Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023

China is paying and playing smart.

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All highly plausible. Push-back for this from Washington could explain the seemingly arbitrary & drastic escalation in the so-called chip war which left wonks and analysts all scratching their heads last year - blocking exports of cutting edge chip fabrication tech to the PRC. (Allegedly it was "punishment" for rattling Taiwan's cage a bit too much.) And it also explains why the Biden admin wouldn't be explicit about this. No sense in painting the Chinese into a more pro-Pudding corner than Chinese diplomacy demands.

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Exceptionally interesting, specifically the brilliance of the Chinese. Perhaps the US and our allies are as far-sighted but I fear we are still benefitting from post-WW2 fortune without creating much new. Of course, if it is being done well average people like me may not even be aware of the progress.

Thank you for a very thought-provoking morning read.

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....and you have a ex technical foot-logger serviceman waiting for the final of a series on USVs development. You’re great Tom!

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