rocket story that dont fit from a physical and chemical site, as I tried to explain here several times in a short way.

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Ahhhh....did I ruffle someone's feather?????

I am sooooooooo soorrryyyyy.......I hurt your feeling.

...and I could not PAY attention to you.....I do not have enough money to PAY attention to you.

GOD'S THUNDER MAN.....get over yourself.

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fine then, go take care of all your money and don´t bother me anymore with your childish postings.

Seems you are one of those weirdos that don´t believe in science.

You are now on my ignorant-idiots-ignore-list, already a fine collection of human scum. You can be proud to be in that exlusive club.

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You DO like to put YOUR words into other people's mouths.

Weirdo???? Well DUH!!!! I would not want to be normal....god's NO!!!

CHILDISH???? ME???? Well, all I have to say to that is again....D'UH!!!!! You can not be as massive a fan of LOONY TOONS & MERRIE MELODY'S and not retain a large part of one's childhood. But I guess that you are such a big and powerful and blah, blah adult that you like throwing your crap in people's faces when they disagree with you.

Science??? Me not believe??? Try me asshole. That is throwing the gauntlet down and I accept.

THE LIST???????

OHHHHH GOODY!!!! I am on the liiist....I am on the liiiist!!!!!! YEYYY!!!

Human Scum??? Really??? I am an ANIMAL you racid haggis and I have NO problem admitting that I am an animal. Considering the heinous acts that HUMANS are doing to each other EVERYDAY I would rather call myself an ANIMAL.

Do try and remember that. It does so appear that a POT is calling a KETTLE black.

Do look in the mirror. If I am not mistaken, you might see a very common chimpanzee starring back at you.

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Comment section gonna have a lot of firepower

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....more than any GBU-31....

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Biden, (on the obvious:) it appears it was done by the "other team."

I'm not at all reminded of a certain other world leader whose proxy forces shot down an airliner and then insisted it was a false flag or dastardly mistake by the "other team."

There is absolutely not any equivalence between those two world leaders. No way.

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Biden does not control Israel

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That is a good point, in many ways it is the other way around. At least regarding this conflict. It is impossible for a US president not to support Israel to the helt.

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I sincerely hope, that through Tom's analyses, most of the people conclude simple truth: in conflict everybody is a beast and everybody is a victim.

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