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Probably the manpads are too rare and too heavy to have two or more available in the same squad.

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When you say ”oh dear..” about the 46th AB, what do you mean?

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Sarcastosaurus

I assume he means the performance in the Soledar area :)

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Unfortunately I’m not keeping track of the past performance of individual units. Can someone enlighten me?

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Check his articles for the Soledar debating club.

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Is best to look at the articles from the battle for Soledar... They didn't do a very good job back then, but now they are more experienced and equipped, we hope for better performances.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023Author

Back in early January, the 46th - then still a relatively new unit, fresh back from training in the UK - was sent to Soledar, to replace the 92nd Mech (which held Soledar since around August the last year).

The Russians got wind about this, and attacked as soon as the 46th was alone. Essentially, the brigade collapsed and run away, the Russians captured Soledar and thus the 'door' to Bakhmut was open wide.... it should be clear what happened after.

....the 46th Airborne spent the last 7 months recovering, somewhere in the depths of Ukraine, initially as the core of the 'Soledar Debating Club', meanwhile as one of centres of what I'm describing as 'Ukrainian Conspiracy-Theoreticians Sphere'.

I might be perfectly wrong, at least misinformed, but: unless proven otherwise, there's nothing 'good' coming to my mind when thinking about that unit.

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Thanks for the detailed reply!

Whats been strikingly clear all this time, is the marvelous morale of the Ukrainian people. I wouldn’t be at all surprised, if this unit has spent this time training very hard. I expect them to be back as a strong unit, trying very hard to make up for previous mistakes.

Like everyone else, I wish you a well deserved rest! I will look eagerly forward to your return.

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I will add few informations.

IF i recall corectly, it was 93rd not 92nd. Not much change, tho, both are crack units.

46th was hit during the rotation, not much excuse for performance, but still worth mentioning, bcs units are most “vurnerable” during this, we saw this many time during the war.

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Thank you and have a good rest!

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Am I hallucinating or is this second or third Ka-52 shot down in the past two weeks?

Thanks for the update Tom and have a nice holiday!

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Russia are using KAs for “firefighting”, whoever there is a threat of loosing position to UAF. I wonder how sustainable this approach is, given higher loses of KA types and relatively low pre-war numbers.

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This is the second today and IMHO the third in a week.

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Yup, the second today, and the third in three days.

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I'm then guessing this may have something to do with them running out of the long range missiles as you, or someone else here wrote a few days ago. And if your calculation of about roughly 60 Alligators being operational is exact, it would mean they lost 5% of that in just a few days.

Not sustainable indeed.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023Liked by Sarcastosaurus

There are rumours and even a claim by Ukraine that the Kerch bridge rail line is damaged but I have not seen a satellite picture with enough detail to prove either way, here is a link to a typical claim.


Does anybody have a link to such a detailed satellite picture?

Tom, do enjoy your well deserved holiday.

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Thanks Tom. Enjoy your break. Cheers.

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Enjoy your break 🙃

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Every time you want to take a break something happens that makes you write again.

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Thanks again Tom, a well deserved rest!

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Tom, I wish you an enjoyable rest and that you come back rejuvenated.

1. Would you be able to briefly summarise what is so special about 82nd Airborne? I know nothing about them but keep reading about how it is a powerful brigade. They have a company of challengers, a battalion of marders, a couple of battallions of strykers and 2000 troops. Ignoring the fact that it appears they are airborne only by name, why is that such a significant brigade?

2. What do you think is the significance of introducing the X Corps by The ZSU? Is it just a rotation for the IX Corps? Do you think we will see a change in the style/way the offensive operations are conducted? Does it mean that the ZSU are no longer worried about Kupyansk/Kreminna so they can introduce the reserve Corps in the South?

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Sorry OCD kicking in, but it's a squadron of tanks (ditto for engineers), while the infantry have companies and the artillery have batteries - all essentially the same tactical size!

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I appreciate your OCD, thank you for correcting me. I try to read sources in multiple languages and some things are named differently.

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While true in most western countries, some countries including Russia still use "Company" or "Platoon" when referencing Armoured sub-units and sub-sub-units. i.e. "tank company" and "tank platoon".

In Canada they call Unit-sized artillery organizations "Regiments" when in reality they are Battalion-sized. There are a few other examples but too many to list here.

Unit - Regiment (1000 - 3000 pers) - Commanded by OF-5 (Colonel)

Unit - Battalion (300 - 1000 pers) - Commanded by OF-4 (Lieutenant-Colonel)

Sub-Unit - Company (80 - 250 pers) - Commanded by OF-3 (Major)

Sub-Sub-Unit - Platoon (50 - 90 pers) - Commanded by OF-2 (Captain)

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023Author

Actually, there's nothing really special about the 82nd Airborne: it's one of units established early this year (and then through expansion of the 3rd Battalion 80th Airborne and several companies of the 25th Airborne).

...except its equipment: AFAIK, it's the only one operating British-made Challenger main battle tanks. Essentially, tanks with heaviest armour and most powerful gun in this war (so far).

Furthermore, it's equipped with (German-made and tracked) Marder II infantry fighting vehicles and (US-made and wheeled) Stryker armoured personnel carriers.

Guess, in the coming days we're going to see if all of this equipment, plus its training and command cadre are up to levels.

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Okay, will be waiting for your update on the next week.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

I was trying to restrain myself but a Grammar Nazi inside of me thinks otherwise. I can't help but notice that you keep saying "an Ukrainian something" when it should be "a Ukrainian ...". A/an choice is based not on the letter ahead but on the way it's pronounced. E.g. "an Uber driver" but "a Ukrainian assault", "an NFT scam" but "a NATO country".

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Full revelation, mate: I guess you'll have to bite your lips now. Because, I'm fluent in several languages, and not speaking nor writing even half of any of them perfectly.

....a typical, miserable Earthling, Mr. Vulcans. ;-)

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Sarcastosaurus

You don't get how Grammar Nazis work. At least this one that is. It's not that I'm receiving satisfaction from "educating" people or anything. It's just that such mistakes (especially recurring ones) pull some strings inside me that are causing a particular itch inside my brain. And it's even more egregious when I happen to find mistakes or typos in my own writings. So I left this comment solely in a hope to help myself.

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Thanks for this update and enjoy a good earned rest.

But remember that always you take a break, “something special” start...

Viel Spaß!!!

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Thank you for your work and enjoy your days off.

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Thanks for a review

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Enjoy your holiday. :)

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