Hello everybody!
For the fourth day in succession, Israel continues advancing troops into Syria, and exposing the country to hundreds of air strikes.
To make sure: no, this is no ‘classic military operation’, with a ‘breakthrough of the frontline’, followed by ‘bold and swift manoeuvres’, but a leisure ground advance accompanied by hundreds of air strikes that are resembling shooting at fixed targets on a shooting galley. Israel is in no hurry because Syria can’t defend itself. There is no Syrian army to defend the country and there are no ‘terrorists’ along the (former) cease-fire lines on the Golan Heights.
Israel could have run such air strikes all the time since the uprising of March 2011: it could have helped that uprising and the downfall of the Assadist regime; it could have saved 500,000+ Syrian lives and prevented a wholesale destruction of the country. It has more than enough military might to do so several times over. It opted not to: it is invading only now, when it’s clear that the Assadist mass-murderers are going to be replaced by a unifying- and a government free of foreign influence.
Which is why conclusion is on hand: Israel’s aim is to prevent that government from establishing itself firmly in charge, to de-stabilise the country, to throw it back into a state of chaos, and then dismember it through creating and/or supporting separatist movements and terrorism.
That the Israeli invasion is an invasion, and not some ‘just a bit of creating buffer zones to bolster own security… and destruction of Syrian strategic weapons’ is obvious from the Israeli target list. Israel has hit over 300 objects in Syria this morning alone, in addition to at least 150 air strikes yesterday that completely demolished what’s left of the Syrian air force - and that on top of destroying all the warships of the Syrian diminutive navy, yesterday evening.

Therefore, the Israeli government is lying.
Sure, that is nothing new: Israel is lying about reasons for every single of its aggression since 1948. New is that now even what’s left of ‘respectable’ Israeli media is lying, too. For example, the Jerusalem Post is lying about ‘most of the strikes were in southern Syria and around the city of Damascus’. As the list below is going to show: this is not truth, just like these ‘Syrian security sources’ are a hoax. Syrians would never call their own air bases such names like ‘Shinshar’ and ‘Aqrba’. Not only are these Israeli names based on geographic areas in question, but they’re also wrong (which is ‘classic’ for the Israelis, as well-known for anybody who has studied their histories of different wars since 1948).
Shinshar is the famous double S-200/SA-5 SAM-site south of Homs, constructed by the Soviets in 1983:
…while the air base in question is actually the well-known Shayrat AB (known by that name everywhere in Syria), another 20km further south (and ‘famous’ for being the principal target of the US cruise-missile strike of 2018:
‘Aqrba’ is a small district in south-eastern Damascus, not ‘some place south of Damascus’. Aqrba is including a small helicopter base named Qabr as-Sitt, positioned next to the highway connecting downtown Damascus with the International Airport:
Except for these sites, the Israelis have also bombed (clockwise):
Qamishili Airport and nearby ammunition depots (also used as a forward operating base of the Syrian air force; meanwhile controlled by the US-supported PKK/PYD/YPG/SDF);
54th Regiment (outside Qamishli; also meanwhile controlled by the US-supported PKK/PYD/YPG/SDF);
Latakia (military base and the civilian port of Latakia [the two are not the same]; the city is - like most of Syria - under the CMO control, and the locals are welcoming the insurgents all the time);
Jableh (3km south of the Russian Hmeymim AB; probable ammunition depot);
Tartus (probable ammunition depot, 2km east of the Russian Navy’s depot in the local port);
Masyaf (‘Defence Factories’, formerly operated by the IRGC, under the CMO control at least since the two nights);
Hama and Salamiyah (probable ammunition depots, all controlled by the CMO for nearly a week now);
Talbiseh (military base; CMO-controlled for nearly a week);
Homs (very violent air strikes on multiple bases around the city);
Dmeyr AB (military base formerly housing what was left of the Syrian MiG-23BN and MiG-29 fleet);
Qutayfah (base of the former 55th Air Defence Regiment);
Dozens of targets in and around Damascus. Typical for Israeli behaviour were air strikes in the vicinity of the Sednaya Prison, where White Helmets have, finally, managed to find a way to the underground compound to free hundreds of detainees, and where rescuers have found mass graves, too.
Additionally, the Israeli ground troops are advancing in direction of the town of Qatana, and about 6 hours ago were only 3km outside of it.
All of this is clear evidence that Israel is not after ‘creation of a buffer zone (to a buffer zone)’, but that this is yet another Zionist land-grab of the same kind like all the while since 1947 (not only 1948), plus all-out attempt to demolish whatever was left of Syrian capability to defend, with the aim of destabilising the country for years in advance.
As ever since 1948, Israel needs not to worry about its blatant violations of the Syrian sovereignty: even the new Syrian Salvation Government is too busy with other affairs but to react to this aggression. The West is simply ignoring it: it can’t make up its mind even about the SSG and the CMO, so why should it care if the Israeli aggression? Sole reactions so far came from Qatar, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.
Another thing ‘typical’ is how all the possible talking-heads around the World are now claiming a ‘victory in Syria’ for themselves. Sure, I can understand a lot of that. For example, when the speaker of the Iranian Parliament, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, appears to babble on the TV how the Iranians (i.e. the IRGC) ‘never attacked the legitimate Syrian opposition’. Guess, we’re then really free to conclude the IRGC ‘lost directions’, ended up in Syria and then assaulting Aleppo with help of Assadist chemical weapons, back in 2015-2018?
Have already mentioned Erdogan, who actually lost the control of the CMO and thus the results. However, others are nothing else than absurd. The most ridiculous example is Biden, who appeared to babble about something like there was a ‘plan’ to overstretch Russia and IRGC/Hezbollah in turn enabling toppling of Assad. Fact is: gauging alone by the performance of the Trio Fantasticus in the White House over the last four years, alone thinking this way would be much too complex for their lonesome brain cells, not to talk about actually acting along such designs. Besides, is their wholehearted support for Israel’s genocide of Palestinians a part of that plan, too? And is it now also a ‘part of the plan’ to let Israel demolish and destabilise Syria - and thus push the Syrian Salvation Government either into the hands of Putin, or the PR China?
In this regards, I’m only surprised Trump hasn’t come up with some explanation like that his ‘landslide victory’ in the US elections scared Assad, the IRGC/Hezbollah and Russia so much, they all promptly gave up in Syria…
Curiously, none of super-heroes in question is bragging with his/her support for Assadist industrialised mass-murder of Syrians. None is bragging with delivering equipment necessary to construct and maintain underground dungeons in which thousands were incarcerated for decades (if not exterminated… the last of them as late as of 7 December!).
Fact is: ‘the West’ remains dominated by zombie idiots - many of them now definitely accomplices in genocide and mass murder - and acts correspondingly. While Israel is exploiting every opportunity to fulfill the Zionist dream about ‘Israel from Nile to Euphrates’ - and this is then cheered by all of its supporters, although making sure that ‘war’ (regardless what kind) goes on and on and on.
Thus, ‘to be continued’…
Israel is buying themselves 20 years of peace, for the small cost of 200 years of enmity.
In this world, good news doesn't last long.
In the last two days I've been getting a lot of neck pain again because I have to shake my head so often because of all these zobie idiots and assholes who control our fate and can't think further than the tip of their own nose.
Israel is attacking Syria, no one cares, no one asks why. Europe, UN, aid organizations, even China (who have often wanted to play mediator in recent years) ....no one says a word. The world seems neutered when it comes to Bibi and his adventures. Mind blow
I really didn't expect it, but for me Bibi is now a bigger criminal than Trump, Khamenei, Kim or Winnie the Pooh in Beijing could be, just as an example, because these mentioned threaten a lot and then do little. Bibi gives a big fuck about everything and runs amok and the majority in Israel joins in.
I have always found the country of Israel and the people to be very nice and they are still nice, but the country is constantly creating new enemies around itself, and that cannot last forever.
If any president of the USA (who isn't an idiot) comes up with the idea of reducing support for Israel, problems will arise. Israel has a bloated military relative to its economy, the country incurs enormous debts every year, and the economy relies heavily on developing technology for the military. This can't go on forever...I hope.