Sep 5Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Many thanks Tom for this piece of History. Every Army from BC to day learn its trade researching the previous war, so isn’t out of place the comparison between Sinai

‘73 and Ukraine 2024.

Eagerly waiting next chapter.

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The consideration in studying the last war in order to learn its lessons is to learn the right lessons - France built the Maginot line based on what it had learned from WWI...

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... the Maginot line was a great success: the German military didn't even attempt to go through it! The only way to reach France was either through Belgium or Switzerland. Belgium was chosen again because its chocolate tastes better (!) & the Maginot line stopped at its border & didn't reach the Channel.

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Belgium is also not quite as mountainous...

he problem with the 'successful' Maginot Line was that it used a lot of capital that could have been spent to better effect elsewhere and had a very negative effect on French military thinking and planning.

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Sep 5Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Great stuff, Tom! Keep it coming!

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this is really quite good...

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Thx. Hope, it's useful.

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It's excellent 👍

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Great article!!!!

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Great explanation, thanks

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Very intersting. What I didnt know about these wars… but this is a little worrisome. Because if the SAM walls worked then, will it npt work now? Of course with drones you might simply overwhelm the defenders. Still. Are there any counters to walls? Eagerly awaiting next installation.

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Looking forward to the continuation!

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Thanks Tom. If I may side step a bit - Trio F. Member Kirby said that 90% of RU aircraft are now outside ATACMS range (implying authorizing use in RU to be ineffective). Methinks his comment smells... firstly because if it were ineffective, then it wouldn't be a dreaded 'escalation', and UA wouldn't be asking for it. Also what of the RU ballistic missiles? What are your thoughts?

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Great write, as Clausewitz said, its always a good thing to recall from chapters of history to teach about fundamental lessons of war as long as it is explained in detail

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Thanks Tom. Did Syria operate a SAM wall over Bekaa Valley in 1982? That seems to be most successful DEAD operation of all tome from my limited understanding.

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A sort of yes. BTW, the Israelis overpowered it by a mix of UAVs, decoy targets, artillery, and ballistic missiles. The air power played a relatively minor role.

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Sep 5Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Nice look back. I remember at the time seeing the report at the time of the shock the IAF got when they first ran into the Egyptian air defences in '73 and the problems they had overcoming them.

And on the ground the similar shcok when the Israeli armor ran into fairly well setup antitank defences.

A side bar in this is the note that it was US defence tech that enabled Israel to achieve much of its success in its victories over its opponents. Usually glossed over in accounts of the Israeli 'David' smiting its 'Goliath' enemies.

That also shows in the Israeli defence industry's focus on higher tech weaponry while relying on its allies to provide the artillery ammunition and 'dumb' bombs.

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Sep 6Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Thanks Tom this was very interesting good report

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Sep 6Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Those who do not learn from History are condemned to make the same mistakes again. Thanks for your the lessons so much in detail.. looking forward to learn more.

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Sep 7Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Very interesting, thanks a lot :-)

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I started reading The Arab-Israeli War of Attrition, Vol.3 a while ago and maybe in should jump to Vol.1 after it . I am tempted to read „1973: The First Nuclear War „ again !

When you say 20 SA-6s,you mean TELARs or 20 sites each one consisting of many TELARs , like 4 TELARs and a Radar vehicle ?

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