Liars liars pants on fires! Gee whiz--PSU needs to do much better. This hurts my brain and their diminished reputation?

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My gosh, the nuke was a scam. Who would have thought?

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Let me clarify, if the Goodyear blimp was pulled from mothballs and dropped on Kyiv, if Ukrainian wanted to call it an ICBM, I’m fine with that. When the Russians implies the exercise as a threat to the West, that they are really serious in responding to long range missiles being aimed at them and “The News” regurgitates that line, I say okay, maybe firing ping-pong balls from a ballistic missile might not be the best way of achieving you end.

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One and only- Tom Cooper ✅🔝🙏

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More political theater, dangerous of course, but political theater nonetheless. Geez.

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Full credit for investigative journalism.

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Thanks for the update, could a SM3 IIA try to hit the RS-26 ? , Afaik, the SM3 advanced block has ABM capability. kind regards

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Yes it can, midcourse, exoatmospheric interception. And it is deployed at AEGIS sites in Romania and Poland.

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Vaya nos engañaron...

Cómo dicen por ahí, la mentira anda corta de misiles.

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Sigh. But the freakout goes on. And on. And on. Why is it a crime to slap stupid people?

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It doesnt help and sooner or later some doctor needs to fix your hand.

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Thanks a ton, Tom, as always.

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Cue: Hooray For Hollywood!

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Thanks Tom, the scare of Russian ICBM launch/strikes is for the consumption of the easily manipulated "emotional fear" people around the world. Looking for more updates from you and Don, etc and not of the "Russia is strong" easily frighthened people.

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Only a russian would bring a gun to fistfight he is winning. Well, "winning".

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Shouldnt it be whining?

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You seem to have a strong grasp of military affairs. You'd be best advised to stick to objective analysis of military backs-and-forths in the Ukraine theater and stop calling Putin or any other politician by derogatory names. It diminishes your otherwise fine analyses.

I am not 100-years old but perhaps the poor bastards who marched to their deaths in the killing fielsf of Belgium-France-Germany were as Manichean as folks are today. We all know what happened. Worse monsters were created and came to haunt us all.

So stop with the names and concentrate on your analysis--objective and to-the-point. Otherwise, why pay you?? NO?

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by best will, I'm also advised that/to,

- stop publishing because I'm entirely clueless;

- absolutely clueless about international diplomacy;

- have no trace of clue about military affairs;

- not to publish what I know for free, because I know too much;

- to establish a 'subscribers only' section of my blog for my analysis of military affairs;

- not to comment about Arab-Israeli War (in particular) because I'm an anti-Semite;

- that I'm a... spie... of the CIA, MI6, BND, HNA, Mossad/AMMAN, Mukhbarat, MIT, SAVAK/MI, al-Qaeda, RAW, NISA, OSS, MILFs, KGB/FSB, DRS, DDIS, FACT, MILFs, ÖAMTC, ARBÖ...

- to stop working for about 40 different intelligence services I'm said I'm working for;

- to work for for at least one or another of about 40 different intelligence services I'm said I'm working for;

- not to visit Iran, Syria, Jordan, or 'the neighbourhood' (because IRGC's judge Salvatti issued an arrest warrant for me);

- and I'm also renowned as a racist, a hired mercenary, an imperialist text-writer, MuckRack, Russo-phobe, Serbia-hater, inferiority-complex-ridden pro-Occidental dinosaur, US-Ukronazi mouthpiece, and (worst of all) a journalist...

Curiously, this is what precisely the characters say about me that have obviously found it too hard to comprehend they're reading a blog named SARCASTOSAURUS, and/or to 'google' for 2-3 minutes and find out this: https://www.helion.co.uk/people/tom-cooper.php

Me thinks, it's about the time for all the people thinking that way to seat together and discuss what are they going to demand from me. Perhaps they can arrange something like a weekly meeting of Anonymous Tom-Cooper-holics or similar.

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that I'm a... spie... of the CIA, MI6, BND, HNA, Mossad/AMMAN, Mukhbarat, MIT, SAVAK/MI, al-Qaeda, RAW, NISA, OSS, MILFs, KGB/FSB, DRS, DDIS, FACT, MILFs, ÖAMTC, ARBÖ...

I knew it! You ARE fascinated by MILFs, when mentioning them twice!

(in case you need some help with working on MILFs, send me a personal note, I have some capacity left...)

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Well spotted!

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Yes, where I'm sure you know that one MILF stands for the Moro Islamist Liberation Front, and the other is actually 'short' for Moro Islamic Liberation Front–Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (MILF-BIAF)...

...both in the Philippines... :P

...and mind: MILFs are an equal opportunities employer...

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I think you lost me! I am not so woke. All I said was: use analytical language and refrain from calling Putin, Biden, your neighbor, etc etc etc. I enjoy reading your stuff and appreciate That you are rooting for Ukraine. But drop the funny name calling. Hope I am clear.

And don’t call me mate, ok bro???

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You forgot the worst part: You are Austrian and therefore basically Hitler....

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Ah yes, I've forgotten the 'most famous Austrian ever....'

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How about you rein in your overblown ego?

Your are neither his trustee nor is he your paper boy.

I am glad that Tom Cooper and his expertise exists in complete contrast to the bullshit I get usually from some self acclaimed experts (some even from the military)

I wouldn't even dream about telling him what to do.

We all can decide for ourselves what to believe and what not.

If you don't like it, don't read it.

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Oskar, Ego or not has got nothing with

anything. You are neither here, nor there!

I am a right wing American Republican who is tired as shot of the dominant media (subscribe to the FT, Foreign Affairs, Bloomberg, etc). And I found their war analysis totally one-sided and in short, nothing but unadulterated bull shit.

I think Ukraine has lost; Russia has won. And of you read history, Russia always loses at first and then comes back at you and wins. Why? Because they are a Hun race!

They are used to depravations from the time of czars. They are a nation of czars and serfs. But the fact that we in the West tried to get close to their front yard as close as we could, contrary to the wisdom of old line realpolitik folks like Zbib Brezinski, Brent Scowcroft, Jim Baker, was an utter mistake.

We as the Russians as well as the Chinese need to have well defined spheres of influence and not overstep.

The neocons got us into trouble and funnily, they are Democrats now!

Biden upped the ante with the missiles and the supine Europeans took it all up with no KY Jelly!

Europe is the biggest loser in all this.

And one rhetorical thought for you and others:

It has been some 80-years since someone used a nuclear device. Statistically, it makes no sense. It is an outlier and not a bell curve.

I would not be surprised if Putin dropped a small tactical weapon in Western Ukraine (Lviv?). And let the winds take care of the rest.

We in America will NOT come to assist Europe as we have our issues to doc in our country. Besides, technically, Putin did not attack NATO.

Finally, I am surprised that Eastern European are so pro-war. We live in California but you guys live in that messed up low growth, Muslim immigrant nations with little economic growth. Be careful what you wish for. Germans are the biggest losers as they now buy expensive LNG from us and are now HIV positive in their economic machine.

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"And of you read history, Russia always loses at first and then comes back at you and wins. "

Except it is not true at all. Did you even bothered to study Russian history?

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Another idiotic take:

"Finally, I am surprised that Eastern European are so pro-war. We live in California but you guys live in that messed up low growth, Muslim immigrant nations with little economic growth"

Eastern Europe economic growth is very good. Poland's economy in the last 30 years grew more than most countries in the world (it's similar to how South Korea was growing, starting 3 decades earlier).

There are barely any Muslim immigrants in the Eastern Europe too.

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"And of you read history, Russia always loses at first and then comes back at you and wins." - It seems that it is you who should read history first. At least about Crimean War, Russo-Japanese, WWI, War in Afghanistan, First Chechen war, etc.

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In my whole life I did rarley read that much nonsense in one place. I don't have to repeat all the well placed arguments other people already wrote.

The world isn't the playground for some megalomaniac idiots.

"Gollum" (Pudding, Putin) wants to turn back the clock of history. For him the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century weren't both WWs but the decay and split up of the USSR. That alone tells me more than enough about his mindset.

If your concept of lasting and ever valid 'spheres of interest' were true, the USA would have never come to existence.

The Russians have nothing to do with the Huns. You mix that up with the Mongolians, as some parts of Muscovian high aristocracy have mongolian roots.

Great powers come and go, but history doesn't know anything at all about a permanent comeback of former great powers. That is nothing, but another myth.

The Eastern European states have so much experience with the soviet yoke, that they don't wish to repeat that experience. That this is a surprise for you shows me very clearly, that your knowledge of history has room for improvement.

About the small nuke. That would completely open pandora's box. Each country which could afford would rush to get nuclear weapons. Neither the Indians nor the Chinese would be happy about the use of nukes.

Europe is on it's way down since the 90' of last century and according to what I could read California lately is not so doing well either.

Yes, the war in Ukraine is an European war and above all an European problem, but there is also a geopolitical component.

The USA and Europe depend on each other. The USA is big, but it isn't big enough to tell the rest of the world which way to go. It still needs allies and just throwing them away won't do them any good in the medium and long run.

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This is a parody, right? It's got that MAGA logical incoherence that is flooding the news, down to a T. Go ahead and laugh at Europe struggling to figure out how to respond to an insane aggressor if you want. We will soon be laughing as the Trump clown show goes about addressing the "issues to doc in our country". And don't come asking us to help you out in your shit show with China.

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“russia has won” only when Ukrainians will say so, in case both US and Europe decision makers will definitely decide to sensibly drop their equipment and financial support and, at the same time, no autonomous production and system changes occurr in UA

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" the poor bastards who marched to their deaths in the killing fielsf of Belgium-France-Germany"

Do you know the derogatory songs they sang?

Like "Hitler he only had one...... "

It is the way of the world you are not Canute to try and stop it.

I am sure the "poor bastards" would be the first to congratulate Tom on his words.

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Regarding Canute, I think his point in having his soldiers whipping the Ocean was exactly that the sea behaves without regard for how you want it to behave. So dont blame the tides when you loose your boats to it! But hey, he was a danish imperialist war monger, much more succesful than us Norwegians so why defend him?

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Precisely, he understood his limitations, unlike so many modern politicians (and critics of Tom Cooper).

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I assume you're Italian so...

Non ho capito che c'entrerebbero i tizi manichei che andavano alla morte con i nomignoli del sior Cooper.

Spero non sia l'ennesimo suggerimento ad avere un orsnian-travaglioso rispetto di qualche criminale genocida moscovita per arrivare alla "bagieee"

elsewhere, my mistake and...

I frankly don't get how could the "poor bastards who marched to their deaths in the killing fielsf etc etc" be related to TC's nicknames of ah-so-super-honest-and-smart-they-really-do-know-best politicians and leaders of both sides.

What's your point? Something like a call to "respect" of some genocidal criminal or certified idiot of proven incompetent (or a linear combination of these) politican in charge in order to achieve a kind of "peace"?

Really, as we say: Boh!

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No, I am not Italian. I am an Iranian-American and a Republican to boot.

Though I have met a lot of “paisans” in New York City and I also look like a paisan.

So send me your response in English or Persian لطفا!

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My bad, I was misleaded by your surname, however i wrote in both Italian and English the same message

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More amusing the way he does it. A certain scorn for certain people is quite a good thing

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...but I wanted to be glowing in the dark already (stomps around in tirade)....


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...would be so practical too: no need for light when one wants to read in the evening... ;-P

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Less need for ecoflows etc during power outages here in Kyiv, too... Perhaps I'd even be able to cook me some dinner without electricity?

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Always look at the bright side of life!

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In case anyone doesn't get the reference, this was the guy on the cross next to Jesus (in the Monty Python version).

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Next to Brian (Not the Messiah)

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Come on, you wanted the super powers also!

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Considering his newest test ICBM blew up on the pad, pretty likely he doesn't have a huge pile of faith in the rocket forces.

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New rockets blow up regularly on the launching pads of all countries which develop them.. I wouldn't draw too many conclusions from this. Obviously this one didn't blow up, did it?

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Nope. It was a very short range and safe demonstration. It showed some capabilities, and left a lot of people with wrong ideas. Intentional message.

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Ah yes, the very short range that covers all of Europe.

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Depends on where you start of course. But there are of course lots of missiles that cover most of Europe. Nothing new there.

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Nothing new about intercontinental weapons either.

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NEXTA has written that Russia has not warned U.S. before using IRBM : "No, there have been no notifications, because Russia has no such obligation with regard to medium-range missiles," Peskov said.


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Russian TASS confirms what NEXTA has stated, https://tass.com/politics/1875943 (And when it's written by TASS then it truth carved in a rock.)

Same Peskov, confusing. Maybe communication lines are stuck in Kremlin, like the case with Zakharova https://x.com/nexta_tv/status/1859532336477401314

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They lie so much they don't care if they contradict themselves.

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