"There is a report that the diameter of some North Korea shells is slightly smaller than they should be, allowing gasses to escape up the sides of the shell (instead of pushing it from the base of the shell) and leading to some barrels exploding."

Why does a barrel explode when the pressure is lower? Also, UA soldiers noted that the new shells are much quieter, harder to take cover in time when it arrives.

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Nov 20, 2023
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Indeed, pressure around the shell would actually decrease due to Bernoulli effect.

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Too small diameter projectiles accelerate the wear process significantly because propellant gas can escape beyond the projectile and cause significant higher wear effect by basically destabilizing the projectile in the barrel.

See 2.2. in this document: https://www.google.at/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiLramsjdOCAxUg_7sIHdvZDgYQFnoECA0QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sto.nato.int%2Fpublications%2FSTO%2520Meeting%2520Proceedings%2FRTO-MP-AVT-109%2FMP-AVT-109-16.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0zEHC0Mkpf0hDb0PnbliVS&opi=89978449

So yeah it won't cause catastrophic failure immideatly but wear failure (which can lead to catastrophic failure) at a much higher rate.

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Why are we deleting a comment now if it is disproved by facts? On this platform the comments (and replies) don't go away this way and neither do the facts...

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There is an entire long (very) thread on this Polish book. You can find details here -https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1725933064985993539.html . It is in Ukrainian though.

I love this one (and agree on the take): 156/ Автор наголошує, що дружба між Дудою та Зеленським була короткою через людську відмінність: "Дуда - інтелігенція з Кракова, Зеленський - хуліган з Кривого Року [так зване східняцьке бидло]". Через це Зеленський переграв Дуду.

translated. 156/ The author says that the friendship between Duda and Zelensky was short through the popular remark: “Duda is an intelligentsia from Krakow, Zelensky is a hooligan from Kryvyi Rig [that’s the name of the swindling bully].” Through this Zelensky outplayed Duda.

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As a Czech, i can agree what you are writing about battle for the heavens. I can also recommend funding them (Perun group) . Im watching them since february, even I sent them money few times, they are real. Link for their fund page is in Don's link (donio.cz....) can be paid by card or wired...

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Thanks for report.

Russians introduced claster guided bombs. How will it influence on front?

What is drone situation from Ukrainian side ? Ukraine also started mass production of FPV drones. And what particular sections of front are the most attacked by Russian drones? At least over Kherson and part of left bank ZSU have drone superiority, don't they?

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So is the Russian drone superiority on other fronts because Ukraine is massing its drones in support of the Dnipro crossing?

And might the Russians then mass them over Kherson soon?

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The use of AI equipped loitering munitions is just claimed, not confirmed by anything. Autonomous direct action via AI object detection is a controversial argument, illegal by EU and US directives as they fall in the definition of Autonomous Lethal Weapons, raising lots of ethical, reliability and responsibility issues. I know probably russians couldnt care less but i still hope they are just claiming it, not really doing it.

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There would be some semi-autonomous more probably - just a precautions against jamming. Often, jamming occurs when the drone gets near the target (because the jamming device is close to the target). So, in the semi-autonomous mode, the operator highlights the target and when drone is near the target and jammed, it would still be able to continue and hit the (even moving) target. Note: Storm Shadow missiles and some others have similar technology.

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Looks like Tom finally realised what a bullshit were his reports and just decided not to continue

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