You should read New York Times article of today.Ukrainians on the North are under a lot of pressure.

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Yup, the NYT is the best source on this war... 🙄

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It is a source.

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Sorry but: NYT is no 'source'.

It's 'entertainment & opinions based on editor's preferences and sold as "news"'.

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You are going to say that they are pro Russian.

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Why should I?

One needs not being 'pro-Russian' to sell entertainment and opinions as 'facts'. Is a norm in the US media ever since the 'Boston Massacre' of 1770. At least since Joseph Pulitzer created the yellow press, back in the 1890s.

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So they spread pro Russian propaganda in the American public in order to be entertaining?Highly unlikely.

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Nickname is "New Orc Times". You'll never read an article that the Russians are suffering, to blame, under pressure or whatever. They are 100% focussed writing negative articles on Ukraine. I had to cancel my subscription.

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You mean the New Ork Times as NAFO started to call it lately? Their highly "objective" opinion articles can cause cancer you have to fact check and debunk every single paragraph. I hate it.

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You should read multiple sources as well as evaluate the accuracy of previous reports of said sources. Then make a judgement. If you did this you'd realise the NYT kinda makes shit up depending on it's mood of the direction the war is going. Remember the doomsday column 100 miles long that was going to take Kyiv in 2022?

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TOM: centuries ago (23 years) I was able to get my hands on LILAC OIL via trade for my Raspberry Cordial at a Renaissance Faire in California. Lots of claims and hard to believe stuff was said, but in the end the Lilac oil made a big difference in the chronic pain I was suffering from. I lost track on this person shortly thereafter so I was never able to get more when my supply ran out.

Just a thought is worth a thought.

.....OBVIOUSLY its for your hands!!!!!! DUH!!!!!!! (o:

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May 13Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Thank you so very much, both of you. It makes so much sense the way you explain it, Tom. Illusion. ----- And yes, so many missed opportunities for the Ukrainians.

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May 13Liked by Sarcastosaurus

What about this: russian do not care about surprise. They are capable to outbomb, outhumanwave, outpush. By simple, predictable, continuous pressure. Aside of the initial attack, this is the first thing that works to gain land for their perspective. They see Ukraine not mobilized, low on ammo. They simply use the general situation to exercise even more pressure and tie down even more defending units.

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May 13·edited May 13Author

Yesno. It's really an illusion that they can win this war.

It's like with the Iranian Shi'a clerigy and IRGC during the Iran-Iraq War: in their case, their ideology taught them that they 'had to prove' (to Allah) that they're trying hard enough. And as long as they were trying hard enough, it was 'clear' they would 'win'.

In the Russian case - and that of Pudding-fans abroad and Bothsideists - it's 'we're winning as long as we're attacking'. That's creating the illusion of 'we're going to be victorious'.

....because that's all what matters to them. Just like his TV-appearances are all that matters to Pudding - which is why he has no political program, but is meanwhile 'confirmed as president' for the fifth time.

The moment they realise they can't win is going to be like a house of cards...

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Hello Tom Cooper, do you really think Putin cannot win this war? Even if the one with the hair goes in charge and more EU countries will push for peace talks? So you still have faith in the human kind?

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The fact Russia can't win doesn't mean the West can't screw up. It only means that Russia can't win: the rest of the outcome is still open.

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May 13Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Thank you Don, get well Tom.

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May 13Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Great write up. Ty Tom and Ty Don for keeping us informed.

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May 13·edited May 13Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Tom, please, keep yourself safe, for God's sake!

... and stop smoking :P

Imagine how many more models you could buy instead!

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Happy to read that all is good....even better than good...

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Thanks Tom. Yes, the level of surprise of the Kharkiv offensive is nil. Unfortunately, that was the case with the Zaporizhiya offensive by ZSU last year….

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This new russian offensive reminder -by some ways- the german offensive of Ardenne 1944-45

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How’s that? The Russian aren’t desperate as the Germans were… The Russians have the initiative and are constantly making small gains despite fierce resistance of mighty superhero Ukr army… They can impose their will whenever and wherever they want, and it’s the Ukrainians who have to ajust…

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More like Kursk of 1943.

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You right! ...I forgotten Operation Citadelle...

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Thank you for your time, Tom and Don!

RE hurting hands: Have you tried speech-to-text programs? I've heard sarcasm is much better when spoken...

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@ Don

As I read the article I became increasingly uneasy and puzzled because I thought, what the hell happened to Don, he already thinks and writes like Tom - then I got it :-)


I also think you are biased, not because of this example, but because you constantly present examples like that, giving the impression that the Russians are idiots and the Ukrainians are smart and that exactly this difference also shows on the battlefield and in the statistics and the course of the war in general.

I do not believe you. The basic trend may be correct, but both sides are suffering heavy losses and, above all, it seems that the Russians can hold out their bungling longer than the Ukrainians can keep up their defence. That's why the Russians keep doing this: they don't care about the costs, only the end result - and damn it I don't understand why you're so smug about it.

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Whenever it happens you - or anybody else with similar opinions about my 'bias' - can tell me something about Army General Gareev, and that without googling as first, I'll start listening to you in serious, too.

Until then, I simply see no point in wasting my time with your complaints - because you don't understand what am I talking about. Indeed: you do not even try to understand.

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I think it's very nice that despite everything you always take the time to answer, even if in many cases - like mine - it must be difficult because it is so obviously hopeless.

Of course I don't know this general, I have no knowledge of military matters and I don't pretend to. Nevertheless, I am interested in getting an idea of the situation in Ukraine because I consider this war to be important and depressing. Our loyalty to Ukrainians is perhaps the only thing that unites us.

But precisely because I think that you know quite a lot about these things and I am therefore very interested in your opinion (more than in most of what is available in the media), I am quite often disappointed by the weighting of topics, the kind of presentation and the sometimes questionable conclusions that do not always meet the standard of objective reporting.

If this criticism is too personal for you, then I accept that. But I don't say this out of resentment or malice, but because I have the feeling that you would be capable of much more if you would pull yourself together sometimes.

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I am here to learn , but the can’t quite square the circle of contradictions that i read by Tom that on the one hand Ukraine are critically short on weapons and ammo and fresh troops and therefore are losing , and on the other hand he says they are not going to lose..

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Speaking of delusions… The most delusional thing is to think Russia can’t win this war… If things didn’t go well at first (as they didn’t) that doesn’t mean Russia hasn’t learned and therefore winning right now…

Based on what Russia can’t win this war? Maybe because they didn’t overrun the biggest country in Europe aided by the whole West (regardless of the quantity and quality of weappons, which btw included very sophisticated systems like Javelins, Patriots, MiG-29s…) Ukraine (which was actually never their goal) in first six months with only 200-250 thousand man?

Maybe because Ukraine retook territories only after they were previously abandoned by the Russians or barely defended?

Nah, I think it’s based on Ukrainian super successfull summer counteroffensive hahaha

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God, Russian boots must taste good!

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We'll talk again in a couple of years.

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When I said you enjoy the killing of people you said nah. But now you're all haha, although there is no reason for that.

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Is stupidity your midle name?

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May 14Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Insulting people doesn't make you smarter. Nor winner.

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VSFR It's better to kill yourself than surrender to the enemy. https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1790001330821411218

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As it turns out, being sarcastic and being clever are not the same thing.

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May 13Liked by Sarcastosaurus

Thanks, I think you're really on to something with that "illusion of victory" thinking.

Will be interesting to follow this Kharkiv offensive. Seems like the actions of someone who was told "You can't expect to solve your problems by banging your head against the wall" and responded "Yeah!? Watch me!" and then starts banging away. Fully expecting it to solve his problems, to the point where everyone around starts questioning their own sanity for thinking otherwise.

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