The SSG appears to need all the Western backing it can get. So I expect we'll see them confirmed as jihadists while Türkiye, Iran and Israel, and Kurds - with assorted deluded international backers - carve up Syria between them.

As the 'jihadists' have clearly stated, they don't want a war. They want a country to rebuild, and all our efforts should be directed towards that goal. (I talked to an international reporter years ago who told me that, of all the countless countries he had visited, he had found Syria the best of all! Because of its people...)

No doubt 'we' will do exactly the wrong thing yet again, and let them all down. Again...

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How? You seriously expect 'the West' to stop bolstering all its failures of the last 116 years? 🤭

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What??? Only that long???

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Before that it was the playground of the Ottomans who made lots of messes themselves.

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Thanks you

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Very much appreciate the detail as always.

I sensed some sarcasm in your reporting...just some 🤔😎👍

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Meh... just a bit... 🤭

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actually I sensed some reporting in your sarcasm 🤔😎👍

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Jowlani could be being smart. The Israeli invasion is hurting his potential rivals in the SOR and may spill over to hurt the SFA. The Turkish invasion is hurting his known enemies in the SDF, also locking the SNA in place. Meanwhile, his factions have to endure airstrikes they can't currently counter, so he might just as well establish himself as a peaceful, responsible statesman.

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peaceful, responsible statesman ??

I had to laugh at that. His "army" is currently busy executing SDF soldiers in their hospital beds, executing various undesirables on the streets, clearing Alawite villages etc.

Assad's prisons will now be populated by Jowlani's enemies. The ones lucky enough to make it to prison that is.

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As far as I understand, Jowlani's troops are not even fighting over SDF territory. Those are the SNA under Turkish command.

But one can have serious doubts, obviously, especially with this background. I'm only talking about the image he's likely trying to project at the moment.

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His "transformation" is just lipstick on a pig.

Whoever ends up ruling Damascus after the dust is settled better make sure they are not a threat to Israel or they will perish just like Assad.

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Assad wasn't killed by Israel. He wasn't killed by anyone, as a matter of fact.

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What I meant to say Assad's government or regime if you prefer the term.

By allowing Syria to be used by Iran to transfer weapons to Hezbolah he acquired powerful enemies, namely Israel and the US. The rest was inevitable.

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The Salafist HTS is going to rush into an alliance with the Twelver Shi'a of Iran. But Israel is going to save everybody.

You're an absolute expert in regards of the Middle East. 🙄

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Ermm...Syria and Israel had been effectively in a state of war since 1948 well before Iran became a Shia theocracy (1979) or Hezbollah was created (1980s).

Indeed since 1967 Israel's has been holding on to a chunk of Syria acquired in Six Day War (Golan Heights).

There was never an opportunity for peace especially as Israel illegally annexed the Golan Heights in 1981.

Even if Syria was a freedom loving democracy where all live in peace and harmony, there can't be peace with Israel as Israel has illegally occupied and annexed a chunk of its territory.

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Everyone in the region is a threat, wonder why?

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You've just mixed up the Türkiye-supported SNA with independent CMO.

But, don't worry: you've done the same like every single representative of the Western mainstream media I've seen on the TV today.

I'm only surprised you didn't do exactly the same mistake like them, and also declared those summarily executing the wounded PKK/PYD/YPG/SDF in that hospital for 'HTS'.

Considering my resulting brain-freeze, cannot but recommend... indeed: PLEAD. PLEASE, launch a start-up producing ice cream.

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"you've done the same like every single representative of the Western mainstream media I've seen on the TV today."

Most people are not so quick to accept Jowlani's professed transformation from a head chopper to a modern statesman.

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Just 2 years ago, HTS was a bit like Taliban in Idlib, torturing, killing opponents and journalists. Harassing women not dressed "properly". Then they turned a bit "softer". So, the question is, is this softer face is forever or just a theater to grip the rule and turn Syria into something like Afganistan? If Joulani means the change seriously, can he control HTS hardliners and other groups?

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"the question is, is this softer face is forever or just a theater to grip the rule and turn Syria into something like Afganistan? "

I'll take curtain 2, please

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A smart guy would be nice wouldn’t it?

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I don't see any kind of possibility Jowlani has from its operations room in Idlib to stop an Israeli invasion southwest of Damascus. Especially as it was unclear a week ago, if Assad is falling or not.

They have enough to do to stabilise the situation in the areas they got "control" of.

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Syria is no more. It is now just a land to be divided between various US allies and head choppers.

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If I remember it right, USA pulled out their forces in 2019 (Trump) from the west of Eufrat river, i.e. they understood for Türkish terror-related concerns in 2019 already. SNA and Turkie took Afrin and other land, with ethnic cleansing and other crimes (easily to found on AI pages).

USA expected SDF retreat east of Eufrat, but SDF allied with Assad and Russia to stop Turkish advance. They were worried about more atrocities. (SNA and Turkie blamed only radical parts of SNA for the crimes and I think some of their people were punished later.)

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The well informed BBC still inserts the word "islamist" every time it refers to the new government or anyone connected to it. I guess it's an update on "terrorist".

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I think most people would say that describing the HTS as Islamists is accurate. BTW I wish the HTS well and hope they stick to their promises of a pluralist society that does not repress minority ethnic groups.

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It's true of course but they don't refer to Netanyahu's Jewish government or for that matter certain other Christian ones.

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What do you hear bout Russia completely leaving the Hmeymim air base and Navy port in Tartus? Are they giving them up for good?

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People have been writing about the road to Damascus for over 2000 years.

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Think it was only one story, but in high reprint?

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Thanks for the update. Informative as always. And actually quite positive.

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Headline from Time of Israel -

"PM: Israel wants ‘correct’ ties with new Syrian regime, but will attack if necessary"

Apparently 250 (France 24) - 480 airstrikes on the Syrian military assets aren't an 'attack.'

I presume in Netanyahu's view 'correct' ties with the new Syrian regime will consist of acceding to occupation and settlement on the order of the West Bank as part of Israel's defensive security buffer...

Of course that will then put Israel on the borders of Turkey and Iran necessitating more 'defensive' operations against those countries/terrorist regimes...

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Only problem with Israeli buffer zones is that Israelis end up settling them (eg 20,000 in Golan Heights) and then they need another buffer zone to protect the people living in the first buffer zone.

Also love how the new euphemism for ethnic cleansing is "evacuation." Kind of like America "protecting" the lives of Libyans by bombing the country, destroying it and plunging it into a decade of civil war.

(Though of course the Russians are the high performers here when it comes to BS).

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