And peace have returned to the middle east... But the israelí invasion of lebanon is in full swing and... I SAID PEACE IS RESTORED, NOTHING TO SEE HERE.

Thanks Tom!

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Frogs vs Vipers, chapter №31415.

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Thank you for your report. I disagree with your conclusion though. Israel is a secular society in fact, and from whatever side you look at it, it is still a democracy.

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A secular state… with a law guaranteeing all members of one religion citizenship? Which allways claims to be the defenders of that religion? From all and everybody? A state where only members of one religion is accepted as part of the defense forces? The very identitet of Israel is rooted in and explained by religion. And the list can be expanded ad i fintitum. How can you claim Israel to be secular state, what is your defintion of a secular state?


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Well, it’s been raised a lot of issues suddenly. No problem. My definition would have been same as yours I guess. I just stated the fact of how society currently looks and which way it progresses to my best knowledge and experience having boots on the ground so to say. Regarding the state and what laws stated it’s always better to google the issue. From what I know the people hold passports and citizenship regardless of their ethnicity or religion belief. This is simply a matter of fact. They often serve the military service or in the police force. Come over, speak to them to see that yourself. It’s so easy and the weather still good. Some drones are exploded in the sky high above you head though. Be aware of.

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Already the idea of the Zionist colonisation of Palestine was an extremisticaly secular one...

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Come on, when did this idea first come up? It's been a long time. Is it still relevant?

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Of course, it's not relevant that already the inventor of Zionism knew, beyond any doubt, that they'll have to ethnically cleanse the native population in order to create 'Erez Israel'.

With other words: go and inform yourself, finally, and PLEASE.

Here a recommended reading list:


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For this determination to return to the land of Israel, we can thank none other than the Europeans because who doesn't love a good pogrom? So the West has now shifted to sending aid to the Palestinians at the same time they send bombs to Israel and hold endless meetings trying to "stabilize" a situation that the West was instrumental in screwing up to begin with. For just these reasons, I prefer Sarcastosaurus as my news source for the greater Middle East.

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Hear, Hear! Thenks to Tom my head has not yet exploded from watch the daily gore score in the Near East. The whole trajectory of the Zionist state has a spooky echo of that failed experiment in Central Europe in the middle of the 20th Century. One could also conjure up the the divine mission English colonists were seeking in the New World, which required the disappearance of the Indigenous peoples. When God is on your side anything is possible.

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In fact Russians might have been the most significant impetus with respect to pogroms.

Now Balfour and company were the lot who gave an 'imprimatur' to the Zionist designs on Palestine. And Hitler later gave the 'West' the excuse to turrn a blind eye to the process of creating Israel. With the Soviets providing the weaponry.

However, Muslim nations weren't exactly the places of tolerance for and harmony with non-Muslims that many commenters seem to believe.

Over the centuries of Muslim domination there were cycles of tolerance (albeit in large part as second class citizens) and outright persecution and pogroms.

But, it is necessary to concede that by creating the Partition Plan the West did significantly exacerbate the situation.

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Wow. You see, you’re agree with me on the matter. Your’s “go inform yourself” combined with the link to your thoughts about middle eastern affairs might sound rude, don’t you find mr.sarcastic? Should I be grateful to you for such of valuable source? Nope, you are not the only one. Try to sell your stuff to someone who less informed. So long.

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You know what is the only thing rude here?

At least once a week, there's another arrogant drone coming here to ignore all the facts, and spread yet more venom based on blanc racism and religious intolerance.

Every time, regardless how arrogant that drone is, I'm giving him (rarely: her) a chance. (Almost) Every time they just continue ignoring all the facts, and spreading yet more of lies, fabrications and mythology - exactly like you are doing.

Enough is enough.

You have two options now: either you sit down and read at least some of the books listed on that link, and finally inform yourself, or you stop wasting my time by trying to impose your beliefs based on racism and racism-based prejudice.

One way or the other, unless you've decided to start informing yourself: please, be so kind and stop wasting my time.

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Thanks for the report. I must say that given what I feared this was not so large an attack. But yes, following this both parties can continue retalliating, threathening, posturing as defenders of whatever, curb their internal opposition, stay in power…and of course kill each other forever. Must have made some deal.

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Perhaps because this essentially is a particular form of political theater.

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Yes. But I was wondering about Bibis willingness to follow the script.

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Watching Daniel whats-his-name, Israeli IDF PR guy emphasize "precision strikes", over and over again, reminds me of a 5-year old bragging about his ability to hit his targets with a straw and spitballs.

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100 planes would be almost 1/3rd of the whole IAF. Accepting the premise this was a calibrated (modest) strike, do they have any way of "calibrating" something much bigger short of going nuclear? If so it seems to me show an untypical blindspot in their defense strategy; one wonders why have they never developed indigenous cheap conventional MRBMs like the Iranians. On the other hand, to really pummel Iran with what they've got, they'd have to do deeper strikes using F-35s, but that is the kind of proof of concept test guaranteed to give the US cold feet. More so than 40,000 dead Palestinians, probably.

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If there is F15 weapon to strike Iran , why UA does not have F16 equipment for frontline support against the same air Defence? Is Mig 31 the only threat that cannot be mitigated?

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Su35 and s400. It is quite big chance to be shotdown. Plus ua needs some long range missiles which can be used in russia first

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Woa... really, Marijo: what kind of obscenities you're asking about... tsk, tsk, tsk...

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Well I expected all kind of ballistic missiles, not 100+ airplanes flying over S300 sites , and with F15, not with F35s….

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No jets flew over any kind of S-300 SAM-sites. Actually, not one of manned Israeli jets approached to less than 75km from the Iranian border.

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1- UA didn't invest 40 years/hundreds of billions of dollars into cutting edge weapons systems and training for this exact mission

2- Iran's BEST air defenses are 30 year old.

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To add, about $3billion per year were US dollars

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100 seems to be a big number

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For 2.5 waves via Syria to Iran... not really. Mind that the IASF had to count on 'worst case scenarios'. Like, for example, IRIAF scrambling its F-14s and trying to intercept incoming IASF fighter-bombers over Iraq. It also had to keep in mind the (distant) possibility of the IRGCASF ambushing its incoming formations with SAMs deployed in iIraq. And it had to keep the Assadists suppressed. Therefore, at least 60% of jets involved (and, probably, more) were armed for air-to-air and DEAD/SEAD.

Of course, with IRGC in charge in Tehran, none of this is never going to happen. Still, when planning operations of this kind, the Israelis are 'throughout'.

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I intercepted information from a security analyst. Tom, I would like to know your opinion on his claim. "109 planes of a foreign country fly over 1,500 kilometers into Iran's airspace, bomb 19 targets on its territory - all military, without a single confirmed civilian casualty - and return safely without losing a single plane. 109 fighter jets are allowed to fly through Iranian airspace with impunity, and air defense can't shoot down even a single one? When you look at the list of aircraft used in formations, the necessity of overruns and maneuvers requiring a lot of fuel consumption, i.e. repeated refueling during the flight of almost a hundred aircraft, then not seeing in the lossless return terno requires a strong dose of inability to perceive things in proportions."

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Well, for the Israeli and Iranian "suits" [decision makers], there are few things better than being happy in your work! **dripping with sarcasm from an apprentice sarcastus** [LOL]

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According to the AP the strike in Hasbaya targeted a group of chalets rented by journalists covering the Lebanon invasion.

Originally the IDF stated it had targeted 'Hezbollah infrastructure' but later stated the attack was 'under review.'

One presumes after several days of 'review' (back in January it took three days to come up with the documentation when Hamza Al Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya were killed in a targeted drone strike) the IDF will publish documents 'found' in a village in South Lebanon 'proving' that the three journalists killed and the 28 wounded were all high level operatives in Hezbollah/IRGC/Hamas.

Of course, in the eyes of the IDF, any non-Israeli journalist in in the Middle East is at least a 'terrorist' sympathizer if not actually a 'card carrying' member of one of the numerous terrorist organizations dedicated to killing every Jew in the world...

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Good to see that Israels right to self defense continues with the tradition of constantly attacking ones neighbours.

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Thanks. a much clearer picture of a very unclear situation.

And do I presume any damage to the drone factory won't affect the war in Ukraine? I had thought all the Shaheds used by Putin were now produced in Russia. Is that still true?

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Yes, the mass of them are meanwhile various modified 'Geran-2s'.

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As an example of the IDF's constant claim that various journalists work with or are members of terrorist organizations there is Danny Cushmaro.

From Haaretz -

"Dany Cushmaro is probably the most recognizable television journalist in Israel. As one of the beloved anchors and journalists on Channel 12 – Israel's most popular news channel – he has been reporting on the Israel-Gaza war from the early hours of October 7, 2023. During the first few days, he was relatable. Sad and confused about how Hamas managed to execute its horrific attack on Israeli civilians, he took a critical stance, calling out the government for its failure to protect citizens in their homes.

But...Cushmaro has adjusted to the never-ending war by embedding with the Israeli military in Gaza and Lebanon. He has turned himself into a useful part of the propaganda machine.

Over the weekend, Channel 12 aired a 26-minute report by Cushmaro that ended with him being given the "honor" of pressing a button that would detonate explosives in a building in the southern Lebanese village of Ayta ash Shab. Cushmaros' enjoyment is visible, but in case anyone missed it, he turns to the camera and says: "Con't mess with the Jews.""

Obviously when Israeli journalists are direct propagandists for and directly participate in the IDFs operations, then any other journalists for those opposing (or even nominally neutral) must be legitimate targets as 'enemy agents.'

For example Shireen abu Alekh was accused for years fy the IDF of 'photographing security areas' which is presumably the reason she was assassinated (by an 'undetermined' Israeli soldier) in May of 2022.

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