I am missing the text to speach function from over at Medium. It was great at reading in-between the lines ...

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I'm also missing few functions that were simpler to handle, but that's life. Can live with it.

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Another interesting piece. Mr Cooper, Your service to anyone who wants to know more about ongoing conflicts in the world is invaluable, made even more precious by the lack of in-depth analysis in Italian and international medias. I have just to do a remark about a little imprecision due to a trap that the language of my beautiful country, Italy, sets for foreigners: the word "Col" in Col Moschin in Italian doesn't mean the abbreviation of Colonel, but is the same of "Colle" that means "Hill"(Col Moschin was the site of a fierce battle in First World War). Thank You for Your job. Bye

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Thanks, much appreciated.

Have corrected 'Colonel' to 'Col', meanwhile, too (yes, my lack of knowledge about 'NATO-forces' is showing).

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Thanks for your work

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Thanks as always for your work, Tom!

Word is that Spanish MOE (Mando de Operaciones Especiales -Special Operations Command) had sended a 90 men detachment, mainly paratroopers for the operation.

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"successfully evacuated 41 Italian citizens and embassy staff from Khartoum on Sunday evening. The mission was executed with utmost professionalism and efficiency, ensuring safety and security. The RSF's swift action is a testament to our commitment to protect citizens in times of crisis.": sounds like someone at Moscow HQ helped with this announcement... :D

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