What I most fear is that the astonishingly violent Israeli and American reaction will renew the Syrian-Russian alliance

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It's de-facto an 'all-out drive' of the SSG/CMO into the Russian hands.

But, as said: Netanyahu needs a new war, so this is a nice opportunity... besides, if he can do his buddy Putin another favour: why not?

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Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates.


And Kurdistan as a sattelite state.

Turkey and Azeri are already pro-Israeli, Jordan is firing SAMs at Irani ballistic missiles. You can proceed with many similar facts

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Azeri I don't know but how do you figure that Türkiye is pro-Israeli? Whenever I travel to visit my relatives and / or read turkish news, I sense a very strong antisemitic / anti-Israel sentiment...

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Israel helped beef up the Azeri army and achieve victory in Karabah. Iran is also hostile toward Azerbaijan, so there can be this "enemy of my enemy" sentiment.

It's a bit far away for Zionistic imperial projects, though.

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For a beggining, try to investigate the role of Azeri Jews clan in Russian (!!!) economy (especially its illegal part) and you will have no further questions.)))

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Who cares about common people opinion nowadays? No offense, of course. Fuel from Turkey refineries (made from Russian and Azeri oil) is the key element of Israel import. Furthermore, not to see apparent close ties between Turkey and Israel in the recent Syrian affair is impossible.

P.S. Should I remind an old gossip that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk himself was a Jew from Thessaloniki.)))

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Well TU16, that’s one I’ve never heard before! I do know Kemal owed a big thanks to Stalin for the arms that helped stop Allied aggression.

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Not Stalin but Lenin. Check the years. Strange that Greeks do not curse us for that.)

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"Furthermore, not to see apparent close ties between Turkey and Israel in the recent Syrian affair is impossible."

Meh. Current rumours are Israel is already lobbying the US to continue if not expend the PKK statelet Washington built. Which is the #1 concern for Turkey, and was before Assad himself.

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About gossips. There is also the gossip that Lenin was for some part also jewish and Stalin knew it, but decided to keep it a secret.

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Kurdistan is for sure in making. But from Nile to Euphrates is a bit overstatement. Their scholars quite definite on that score.

However next move should be strictly west of Hermon. So let see what "cease fire violation" would be precept to that. Sounds like a golden times for them.

As well as ru they are long planners. How do they say? Translated as by hook or by crook

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They will need someone to help keep the anti-air defenses active until they get the personnel...

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And, whent was in russians hands, all is ok for some sociopads!!!

This is the worst scenario even my can imagine....well allmost, but zip my lips.

I not wana be "a black omen"

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You don't really even need to fear. There's no point in assuming anyone in the DOD or State Department is even remotely competent. I don't think I'm even exaggerating when I say you could count the number of Arabic-speaking USG employees in Syria on one hand.

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Like it or not but Russia is a natural ally for many ME states to counter US/Israel/Turkey danger. Of course, nowadays Russia is just a shadow of USSR and lacks Soviet sincereness, still it's better than nothing.

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And this is the thing. If the USA wants to behave the way it does, what can it expect when countries choose their partners? Championing democracy at home while supporting any regime and ideology that is seen as convenient overseas will not end well.

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No the main difference is just the much smaller size and therefore much lesser capabilities.

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'Natural ally'?

Not the least.

No foreigners are any kind of 'allies' of anybody in the Middle East.

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I wonder if the employees at the Wagner owned diamond and gold mines in Africa feel that Russia has their best interests in mind ?

No matter, without Tartous, Russia's footprint is about to get even smaller in Africa and the Med

And with Russian ships prohibited from crossing the Bosphorus, I guess this means Russian sailors better get their cold weather clothes out next few years

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Yesno. Noone prohibited airlifts.

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Hmmm... yeah... Unfortunately, no one thought of Airplanes of significant carrying power when the Treaty of Dardanelles were negotiated. But how many tracked vehicles and significant firepower can you put on a plane (except of nuclear armament which we won't discuss here to avoid awakening evil gods)

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With Israel expanding occupation in the South and its bombing campaign across all the country and the US re-affirming its intention to permanently occupy between 1/4 to 1/3 of the country going from the North East corner, there aren't too many options for the new gouvernement to seek some partner/equipment to guarantee its security.

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The new government will do what it thinks best, but I would caution against letting the Russians stay there w/o a solid guarantee to help against Israel, which is beyond what they are capable of now.

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Please excuse my ignorance, but will there even be any Russians left to do anything in say, 2 weeks ?

Methinks they have hightail it out of there

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Russians are still in Syria, I don't know where you got this idea that they aren't.

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Doesn't seem like something that would occur if Russians were actively engaged

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Yes some random Jewish guy was ranting at me about this on one of my quora posts earlier today. I don't consider "portseurope" a reliable source and that seems to be the only one making such a claim.

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Maybe they are "present" in Syria but in what functional capacity?

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There is at least one 'handy' option: PR China.

The usual way to the PRC is leading via Moscow.

That's where the 'highly successful' Israeli and US 'foreign policy' is going to push Syria.

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There was some discussion on X that all the heavy weapons of Syrian Army might be sold to Ukraine. A small price to replenish UAF arsenal.

Seems like the bird flew out of the window. Israel didn't care about Ukraine yet US could have achieved a small miracle.

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Russia and Israel have good relations and Israel never imposed sanctions on them for invading Ukraine.

They probably see a benefit to Russia having some moderating influence on Syria.

The American response runs counter to American interests but given America is in some ways an Israeli puppet, it makes sense they would "shit in their own bed" to help Israel.

In fact the American interests are confused and illogical (fighting ISIS which is no longer a threat).

It should be noted main Syrian rebels were funded by US "ally" Qatar.

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"and after nearly 14 years, I might even be left without anything to report about this war." - You won't believe how much I wish you to be left without anything to report here... And the people in Syria living peaceful, non-newsworthy, lives while rebuilding all they lost in the last years

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:( Urgh... that Sednaya prison, as well as other things in Syria and around the world. I wonder how much of that is known to intels of the world, but they choose to be "practical". As well as governments.

Issies are definitely bombing air assets, to ensure, just in case, they have air supremacy. With all those Pantsirs around they were not so comfortable.

I was laughing at pictures titled like: "rebels burned a Pantsir system".

Oh, come on, that would be the most valuable defensive asset for new government.

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It's funny because yesterday I was arguing about this on Telegram. My entire social circle, every Russian I talk to, was 100% convinced their bases were going to be a diplomatic impossibility. I was literally the only one here who thought otherwise. The opposition groups aren't stupid, I just told the Russians that all they have to do is wait for the USA to start the bombing campaign, then they'll ASK Russia to stay.

But even I didn't think it was going to happen in under 24 hours (the bombing, not the asking).

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We all will know more, when those 48 hours have passed by.

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The Jewish state stealing more land. USA bombing everybody as usual. Kurds under attack. Wonderful era of peace so far innit?

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Since the war to end all wars (WW I), it has never been really peaceful.

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Channeling frustration with western media reporting in this way works for me.

I really appreciate these links and the breadth of concurrent information inter-relationships...doctors in Germany etc, reminding us of the Israelis' attached to CENTCOM.

Question: I wondered if Ararat Eagle whose post some 6 down from your "CENTCOM’s spokesperson" link (just below the Immigration and Passports Authority fire image) is a sound source regarding the posted video of kidnapped women from the Manbij fighting?


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AFAIK, nope: they were not kidnapped but liberated.

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Thanks, aw, if only I'd turned the sound on this would have made more sense,...fool😎.

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Acá en Argentina los medios hablan de "rebeldes yihadistas controlados por Turquía" o que "todo es una conspiración de la OTAN porque el gobierno de al Assad era pacifico y próspero", ignorando el genocidio.

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Si, "era pacifico y próspero" para la buena gente de Damasco, sin duda....

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Well French media found an even better posture :

They dont talk at all about the Israeli air campaign. Somehow, they now have their "special envoy" in Damascus to share their concerns about the stability of the country and the safety of Syrians non-Muslims (aka the only human beings those lives matters ... sometimes). And by pure coincidence, none of those "envoyé spéciales" ho so concerned about Syria and the Syrian people future notice the ongoing air bombing campaign.

The same medias wonder how come so few people trust them anymore ...

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Not to point fingers, but didn't France recruit Alawites and other minorities for the security services with the same thinking after WWI?

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France has strong historical links to the region. So much that some members of the Ba'ath Party liked to live their holidays or their pension in France.

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I am once again disappointed in our western society. 80% of people are really convinced that things are now going to be worse than under Assad, that a theocracy is being set up in Syria, just like IS would like, and that the West has orchestrated it all.

If you are then so bold as to try to convince people of the opposite using logic and evidence, they simply won't believe you.

Oh yeah, and people are convinced that Israel isn't doing anything bad and is only killing terrorists.

What a time we live in...

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Erm, so the West has orchestrated a Wahhabi theocratic takeover, but Israel, a Western ally, is doing a good job bombing these Western-allied islamists?


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Unfortunately, Israel can do no wrong (tm), and if you dare to point out that Israel as a country might be different from Netanhau and suggest that the latter might have warmongering traits, one is branded to be antisemitic real real quick...

What a time we live in, indeed :(

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From Haaretz's 'Israel at War' update -

" SYRIA: Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz said the IDF was instructed to continue operating in Syria, and to destroy heavy strategic weapons there that could be used against Israel. He added that the IDF must complete its takeover of the demilitarized zone in the Syrian Golan Heights, and will work to create a safe area with no weapons or terror infrastructure past the zone, while communicating with the Druze community and others in the area. Katz said the army will also continue to disrupt weapons transfers from Iran to Lebanon via Syria."

One wonders as Tom does what 'heavy weapons' were stored in the Passports and Customs building???

Or was it a part of the 'terrorist infrastructure???'

On thinks that Israel has hit the bottom morally, but it finds ways to go even lower...

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Or why strike aircraft the CMO for the present has no way of maintaining, arming, or flying? They weren't concerned with Bashir in charge, and if not, why not? Benny doesn't want them going to Ukraine?

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As noted by another, Israel has 'long thinkers' in charge, CMO might someday have the capability to operate those planes and that would be a threat to Israel's 'defenses.'

Or, as you suggest, they could go to Ukraine and Netanyahu has been cultivating Putin...

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Oh you want to know where the bottom of morale in Israel is?

Just take a closer look into their history. For example in July 2006 the Menachem Begin Heritage Center organized a conference to mark the 60th anniversary of the bombing of the King David hotel in Jerusalem (and celebrating it). A certain 'Bibi' did also attend that meeting.

You can read about this and other 'spicy' details for example here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing

If this isn't enough take a deep look into for example the life of Menachem Begin to find out how a bloody terrorist can become a Prime Minister and a much celebrated pillar of society.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

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And it is endemic in the Israeli zeitgeist -

"icture the scene: a 62-year-old high school teacher walks into the school grounds one day and is met by a pre-meditated protest from students who are refusing to attend his class. “Son of a bitch!” one student screams at him. “Cancer!” cries another. “Whore!” shouts a third, while more students spit on the ground in front of him.

This was the greeting Meir Baruchin received on Jan. 19 — the day he was reinstated at the Yitzhak Shamir High School in the central Israeli city of Petah Tivkah after having been fired, arrested, and jailed for four days in solitary confinement at a high security prison. His offense? Two Facebook posts on Oct. 8 — the day after Hamas-led militants massacred over 1,100 people in southern Israel, and Israel began its bombardment of the Gaza Strip — in which he shared a photo of Palestinian children who were killed in an Israeli airstrike and pleaded to “stop this madness,” and warned about rising bloodshed in the West Bank."

The ultimate irony is the name of the school - Yitzhak Shamir having among other things been one of the command council that ordered the assassination of UN Ambassador Count Bernadotte when he was in Jerusalem to deliver a UN Truce proposal to the Knesset during the '48 War.

And Israel has the audacity to screech that Palestinian children are taught to hate Jews (by an unbiased history of the Naqba) when its own children receive hatred of Palestinians with their mothers milk...

Israel elected to office and named schools and streets for terrorists but prides itself on killing its enemies -regardless of whether they are actually terrorists. Recently the IDF announced the targeted killing of the mayor of a village in South Lebanon - he belonged of course to the civil side of Hezbollah. Or the Minister of Housing in Gaza - civil side of Hamas.

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So you know their madness and dark side very well. Luckily not all of them are like that, the real core of the problem is that many worship the wrong values, because their leaders tell them so.

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Have you heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

If not, in 1971 a professor at Stanford set up an experiment where male students were recruited (with a daily payment) to be 'prison guards' and others to be the 'inmates.'

It was supposed to run two weeks. It was terminated after 6 days because after 5 days the psychological abuse by the 'guards' had become increasingly brutal.

For 70 years, and particularly in the past 30 under Likud/Netanyahu, Israel has become the real world national scale example of the SPE with Palestinians as the 'inmates.'

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Yes I know. But this time it isn't an expirement, but bloody reality.

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And, sadly, there is apparently no one willing to put an end to it.

Or even for many to recognize it.

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One thing that is unclear to me: why are the rebels not attacking the russian bases? The planes from those bases were bombing their homes for years and now these bases are within their reach.

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Because the CMO and thus the SSG wants to end the fighting and stabilise the country.

(Almost) 14 years of war and mass-murder is enough. Time to start re-building Syria.

Also, they have to demonstrate that they're civilised, and no 'headchopping jihadists' as everybody outside Syria is presenting them. Thus, have stopped outside the bases.

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OK, let's assume that. But do you think they will allow the bases to stay? Would that be wise? To stay in what capacity? As a knife to their throats?

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Considering ferocity of the Israeli air strikes on Syria - that's now going to become a matter of national survival. Otherwise, the Israelis are going to continue bombing Syria, literally, forever. If for no other reason, then to keep it in destabilised condition.

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Tom, I'm afraid Israelis are going to launch Operation "Peace for Galilee 2" and try to link up with the SDF through Southern and central Syria.

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Well, for one, attacking Russians is very different than attacking other Arabs. Even the IDF is just annexing Syrian territory and meeting no resistance whatsoever.

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So the Chinese don't see an opportunity?

A naval port in the Eastern Med.....you know...for show.

And great long term loans for rebuilding (heh)

Just asking.

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Of course they do. Just wait for them to establish contacts to the SSG/CMO.

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"...and the PKK/PYD/YPG’s regime collapses in the East"

I know your opinion of the lovable Kurdish militants, but aren't the Kurds and the Kurdish aspiration for a state as legitimate - and as much regional pawns - as have been the Syrians and their aspiration for a post-Assad Syria? Why shouldn't they keep fighting or at least struggling? Anyway, there's not a chance in hell of the US leaving Eastern Syria while Israel supports a Kurdistan and Trump supports giving Israel carte blanche.

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Please, be more specific: I'm talking about the PKK.

That's a tiny minority of Tükish Kurds (the majority is even more conservative Muslims than the majority of Turks). And the PKK is a terrorist organisation, considered as such not only by the USA, but by nearly all of the EU and NATO.

As for a Kurdish aspiration for their own state: got no problem with that - as long as they negotiate one, not conquer somebody else's country, terrorise people through forced recruitment and re-educations, or ethnic cleansings.

Presently, the mass of Kurds - whether in Iran, Iraq, Syria, or Türkye - are still organised into tribes, each of which has another 'democratic' party, and can't even agree between each other what of 40+ Kurdish languages would be their official language.

And the USA are supporting all of that hogwash.

Will be funny to watch the PKK collapsing the next few days, amid a rapidly spreading mass uprising of the Arabs in north-eastern Syria who do not want them - and the Americans (plus all the Russians that are still around) standing there and gazing in shock.

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That last sentence would be so beautiful... miracles are possible.

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Not even waiting for the Israeli bombing to stop

Austria has announced plans to deport Syrian migrants following the fall of the country’s dictator Bashar Assad to rebel forces after 13 years of civil war

“I have instructed the ministry to prepare an orderly return and deportation program to Syria,” Interior Minister Gerhard Karner told Austrian media,

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Little wonder the Israel doesn't support Ukraine with weapons, when Israel's own actions are the same as Russia's.

I expect things in ME to get worse in terms of Israeli military aggression. The rapidly growing Haredi's* need Lebensraum. And the Negev desert is not an option, so more fertile lands in West Bank, southern Lebanon and maybe eventually Syria are the goal.

*Average of 7 children per woman which is highest in the world!!!

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As well as the destruction and looting of homes in Gaza and the West Bank, back in November soldiers of the elite Golani Brigade amused themselves in St Michales Orthodox Church in Deir Mimas in South Lebanon -


What is continually amazing is that soldiers in the IDF continue to film and post videos of themselves doing what would to outside observers be war crimes or just reprehensible acts.

Of course while the IDF 'deplored' the behavior and will investigate and 'punish' those involved there were plenty of defenders of the soldiers stating that since they didn't damage anything inn the church it was 'just in bad taste...'

And, of course, when the family of a 19 year old soldier (the family emigrated from Ukraine when he was 14) buried in a military cemetery placed a headstone on his grave with an Orthodox cross (he was Orthodox) the Jewish families of other soldiers buried there complained and the IDF rabbi declared that the cross on the headstone 'desecrated' the cemetery and should be removed.

One would think in the instance of those Golani Brigade troopers that they might have thought twice about their actions considering that a major percentage of Israel's support in the US is Christian. Although considering that many Evangelicals consider Catholics and Orthodox to be 'idol worshipers...'

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That is not surprising, as they think they are the 'chosen' ones. They define everything, everyone has to bow in front of them. So they have absolutely no desire for humility, but pride comes before the fall and the fall will be a very deep one.

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Sadly back in the day I was a unquestioning supporter of Israel.

Then after the '82 Lebanon Invasion questions arose. And after Rabin's assassination more.

And then one started to hear more about the Occupation and one really started to question - particularly when 'mowing the grass' became a regular thing.

I certainly understood why the Israeli-American oncologist (visiting here in SW Colorado) treating my mother never replied when she would speak approvingly of Netanyahu.

My answer on your other reply addresses this as well.

And as you note it could well be a very deep fall...

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It will, it is just a matter of time. History knows some examples.

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