Hello everybody!
I’ve been requested to (essentially) ‘return to serious analysis of air warfare’ and (quote) ‘stop using propaganda blips masked as communications warfare’.
OK, then lets analyse air warfare over Israel/Palestine.
DISCLAIMER: Arabs always lie and Israel is a land of peace and love, milk and honey, beach parties and happiness, surrounded by blood-thirsty extremist Islamo-Fascists attacking it all the time, longing to eradicate Israel and mass-murder its population. Anybody coming to idea to say something else is a liar and propagandist: characters in question belong being imprisoned and sentenced for support of terrorism.
1.) Reason for Air Warfare
Despicable attack by terrorist organisation Hamas on 7 October 2023.
This was a completely unprovoked attack because everybody following this war once in five years knows that this conflict did not start over 100 years ago, but on 7 October 2023. It did not start with the British military occupation of Palestine, destruction of the local self-administration, settlement of Zionists in the area; even less so with mass-murder and ethnic cleansing of native population from Palestine in 1947-1949, in 1956, in 1967, and then ever since. Therefore, it is a matter of fact that Palestine does not exist, and never existed, and everybody knows that its entire population are immigrants, which is why Theodor Herzl, the originator of idea to create the State of Israel in Palestine, was exchanging letters with Yousef al-Khalidi, mayor of Jerusalem, trying to convince him to convince the non-existent people of Palestine into selling their land for good… Nothing at all happened ever since: Israel was never declared an occupation power by the UN, and even if, who cares about the useless UN or any kind of international laws. And multiple Israeli and international human rights organisations did not accuse Israel – and did not provide evidence – of terror of non-existent Palestinian population under its control, nor of Apartheid laws, or anything else. Even less so are peaceful Zionist settlers bragging in different videos about their attacks on native population or stealing their land and homes.
Evidence for this is that the mass of Israel-supporters prefers to ignore alone all the evidence available in the social media.
2.) Purpose of operation
The purpose of this air war is eradicating Hamas.
3.) Strategy
According to multiple members of the Israeli government, and multiple spokespersons of the IDF, this aim of eradicating Hamas is going to be achieved through much more of far less precise bombing than the much more precise bombing that failed to eradicate Hamas at earlier times.
Alternatively, far less precise-, but much more massive, indiscriminate bombing is going to cause so many casualties to Palestinian human animals in the Gaza Strip, that the Palestinian extremist Islamo-Fascist unpeople are going to be forced to raise and topple terrorist Hamas.
Because this is an aerial bombing campaign run by the IASF, a branch of regular armed forces of Israel - and not some terrorist operation characterised by forcing people to do what terrorists want them to do.
4.) Involved air forces:
This air war is pitting two major air powers.
There is the Israeli Air-Space Force (IASF). Sometimes offended through descriptions like ‘one of four best air forces of the world’, where everybody knows it is the best air force in the world. Full stop. The IASF is renowned for its distinguished staff of pilots, which rank among the most elite in the world: fulfillers of God’s promises, with protectors of the State of Israel as a side job; brilliant strategists, stunning performers, cunning, daring, and stealth, the children of the light… simply flying supermen…. (Hope, I’ve caught at least the most important superlatives? If not, I’ll punish myself with kneeling on a heap of wheat in the corner, and reciting Paternoster 10 times in succession).
On the other side, there are…. crickets.
Extremist Islamo-Fascist Salafist Palestinian terrorist crickets using human animals as shields.
…and Hamas paragliders. Correction: extremist Islamo-Fascist Salafist Palestinian Hamas terrorist Paragliders armed with AKMs. So dangerous that the IASF is all the time overloading its bomb-loaded fighter-bombers with AIM-120 AMRAAM medium-range air-to-air missiles, and AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missiles.
5.) Problem
The IASF fleet is ageing, and in urgent need of replacement. Which is why IASF is primarily deploying obsolete F-15Is armed with unguided Mk.82 bombs, and obsolete F-16Is armed with even older, and unguided M117s. Both Mk.82s and M117s are renowned for their civilians-avoiding performances: they are unguided but equipped with seeker-heads that can distinguish Hamas from Palestinian unpeople.
6.) First Response
In the initial phase of this operation, the IASF was scrambled to counter the outrageous Hamas terror attack on peaceful Israel. The first on the scene were crews of US-made Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopters from Ramon Air Base of the IASF. Quickly realising the scope of the terrorist attack, and that terrorists were as brazen as to deploy deception tactics, Apache-crews realised that all constraints should be disregarded and began blasting at everything and everybody they could find. This went on for most of the first 24 hours, until the IDF was able to bring in heavy artillery, tanks, and other means of more humane bombardment.
There is no evidence that the IDF applied the so-called Hannibal Directive of killing own troops and civilians taken hostages by extramist Islamo-Fascist Salafist Hamas Palestinian terrorists, because multiple Israeli survivors of the resulting carnage said it did, but they are not trustworthy, because they said something about Israel that’s nothing else but unkind and nobody wants to hear.
7.) Second Phase
The, so far, second – and still ongoing – phase of this operation is focusing on the northern Gaza Strip. The part of the Gaza Strip with most of Palestinian Christian communities too, but that doesn’t matter because there are no Palestinian Christians: only human animals there.
Despite polite, friendly, and humane Israeli order for them to leave their homes, the majority of despicable Palestinian Christian human animals decided to stay – because Hamas told them to do so: not because the IASF is constantly bombing columns of Islamo-Fascist Palestinian human animals that followed the Israeli order to leave.
Correspondingly, over 4,000 Palestinian unpeople were massacred so far, together with more than 20 of hostages taken by extremist Islamo-Fascist Salafist terrorist organisations Hamas and PIJ.
Conclusion is on hand that so far there were no human losses. Only Israeli losses of 1,300 people mass-murdered in terrorist attack of 7 October 2023.
8.) Future Ground Offensive
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and multiple members of his government have announced that this is a real war, because there are real wars and not-so-real wars, but this is a bigger and more real war than any other before.
Better than Obama.
Therefore, they have mobilised over 360,000 reservists and deployed them into positions for a ground offensive on Gaza. Which is why all the military experts around the world, and their next kin, plus all the mainstream media, all know that there will be a ground offensive within the next 24-48 hours – and that at least since Tuesday, 10 October. Thanks to their incredible expertise and unsurpassed integrity, we can depend on their word, and therefore it is irrelevant if yesterday the IDF spokesperson announced a ‘next stage’, and that this is going to be ‘something else’ than a ground offensive.
Correspondingly, the last evening the IASF did not bomb two hospitals in the Gaza Strip: both were hit by malfunctioning rockets launched by extremist Islamo-Fascist Salafist Hamas and PIJ Palestinian terrorists. Evidence for this is that both the IDF spokesperson and various Israel propagandists first claimed an air strike on at least one of hospitals in question; then changed their opinion and declared this attack for a malfunction of a rocket and used a video from 2022 as evidence; and then stressed that their information about a malfunctioning rocket came from multiple intelligence sources.
And because everybody knows that
a) the Israeli aerial onslaught on extremist Islamo-Fascist Salafist Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip is so highly successful, that these remain capable of firing hundreds of their heaviest rockets at Israel, every day;
b) because nobody knows that their heaviest rockets have a payload of 25kg, and
c) explosive power of a 25kg warhead of a home-made rocket fired by extremist Islamo-Fascist Salafist Palestinian terrorists, is much higher than explosive power of a 907kg bomb like US-made GBU-31.
But, nobody can say anything for sure. This war is very, very, very, very, very complex, you know.
I’m really feeling better now: there’s nothing like the experience of analysing this air war in serious fashion.
Thank you for writing this. You know that your going to get flak for this post :) But it is nice to see the truth even if is not what mainstream wants.
Thank you for writing this, it’s incredible how one can arrive at very different conclusions than many (western) commentators when one takes things seriously.