Thank you very much. A very intersting read. Every little piece contributed to see the whole picture.

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I wondered the Russians use 40-150 bombs per day. Every bomb contains at least 250 kg, high explosive staff. So every day the Russians use from 10 to 37.5 tonnes of high explosive staff. But sometimes they use 500 kg bombs or even 1500 kg bombs. The last time the Russians claims to use 9000 kg bomb caliber. So the everyday consumption of high explosive staff must be more than 10-37,5 tonnes.

And some questions don't give me rest. When the bombs were produced? Can the Russians set up the production of explosives in such an amount?

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I think, these bombs are old bombs from stocks. They didn;t use them massive before so they have enough :(

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Yes, it could be true. So after some time, we'll notice a rapid decrease of using glide bombs. The Soviet Union have made a lot of weapon. My AK was made in 1988 and has a seventh digit number. Every year the USSR product 10 millions AKs. It's not suprusing if the USSR produced 10k FAB-250 or more. But it's a bit questionable. The last decades the Russia sold out many weapons to Africa, to Asia, to South America. As far as I know ZU-23 was sold to Africa in many tenth thouthands.

I'm sorry if my language has a lot of mistakes.

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Your language works quite well. Broken English written by us all here! Thank you for the information.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

Think you missed this one:


Apparently Trump and Orban have a great idea on how to end the war in Ukraine fast. Then a few other wars can end fast. And then the war in Hungary can end fast. Truly great thinkers, if only people have though of that - everyone surrenders to the guy with the most naked chest pictures and then there is no war. Brilliant!

Bur in reality, Trump has already stopped all money to Ukraine before he's even president so there's nothing more for him to do on that front. There are 300 republicans, it just takes 3 of them to defy Trump and sign a discharge petition. There are certainly more than 3 of them talking how they support Ukraine, and yet zero of them have done anything about it. That kind of tells me everything there is to know about "American democracy"

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I wonder, if Hungary wouldn't be in NATO and EU, would it be a sort of Belarus? Because this is how it looks like. As for the USA, don't judge them in European terms. It's a very different society. We here forget that the USA has more killings by guns per year than all the civil victims of the war in Ukraine so far, and still they won't fix this anytime soon. They have the politicians their society produces. If their society likes Trump, we have to cope with it. I guess it is still going to be better in Europe than in the USA (except if Trump gives free hand to Putin in the whole Europe, which cannot be excluded also.) https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/

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Whether you like it or not, the Ukraine is 100% dependent on the USA. The USA holds all of the cards for forcing Ukrainians to the negotiating table and ending the war.

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So, any details on that statement? What specifically is the US giving Ukraine right now that you believe is so important?

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I'm not sure this is a serious question. Maybe you should look at public statements plus what was revealed in the Pentagon leaks.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

And maybe you should calculate the totals instead of looking for the media highlights.

Funding and cost of weapons pledged on the war so far (https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/)

EU - 144B

US - 68B

Others (mostly Japan, Norway and Canada) - 40B

Furthermore, most of US aid stopped months ago, while EU aid is just now picking up steam.

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US aid has not ended and it would be fun to see 600k Ukrainian conscripts kicking around without round-the-clock satellite imagery and intel briefings from the USA, but in general I like your line of thinking. The "civilized rules based garden of Europe ubermenchen" have this one, I'm fine with you taking up the white man's burden ;)

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Watch the video of Biden if you thought he was senile. Far from it.

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My dear that is called being pumped up on stimulants. I know because I was prescribed them for years. It's very obvious that Biden is jacked up on something prior to public speaking, that's partly why his behavior is all over the place.

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Just look at Biden talking and Trump talking. Which one looks drugged and which one looks sane?

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Trump at the very least, can string a sentence together without a teleprompter. And he did not drag the USA into any new wars during his presidency.

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Pu-er tea works well enough. Did you try drinking it?

(though you should use the Chinese method of brewing: put up to 5 grams of the tea into a small coffee cup, pour in a little hot (about 85* C) water, twice as much as needed to cover the tea. Wait for 5-10 seconds, drink, repeat with hotter water and longer brewing. After 5 or so cycles you ingest enough caffeine to stay awake for half a day.

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Thanks for the update. Regarding the Kerch bridge you wrote: They estimated it would take 10-20 missiles to destroy the Kerch bridge. The vehicle and train portions of the bridge were repaired in three months but they cannot carry their designed weight. Destroying ammo depots in Crimea would be much easier…https://www.kyivpost.com/post/29004 This may be correct, but the symbolic effect of taking down the Kerch bridge would be way larger. On both sides.

Otherwise I think Austria needs some change in leadership. But they are not unique there.

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Thanks for the very informative reports, lets hope the UAF can get a handle on the Russian aerial assaults and bombing, all in all the Ukrainian's are hold fairly well, and when artillary shell reach them it will be better

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Great update.

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Almost two decades later, there's still a tiny drill sergeant living in the back of my brain that screams profanities whenever anyone on a drone video in Ukraine bunches up... even orcs.

There are some basic combat hygiene practices I strongly believe ought to be taught to schoolchildren. Two meter separation at all times, people. Pretend it's a pandemic. Only instead of viral particles, you're dealing with exploding birds.

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And yes, I know 5 meters is standard. But you have to adjust for the intensity of the situation. Real hard to communicate with a team member when artillery is crashing if they're too far out. This is Ukraine, not Iraq...

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

It's popular for Europeans to argue "US aid stays in the US" - the problem is that this is bread taken from the taxpayer's mouth, and further adds to the debt, which under Biden increases by $1 trillion every 100 days. I'm old enough to remember when "$10 trillion" was a comically high number for national debt. What Biden has sent to his cronies in the Zelensky regime would have been more than enough to fund student debt forgiveness.

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So you will for yuan or euro to replace dollar as the main international currency, thanks to the isolationist policy? Then the US will not be able to fund its economy by printing more green slips. You are collecting the inflation tax from all around the world because people think that "the US is stronk" and its currency is as stable as the skies. As soon as people start despising the US all those already printed dollars will return to the country skyrocketing the inflation.

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I don't disagree but the way to keep the Petrodollar strong was to not weaponize it. That ship has sailed. The best Americans can do is brace ourselves to the impact. I don't relish the idea of my VA pension becoming worthless in my lifetime but that's where we are.

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The power vacuum cannot last long, as they say in Russia: "A sacred place never stays empty". If the US cedes from enforcing the rules of the game, others will take its place for sure.

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And Americans should care... why?

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Because their economy is powered by dollars which have their current value only because they are used all around the world as a reserve currency. Once another country starts ruling the world, its currency becomes preferable to USD, and all those dollars from all over the world flow into the US. And you remember the law of supply and demand - when there is too much supply of something its price falls.

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Which country is going to rule the world and become the preferred international currency, and how does the USA accelerating its own collapse with a forever war in Ukraine prevent this from happening?

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Oh dear, today dollar is not the same as in 50 year ago. That's called the inflation. You should watch debt / GDP - that has increased during COVID (i.e. Trump presidency) and is slowly declining or stagnate since then.

Of course, every $ used in military is kind of vasted if you believe the world is peaceful place. But the war in Ukraine is a good PR for US arms (and Russia is out of business), so paid deals to US manufacturers have sharply increased, too.

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Yes great that the USA has killed over 4.5 million people since 2001 but that is of no use to American taxpayers who to this day still do not have affordable healthcare, adequate transportation, or even the ability to walk outside without being victimized by random criminals from across the border.

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Man, do you have the statistics on criminals "from across the border" vs "home-grown"?

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FBI crime statistics suggest there is very little actual difference between the imported and "home grown" criminals. But "catch and release" justice preferred by democrats is ineffective at both.

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Would you please prove your opinion with links to original research or facts?

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No but you are welcome to look it up yourself if you're THAT interested in American crime statistics lol

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US student debt seems to be estimated at 1.7T

US Ukraine aid is 68B, which would not make a dent in that number.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

So, tracked down some numbers that may put the US situation in perspective:

Money pledged on the war so far (https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/)

EU - 144B

US - 68B

Others (mostly Japan, Norway and Canada) - 40B

Cost of past US "special military operations"

Iraq - between 1900B and 2300B


Afghanistan - 2200B


So, the US blew 4 Trillion for zero result. Now they're being stingy for less than 2% of that ammount. In the meantime, a big chunk of EU funding is locked in for the future and seems quite adequate to satisfy the US shortfall.

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No teleprompter in the speech linked by the article.

But there is no point to this. Anyone who can't see that Trump talks like a raving lunatic is not going to be persuaded by anything I say.

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Can ukraine do the same that the russians are doing with glide bombs? and also are the su-34s that are being shotdown that is carring the bombs?

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Ukraine neither has modern airplanes able to defeat Russian interceptors nor can suppress the Russian long-range air defense.

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using glide bombs from high altitude (necessary for a long trip to the target) requires a clear sky from ground-based anti-air rockets, and air superiority enemy fighters. Both conditions aren't satisfied at the moment

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Lets get someone to make ECSTASY in gaseous and water soluble form. Unless that on the ORCS just before a big assault and just roll through all the FUCKING ORCS.............WOOO-WHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

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