Hi everybody!
It’s Wednesday, and thus the next update on our collection for the 151st Mechanised Brigade, ZSU - is overdue!
Up front: special thanks for your continuous donations!
They’re flowing all the time and I cannot but repeat my expression of gratitude to everybody involved. This even more so because… well, I’ve promised you (and myself, too), another, ‘regular’ update for yesterday. Free in style of, ‘one update, every Tuesday’. Mea culpa: didn’t manage it because of other obligations.
Foremost, and as you’re going to see below, there’s so much going on in regards of this collection that it’s taking me time to ‘collect all the bits and pieces’. And, I can only hope you’re going to find it OK what are we doing, too…
Approximately in order of how we’ve started, and how is this collection developing:
- 151st Mechanised Brigade
As reported the last week, our KIA Sportage was meanwhile handed over to the 151st Mech.
This was just in time because the Nissan Navara we’ve purchased back in August was meanwhile in poor shape and requiring a ‘general overhaul’. Indeed, it was returned to technician, completely disassembled and the technician is estimating the price for all the pieces that need to be repaired and replaced at UAH 44670. Price for his work is not yet known: that and the total are to follow in the next update.
Plus, the 151st needed two new tyres (UAH 3698 each): Anastasiia has already bought these.
- 72nd Mechanised Brigade
Anastasiia is meanwhile in regular contact with the 72nd Mech. Correspondingly, she has opened a separate bank account for collection for that brigade alone (and transferred UAH 1,000 from your donations for the 151st Mech, to it, ‘for the start). Details on that account at the end of this update.
Furthermore, after getting in touch with gents from the 72nd, and receiving their ‘wish list’ in return, she has purchased a brand-new field generator, accessories (like oil, filters etc.), one Ecoflow (charging station capable of charging within an hour, price UAH 41799), and two heaters (at UAH 6390 each).
Don’t ask me where or how, but instead of paying UAH 45,000-50,000 for the generator, as announced (and estimated) the last week, Anastasiia has managed to buy a brand-new generator for only UAH 31531,70 (i.e. has received a discount of UAH 6458,30)!!
Sole problem right now is: we’ve got to wait for an address where to ship all of this.
- 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade
As careful readers of my updates know, the 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade brigade is currently fighting inside Russia, in the Kursk Oblast.
Yesterday, Anastasiia has been contacted by the Medical Company of that brigade, with a request for help in the acquisition of tyres for their CASEVAC vehicle. Of course, she’s answered positively, has promptly purchased the tyres and has meanwhile shipped them to the 82nd.
Tyres are going to reach their destination by Friday.
To say both Anastasiia and me are overwhelmed and deeply touched by your willingness to help and donate, and the reaction from different of ZSU units, too - would be an understatement. Actually, we cannot believe what have we brought to life here, and how much is going on.
Hearth-felt thanks to everybody!
As usually, I’ll end this one with all the details you might need to continue supporting these units.
Bank Card Number: 5375411221843282 (account/donations in US$)
IBAN: UA333220010000026200347742354
Receiver: Anastasiia Nakonechna
or, per PayPal: 5266986@gmail.com (Purpose: ‘For Rickshaws’)
For accounting and for legal purposes (in Ukraine, it’s getting ever more problematic to transfer money from a PayPal account to ‘normal’ bank), but also because time and again her bank was turning down donations in Euros, Anastasiia has also set up an account where you can donate in Euros. Details are as follows:
Bank Card Number: 5375411218638372 (account/donations in EUR)
IBAN: GB27CLJU00997188707780
Receiver: Anastasiia Nakonechna
As can be seen, the first donation has already arrived… SPECIAL THANKS - so can ‘confirm’ that yes, this one is working nicely:
Ty for the updates. Here’s to hoping our donations help the 72nd recover sooner after their non stop service in their area of responsibility.
Thank you!!!