Thanks for the update, and the previous ones. Far as I understand no changes in what is happening. Russia attacks, with limited/no success. In the Kharkiv area they seem to be on their way to loosing all. Otherwise Russia is under immense strain, But holding so far. Still the combined weigth of economic presserende, attacks on strategic targets and unrest several places does take a toll. I think the Dagestan attacks are very dangerous, they were also do by persons who by local standards were well of. Not your standard young lonely aggressor.
8,17% de inflación anual?, acá en Argentina vamos a tener una inflación anual superior al 120% y una caída del PBI de 5%, y sin guerra, gracias Milei (sarcasmo).
Thanks for the update, and the previous ones. Far as I understand no changes in what is happening. Russia attacks, with limited/no success. In the Kharkiv area they seem to be on their way to loosing all. Otherwise Russia is under immense strain, But holding so far. Still the combined weigth of economic presserende, attacks on strategic targets and unrest several places does take a toll. I think the Dagestan attacks are very dangerous, they were also do by persons who by local standards were well of. Not your standard young lonely aggressor.
They want to forbid wearing niqab
Wonder if that will reduce tensions?
Should increase by showing that even Muslim church (or how it is called) in Russia is totally subservient to the state.
8,17% de inflación anual?, acá en Argentina vamos a tener una inflación anual superior al 120% y una caída del PBI de 5%, y sin guerra, gracias Milei (sarcasmo).
120%? That's awful. Any signs of improvement?
Ninguna, al menos que cambien de gobierno.
Thanks Don