I was under the impression that mines primary role is not really to detonate under enemy vehicles, but slow them down by the sheer presence of the minefield, that needs to be cleared.

Of course we have a lot of footage from Ukraine showing tanks carelessly driving into a minefield, often one after another (and both Russians and Ukrainians).

Still, I thought that's more of an exception to the general rule. Was I wrong?

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There have been times when Russian sappers cleared minefields before an assault. Certainly, that was a critical and very dangerous job during Ukraine's 2023 offensive. If the Russian minefields didn't exist Ukraine would have made a lot more progress.

There are plenty of videos showing vehicles driving over mines. Except for Ukraine's offensive, almost all of them are Russian vehicles since the Ukrainian vehicles usually move and fire in friendly territory that was penetrated by Russian units.

I don't know of any case where a vehicle deliberately drove over a mine. There have been plenty of cases where the risk of mines were accepted. Mines slow down attacks by the threat of their existence or by the actual damage that they do. Mines can also be very effective when deployed in small numbers, depending on the terrain and other circumstances. There is absolutely a hope and expectation of enemy casualties when deploying mines.

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Russia seems to be weakening rapidly, and they banked their hopes on a external factor, Trump.

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No one knows exactly what Trump will or will not do, but as long as the sanctions remain in place Russia will continue to weaken.

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Thanks for the review Don! Moscow TV is very down on Trump, telling the viewers not expect any help from him. Of all the nonsense they throw out this could be true.

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One of the consistent attributes of Trump is that his ego influences his policy. Smart leaders work on his ego. Setting Trump up as anything but a respected friend is a mistake on Russia's part. Trump's also said that Ukraine shouldn't expect as much aid as it received under Biden, but Zelensky was working him before the election and continues to do so.

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Zelensky's skill set is perfect for manipulating Trump. Perhaps Russia is shaping the narrative against Trump because they know that when push comes to shove, he will despite his ego be forced to act against Russia's interests.

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That's possible. I guess we'll find out in the coming months.

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Don, I'm your dedicated reader. Show your personal attitude to the current processes.

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Which processes do you mean?

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Excellent work Don 👍. I am enlightened, as usual. Mine information particularly interesting.

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Very interesting video from Magyar's Birds.

Particularly the recovery/recycling of the explosives.

Last simmer in a conversation with a young Israeli-American (a technician with a acquifer locating company in SW Colorado - big Netanyahu fan not sure why he hadn't headed back for Gaza...) he spoke of being a kid at a 'settlement' in the West Bank where he and his friends salvaged explosives from unexploded ordinance to make 'firecrackers.' Apparently easy enough that kids can do it...

And it has been noted that the IDF provides Hamas and other militants a goodly percentage of their explosives through dud bombs.

Seems to be 'poetic justice' in both Ukraine and Gaza...

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I don't know when the recovery of explosives from duds first began but it was a common event during the Vietnam war.


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Thanks again Don and Tom for the updates, the depressing news on the Ukrainian Gen-Stab's repeated failures (WTF really!!3 years!) on force regeneration, unit training, lessons learned training and absorption WHICH is essential for combat efficiency and success is always a downer for anyone who wants the Ukrainians to survive and be pluralism/functioning democracy as a sovereign country.

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Looks a lot like the old Volcano system we used in the US.

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Thanks for the update Don your work is even more important now with the Syria development

FYI here is an update what was so far delivered from CZ (government donations and 3rd party + UA orders from CZ industry) https://www.ceskenoviny.cz/ukrinform/cesky/zprava.php?id=1272406

Just want to remind all of you that CZ was the first country crossing so called 'red' line with tanks and nothing changed we are so far still 2nd on a list of emenies of mighty ruzzia (it might happen that after Jan 20th we are going to be numero uno)

Assembly of BREN 2 assault riffle started in Nov https://mil.in.ua/en/news/bren-2-assault-rifles-enter-assembly-in-ukraine/, production of NATO standard small arms ammo is going to start soon

Just wonder how do CZ/Baltics/PL stands in comparation (%GDP) with traditional western democraties (FR, IT, ES, US...)

Not talking about private initiatives (everyone can donate not only CZ/SK)

https://www.zbraneproukrajinu.cz/ (1st delivery of private tank, MLRS, ..., now prepared delivery of Black Hawk and howitzers - funds are under process of collection)

https://www.postbellum.cz/international/ (delivery of medical, energy stuff, but also working on documentation of oral history in CZ/SK/UA...)

and many others

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