Don, sometimes I have a look at Supernova’s telegram account. I think he was one of the first Ukrainians to start showing videos from Oleshky - the very first operations across Dnipro - and suddenly his subscribers increased. It is quite obvious that he doesn’t have original content but “steal”? What - maps, casualty data, Andrew’s tweets?

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That post by Andrew is the first I was aware of the issue.

In the OSINT world, there is a flow of information that starts with a soldier or someone who interviews the soldier. Many people that receive that information simply pass it on to boost the signal. Others pass it on with an explaination of the information. Others, such as Andrew, Tartarigami, DeepState and others, take a lot of data, combine/process it, and present it (sometimes with commentary) to provide a different perspective and scale. That takes a lot of work and it's understandably frustrating if someone presents that work without acknowledging who actually did the work. It's even more frustrating if someone is profiting while doing so.

What I try to do is gather all the work others have done and consolidate some of it with an explanation. My acknowledgement for the sources is the links I provide. When I further process the works of DeepState and Andrew with additional info and create my own maps, I occasionally acknowledge them in case readers wish to look at their work. My objective is to encourage engagement and understanding of a situation with worldwide impact.

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Great write up thanks!!

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