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Jan 22, 2024Edited
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Yes, I definitely meant A-50U. It could be that my brain was onto the next plane I was about to mention, the Il-22M, and I didn't catch the mistake.

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Armin van buuren mentioned probably due to Fire with fire composition

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Also, van Buuren is very similar to Burn.

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This makes the most sense, since that was a 2023 release. Another van buuren "We are here to make some noise..." could also apply. Слава Україні!

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Thanks all. I was hoping someone could explain it to me.

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Don, you defenitely need to party more! ;-)

It's a reference to a light show during a typical AvB live performance on stage.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9I0XPWin3c&t=1500s

P.S. And thank you so much for your consistent, meticulous and high-quality work!!

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I do. In my day, it was arena rock, although I did attend a weekend of Rock am Ring in Germany headlined by the Eurythmics and David Bowie.

I appreciate the enlightenment and I'm glad some of the news I provide is useful.

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Thanks Don . . .

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Thanks for the update Don

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Thanks Don.

Regarding Armin van Buuren I would guess the following: He was very often performing in Ukraine including even one of his ASOT jubilee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoOJ0_JEPTw

Trance music in general and especially he is using the effect of nearly pitch black episodes that start with a real bang from both noise and visual like you see in the video linked above around 0:22. That has a very similar fashion.

Next to that trance in general has lots of flying, drone videos and birds in general in its themes.

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I think that Ukrainian drones are getting much better and not only in terms of range. The attack on Novatek’s facility near St. Pete is probably the most effective attack on an industrial facility up to now. Before the Zaporizhia counteroffensive, ZSU had a period of trying intensively to hit oil depots and refineries in Russia but the results were meager. The targets were hit but with quite limited damage. Some oil tanks even were not penetrated by the explosives. Now the St Pete and Klyntsi attacks showed quite more powerful drones.

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Спасибо за работу

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Curbing oil production and/or exports will be a long shot but curbing refining capacity (albeit currently it is in a big excess) and chemical production is realistic.

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....and near-certain to be much more effective, too.

Just for example: the way to Iraq knocking Iran out of the Iran-Iraq War was to knock out Iranian refineries. When these were damaged to the degree that Iran couldn't produce refined fuels, Tehran was forced to give up.

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But what about Ukraine? I’ve always wondered how it gets its supply of diesel and gasoline. Its refining capacity was destroyed early in the war if I’m not mistaken. Is everything supplied from abroad?

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Yes, we only had a few (two, I guess?) refineries, so the majority of diesel and gasoline was imported anyway. Before the war a lot of fuel was imported from Belarus, nowadays its from Lithuania, Poland and other western countries.

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Have described this the last year. Essentially, Ukraine bought so many fuel bowsers (or 'truck cisterns') that it could be said, it's running 'fuel supply on wheels'.

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Thank you very much. A very interesting text.

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Those Ukrainian oligarchs preserved democracy. If any person became too powerful, all the others would join against him and pull him down.

In Belarus oligarchs had no chance to appear. In Russia they got in part destroyed, in part controlled by Putin. You see how democratic those countries became. Now the Ukrainian government is suppressing the oligarchy in the name of the war.

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That's an interesting perspective I haven't thought of.

So, raising the competition between *more* rich people would be an answer to power concentration within a very small amount of oligarchs?

Not easy to achieve in a closed economy where the "status quo" will fight any newcomer trying to accumulate money and influence.

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More people are much harder to organize. That's why democracy is usually delegative. 100 or 200 rich persons cannot find a way to get rid of a tyrant. 10 very rich people that control much of a country's economy often can.

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This site is all about talking cr*p about the Russians. They are an easy target. Ukraine loses 1 tank, Russia loses a million. Why don't you report what Arestovich said about the genesis of this war and the real problems underlying this crises ? It is all just black and white. Russia bad, NATO good.

Try talking about the genocide happening in Gaza with US support and you'll be shut down real quick.

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Thanks for creating this analytics.

One note "In the summer of 2022, Ukraine passed a law that said no one could own a media outlet if they met three of four criteria". Ukraine hasn't forbid, he or she can own a media but one will be added to the oligarch list (that influence your reputation only)

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One more note )

"western Ukraine" - there is no Western Ukraine, there is West of Ukraine.

Western Ukraine is a russian's propaganda term (often used by Ukrainians).

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Armin van Buren is referenced to light effects which appeared like on DJ's own shows..

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