Are you able to use your computer skills (machine learning, vision) to help Ukraine?

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I'm too much of a newb at this point. But as my skills and understanding grow, yes.

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I asked about it because I have over 30+ experience in Machine Learning and another 10+ years in firmware. I was wondering if I could help out, but I don't know how.

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A lot of the work going on is via defense contractors. I'm not sure how you would get involved other than through normal channels. Now, there is a lot of drone manufacturing going on at the "crowd sourced" level. These entities could definitely deploy AI at the Edge onboard a drone. But do they have the resources to train models? I doubt it. They are all looking to employ AI to get around electronic warfare. But I don't know the stages they are in.

I have heard that some drone units believe they can deploy the edge computing on-drone with just a Raspberry Pi. I know Texas Aero Medlab who is working with AI to deliver whole blood to wounded solders is using actual AI accelerated chips/modules.

All that to say, there might be a way to consult with these folks. But I don't know the channel.

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"Disengagement Doesn’t Lead to Security" - there is another argument here, common among security and *trade* policy experts. US is deeply integrated into the global trade system. The attacks by Houthis in Red Sea weren't random: they were targeting those vital trade links. The attacks directly led to increase in prices of some goods in US and Europe. It wasn't massive yet - but terrorists learned some positive lessons.

This is the real price of disengagement: the democracies exist in the world of plentiful and affordable goods. Pulls this rugs from underneath them, and democracies would start weakening and failing. Authocratic playbook is pretty clear that poorer people make poorer choices. While democracies depend on people choosing better, but this requires corresponding conditions - the conditions that currently exist thanks to the global trade system. Or in other words: "Every society is three meals away from chaos".

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Erm, no.

In October 2023, and in November 2023 again, the Houthis said, clearly and without any winding: they're after shipping that's either Israel-owned, or bound for Israel.

NOT after 'international', 'US', 'European' or whatever other shipping.

The USA just decided to ignore this. The EU followed, faithfully.

....just like in September 2001, the Taliban offered to hand out OBL to the USA, and the USA decided to ignore that, too. And the EU followed, faithfully...

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That offer to hand out OBL was under condition U.S. would proof he is guilty - i.e. it was just fake offer to stop U.S. bombing and have time to reorganise, because Taliban knew very well OBL has orchestrated attacks to Manhattan. (Same like peace talks offers from Ruzzia)

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How do you know it was a fake offer?

....and how comes Qussay Bush has officially turned it down, if it was a fake offer?


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Of course I do not know, maybe it was serious, like Ruzzian peace talk offers.

Taliban wanted to stop bombing, and extradite Osama for "proof of guilt", which could be anything from "one neighbor said" to years long full scale evidence process. G. Bush has not jumped to that, because U.S. had asked to extradite Osama bin Laden for Al-Queda attacks in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 before, but Taliban refused all U.S. "proofs of guilt" as insufficient.

So, one may believe that with proper and sound "proofs" Taliban would hand over OSB, no problem. But I dare to say, since Taliban top officials had a real friendship with OSB and other Al-Queda guys, they had to have some sound proofs themself, too, and they were just trying to pull U.S. leg.

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Mate, beliefs are something for places of religious worship.

The Taliban have made an offer, the USA - followed by the entire 'West' - decided to ignore the same and opted for a war.

Outcome: 20 years of entirely pointless war. Over a trillion in pointless expense. West's reputation completely ruined. Taliban in power. That's it.

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Well, mate, same with that poor guy Pudding: he made a peace offer in Turkey in 2022, Ukraine was about to accept it, but advised by the USA, Boris Johnson and all the villain West, they ignored that Ruzzian rainbow peace offer and opted for a war. Yeah, and now let's talk about religion.

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Interesting perspektive, I think I agree with your overall analysis. But it must be remembered that engagement also incurs lots of cost, is difficult and deadly. So, I accept engageme as a possible and useful strategy, but one still needs to be cautious and thinking it through.

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Agreed. The problem is its hard to quantify all the peace and security you got from engagement. And easy to see where is fails. Basically the US Navy probably has the largest ROI in world history. But there is probably no way to measure it with a clear causal relationship.

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Interesting analysis. One more argument would be that if Russia is not punished for invading another country and gets any sort of victory (like more land) this would give China green light to invade Taiwan which is the main producer of the advanced chips (the sole producer for some of them). In that case, lots of electronic goods will get a sharp price increase.

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Good point.

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I agree with your comments-war is an incredibly destabilizing force…I wish those in power here in the US would be “slightly” and I say that not knowing all the dynamics but “slightly “ more aggressive. I wish Obama had been a little more aggressive with Assad in Syria-if he was would Ukraine have happened? Everyone else can comment on that-but it really gets me frustrated as to why we are holding back in Ukraine. Please give Ukraine the ability to strike further targets-why in hell would we want this war to go on…we are wishy washy about engagement-thus affects how we are perceived.

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Unfortunately just like WW2 it might take some terrible events for these politicians to wake up and do their job it sounds

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This 'ripple effect' on the economies of countries not directly involved in conflicts is one of the basic rationales of the Buchannan/Trump Neo-Isolationists and their followers.

If a country (in the case of the above - the US) is totally self-sufficient it has no need to be involved in international affairs. It can ignore everything beyond its land borders (just build walls to keep the neighbors out) and territorial waters.

One could go on at length on the shortsightedness and lack of knowledge the economy of those who believe this, but even if true the country would still be at risk of a future aggressor who having consolidated power decides to expand a bit further.

And it discards any shred of humanitarian regard for resisting evil outside its own borders, although that argument is counter to the theme of Benjamin's post (unless one considers humanitarian activity to be merely a means of boosting ones own self-image).

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Thanks for this interesting article Benjamin

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While overall this argumentation makes sense, the fact we are down to appeal to Westerners selfish economical interest rather than moral ground is damning. Arguably we are already largely defeated politically. And we are so due to our own making alone.

In any case, even if the common folk in the West suddenly escaped its idiocracy state of mind to see the light, our own oligarchy has already showed it is not willing to do what is necessary for our safety. Quite the opposite as they continue to destroy our democracies, our economies and ultimately, our entire societies.

See France for exemple where our new government is being formed by the most severely defeated "conservative right" political party during the summer legislatives elections. The one party with the least amount of MPs. All to continue the past decade policies which simultaneously crash the economy, bankrupted the state and thrown the majority of the population under poverty by redistributing the wealth through taxations and public deficit from the poor to an handful of richs.

While the past days, everybody is talking about Lebanon due to you know who projecting to invade yet another Arab state to commit yet an other genocide, the truth is the vast majority of Western countries are following the path of Lebanon : failed states devoided of representativity with a failed, largely fictive economy in a bankrupted state controlled by a corrupt oligarchy whose only distraction from slowly killing their country like vampires is to support racist sectarian mass murder abroad.

Before saving Ukraine, including for their own selfish good, Westerners need to save themselves from their own national demons. However, I highly doubt this will happen. It seems these days that many people, if not most people, believe they can either sneak their way into the top 10% becoming richer by destroying their countries, or just find more appealing to add a heavy dose of fascism into our oligarchic regimes. Why do right when you can do wrongs and feel proud about it ? Or something like that. I have seen it from personal experience being familiar with people in the high strata of both states services and private companies in Paris.

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You’re absolutely right

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Supporting Ukraine - actively, with all your might and commitment, without reservations - is the RIGHT, the human, the moral thing to do. If you don’t, you have no soul, no moral, and there’s nothing that can be done about that.

We, you, I, must realize that this is OUR war. Would you not fight for yourself, your spouse, your kids? Go effing fight and don’t bother with anything less than complete, unconditional victory.

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