Thanks Don,

Somehow I doubt that the situation is getting better for Ukrainian troops. All of the Western equipment and shells are of course helping but without a substantial improvement in the air defenses ZSU will ultimately be bombed out of its positions…

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True, but I hope that air defenses as well as means of attacking Russian Airforce is part of the equipment.

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That's one of Ukraine's greatest challenges, for sure. As Hans said, the allies need to supply more air defense systems and missiles and Ukraine needs to press forward with their drone offensive.

The Wild Hornets say their AI terminal guidance for their FPV drones should be active on the front lines this summer. I can only hope that terminal guidance for strategic drones is not far behind. There was a large number of Ukrainian drones that attacked static targets in Novorossiysk. Now imagine the same amount headed for an airbase with terminal guidance.

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Early morning Don. Thanks for the great write up again .

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Thanks for the update. Your description of the static situation of the war summarizes it nicely. Might reuse that.

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Thank you so much for putting things in a perspective. « The mental challenge is to withstand the emotional toll over the next couple of years as these trends manifest themselves.«  This is so true. Especially when Russian disinformation and Western blabla and Global South’s concerns only about itself are joining in. And press for business as usuel. Things will never be as « before ». —- Wars are fought on so many fronts. The Ukrainian industry and its production also have to be able to fonction. How to find the right balance is a major question.

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Yes great write up…appreciate the information!

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Thanks Don on to #2

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