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Oct 9, 2023
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as tom said in another post, they’re out of options, so instead of dying by zionist attacks or israeli bombs they’re willing to die while mass killing israelis like they did to them

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Oct 10, 2023
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between dying from israel nukes or dying while killing israelis like they did to them they’ll gladly do the second

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Oct 9, 2023Edited
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Who has told you Jews are hated everywhere?

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Describing Israeli action as standing their ground that's a lovely way to put it.

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The first sentencie of your second pharagraph is the same way Hamas is acting now. Every single people living in the Gaza strip may have a relative or friend killed by "collateral damage" of de IDF. Maybe You need to re-read your own words.

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Thanks a lot Tom

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Thanks, Tom, and be careful! I like your sarcasm, but above all your attitude and reporting. Therefore, even if you toned down your loudness, I'd remain loyal.

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NP. Must have some fun in all of this madness: helps me remain sane.

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So, the first information denies Iran and Russia involvement, but that rises the questions:

1. How was Hamas able to organism such good attack and how did they manage to smuggle so many weapons?

2. Are they complete idiots, knowing what Israel answer will be? It looks to me like some foreign power just throws them like straws in the fire.

3. Why is the local population supporting it, after they will be the one who will face the consequences?

4. How involved is Hezbollah and will Israel hit them after?

5. Will USA intervene military ?

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1.) Precisely for reasons I've explained in my first assesment, yesterday. By there being just two planners, and they not letting anybody know what are they planning.

2. & 3.) That's the very point why I'm stressing, all the time: Israel is no victim. Israel is the perpetrator. Israel has pushed the Palestinians into a corner where it doesn't matter what they do, nothing is OK to Israel. So, what's then the point of vegetating in that corner and waiting to get killed by some Israeli bomb or a Zionist settler from Russia? They can go and get killed while massacring Israelis, too.

Israel has the power to stop this: Palestinians do not. And expecting them to simply disarm and accept their fate, and continue vegetating - that's plain dumb.

4.) We'll see. So far, not very much.

5.) What exactly shall the USA do there? Join Israel in bombing Palestinians...?

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A small clarification, I will dive into details here (sorry, it will be long) because details are important in this case.

There is a need here to separate Gaza strip (controlled by Hamas) from Yehuda and Shomeron (controlled by Fatah), which are very different cases.

Admittedly, Peace settlement in Yehuda and Shomeron (where Israel has (unjustified) territorial interests, and many settlers) will be difficult (more like impossible), and the Israeli side is causing provocations there (more so in the last year).

But from the Gaza strip Israel doesn't want anything.

In the Gaza strip, there could be peace in 5 minutes, if the other side wished it.

Indeed the Gaza strip is a thorn in Israel's side which it would very willingly remove, particularly as Israel does not have any demands and interests there, there being no Israeli settlers In the Gaza strip and Israel not claiming any territory in Gaza, and only suffering from constant attack from them.

On the other hand, peace with Gaza offers the state of Israel many advantages, like commerce and professional labor force in the agricultural and in the building industries, and even more so as additional pressure on the palestinians in Yehuda and Shomeron also to reach a peace agreement with Israel on more favorable terms (for Israel).

Were Hamas to become non aggressive, and concentrate on demands of the Gaza strip itself (i.e. relinquish demands about Jerusalem, about refugees returning to Tel Aviv etc.) there would be very few disagreements, and these should probably not be difficult to resolve, including the gradual lifting of the admittedly strangling blockade.

However, as long as the main goal (indeed the raison d'etre) of the Hamas remains the total annihilation of the state of Israel (e.g. massac, I don't see this as happening and Israel, in self defense, will have to continue blockading, starving, policing etc. the populace of the Gaza strip, innocents and terrorists alike, and I for one, don't see any other way.

I wish I did, but I don't.

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Let's say Putin would succeded in 2014, occupy Ukraine from Lvov through Odesa to Donetsk and leave the "free" Ukraine just the north-east. The Ukrainians would fight to get the rest of their country and someone would advise them: Oh dear, you can have peace in 5 minutes, just stop attacking the occupier, accept their conditions, their are stronger anyway.

And that's what you suggest to Palestinians. Yes, I agree - terrorism is inexcusable and in Russia - Ukraine war the Russians are the ones causing the terror. That's the big mistake of Palestinians. If you forgot that, you maybe understand why Palestinians do not want to accept "peace". And by the way, the Israel would never allow Gaza strip to be a real free country, with own army (navy, air forces, ...), control their borders, etc. It would be always just kind of soft jail deal.

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Only russians say Lvov, in Ukraine the city is called L'viv, as it's called when it was founded in 1256 by Ukrainian King Danylo Galytskyi.

There is no such nation as Palestinian, there was no such country before as Palestina. It's a soviet KGB project to establish instability in South East region to control it.

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Oct 9, 2023
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You know, before rusia was moscovia more than 500 years until someone there decided to steal "Russ" name from Ukraine.

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This is like the tankie trope that the CIA or the Nazis invented Ukrainian nationalism to destroy the USSR. Ukraine hadn't been a proper independent state for hundreds of years, just a territory divided between regional powers with an ethnic identity. At least Palestine was a coherent region under the Ottomans and the British mandate. Palestinians are the ones who vouch for their own identity.

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....and while getting up this morning, you stumbled and rammed your forehead against the wall next to your bed?

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Tom, your humor gets me every time. Thank you for being you.

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Yes, if you look at the Palestinians as one entity, you are right. But, this is not entirely correct. They are one people, divided into two oblasts, each of which has it's own government and each of which negotiates separately with Israel, so the analogy with Ukraine is incorrect, plus Ukraine did not attack Russia even when Cremea and Donbas were occupied, Israel is not a dictatorship, Israeli soldiers do not mass rape Palestinian girls like in Bucha etc.

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Wait, please: so, because the UN assigned 51% of Palestine to Israel, but Israel then grabbed almost all of 100%, Israel now has the right to declare the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip for 'something else' than Palestinians in the West Bank?

Hm.... well, along your own line, his analogy is right. It only requires Russians to say: Ukrainians on the Crimea are something else than Ukrainians in Donbas. Or - the simplest solution, and exactly what they do: declare that there are no Ukrainians and therefore anybody considering himself an Ukrainian must be exterminated.

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1. I support Ukraine fully in this criminal assult of Russia, and I had sheltered Ukrainian refugees in my home for several weeks, and contributed to zsu and 3'rd assult.

2. I already said that in my opinion land grabbing by Israel is unjustified.

3. Hakesh Bagag procedure of the IDF:


4. Hamas threatens Israel that bombings without advance notification will be answered by killings of hostages.


5. You understand how spoiled are Israel's enemies. They have rights, one of which is advance notifications of bombings.

6. Ukrainians will never use their own people as human shields.

7. Sorry, I do know what I am talking about.

We are expecting unrealistic standards from the IDF.

It is impossible to fight like that.

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let me thank you for your sincere agreement with and confirmation for almost every single word I've written here about this topic in the last few days.

Just to make sure I have really understood the essence of your message: you expect Palestinians to give up any kind of own rights and interests and - and while ruled by the same extremist Islamist gang of terrorists you (Israel) have created, and then impressed upon them - to watch the other way while you're ethnically cleansing the rest of the West Bank and Jerusalem?

....and we all should simply ignore the fact that along something called the Humanitarian Law (no idea if you've ever heard of it, but to make sure: https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/collective-punishment/#:~:text=Collective%20punishment%20is%20prohibited%2C%20based,guarantees%20that%20protect%20judicial%20procedures.), collective punishment = war crime, because, well, it's Israel who's applying it for decades already?

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Hi Tom,

Yes, I agree with you in most cases, since you are working with the facts.

In some cases, I offer different interpretation, based on my local experience.

1. When saying that both sides are committing war crimes, we are comparing a Hamas fighter who gladly kills a mother and then her 2 small infants and then boasts of it, to an Israeli military commander who in the defense of his civilian population reluctantly authorizes an air strike against a Hamas target located between 2 residential buildings, and in most cases does not authorize it.

Both of them cause the death of innocent civilians, yet one of them is an inconceivably, to western standards, brutal man, a beast in human guise, and the other is a highly ethical human being in an impossible situation, and I wish to god that none of us will have to face such dilemma, but I fear the Ukrainians will encounter them in Tocmac but with own population.

2. As for my expectations from the Palestinians, the Israelis are an unjust occupiers and they are fully justified to fight back in international courts, in the UN, and against military targets. But once they target civilians they become an abomination.

3. Originally there was no Palestinian people, while fighting against the arab nations in 1967 Israel took Yehuda and Shomeron from Jordan, and unwillingly took the Gaza strip from Egypt. I have to agree, and many Israelis do, that by today, a Palestinian people has formed, and that Israel should avacuate their lands.

4. It would be extremely naive to assume that if Israel were to evacuate Yehuda and Shomeron then the Palestinians will stop attacking Israel. More realistically, they will most probably continue, but from the stronger position that a state provides, like happened in Gaza after the Israeli evacuation.

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"a highly ethical human being in an impossible situation". Is that the Israelis or the Palestinians?

"They are fully justified to fight back in international courts, in the UN". After 75 years of trying, this is a joke, right?

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Err, you are intentionally partially quoting me to twist what I said, so you are probably biased, in which case there is no point for a discussion.

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Israel has an interest in the Gaza strip. Namely staying a completely dependent entity without further developments to not be ever able to pose a threat.

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Yes, you are right, this is the solution today. However, even Israelis know that is a temporary solution and uncomfortable one due to the need to abuse the entitre Azati population. A better lasting solution would be a peaceful entity, like Egypt and Jordan which were bitter enemies when Israel was founded, and with which Israel has a peace agreement nowdays. However, it is extremely doubtful if such an agreement is possible with Hamas due to the extremist religious islamic nature of that organization, which considers every non muslem person an infidel that needs killing. For example in 9.11, when all the western world was mourning, the azati people were dancing on the rooftops full of overflowing joy, and the victims in that terrible incident were not Israeli oppressors at all.

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there is a tradition to pay for dances of joy for special occasions (as for mourning and whining at funerals too), so lots of the dancing was staged for medial purpose by islamists.

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So, the first information denies Iran and Russia involvement, but that rises the questions:

1. I`m not convinced, but it looks logical

2. Being an underdog fan is not changing the balance of power, in the end it does not matter who is wrong and right. It only matters who is stronger and what active alliance you can get. Killing civilians will obviously weaken your position and lower the support you receive. About having no choice, look at Armenians they just packed and left, they could have also decided to fight such losing fight, but decided it was pointless or you are saying no Muslim country will take them? I guess Qatar, Iran and Lebanon could give them weapons, but not provide homes.

4-5. Hezbollah are saying they will intervene, I’m wondering if USA will exploit the opportunity to bomb them, it`s obvious they will not go bomb Gaza.

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Regarding point 2 the Palestinian situation is summed up quite nicely by Kris Kristoffersen (sung by Janis Joplin): « Freedom is just another Word for nothing left to loose.» The Palestinians have little to loose, but not nothing. Killing civilians inidscrinally makes them loose sympathy, which is the only coin left. Of course that sympathy hasnt given them much, but still.

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Excuse me, but, while trying to keep the content of my stomach where it belongs, whenever entering discussions of this kind.... What 'sympathy' have the Palestinians had before they started massacring Israeli (and foreign) civilians on 7 October 2023?

Where are all these sympathies ever since 1947...? ....or earlier? - and how did they help or of what significance were they?

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What it has gotten them is a good question. A lot of foreign aid I would assume. Political goodwill maybe. Otherwise I dont know what it has gotten, Un declarations are worthless. Still, in Europe at least the population and governments are sympathetic towards them. That sympathy evaporates now.

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Roughly a third of military aid sent to Ukraine ended up on the black market. From there, it's easy to smuggle through Egypt.

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What is your source of information?

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It was all over the news last year, even CNN and CBS. Were you asleep?

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I remember the noise settled down as no facts were found.

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Well then maybe all those zionist pigs were butchered with imaginary weapons. Finger guns, perhaps? :)

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Are there no Russian guns all around the world?

Are you anti-Semitic?

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It's not like Ukraine is bordering Egypt. Be more specific, I'm interested to have more details. How was the smuggling done? Via NATO? Via Russia?

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Well done! it's such a toxic topic and people cannot stay objective.

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Thanks for the update. Lots of "experts" on this planet, and most of them do not qualify, so block the 'tards and have a coffee.

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This one was too much of fun to be left unmentioned.

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Thank you. And I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

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Thanks for so swift update(s). Because “people are people” you may still will receive invectives even if your account is down (I hope not), so let’s go to the real history, not the stories some coach expert may create.

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Thanks for the update. Even more serious for Israel than I thought. A question here. Israel has officially declared war. Ok, but that should bind them to following rules for war? Killing civilians in return strikes and fights is something theycan probably get away with, but starving the civiliation population, which cannot even flee is something different. Seems to me like a difficult strategy to follow up on?

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Nothing. As long as nobody is coming to the idea to start investigating, prosecuting, arresting, and sentencing Israeli war criminals - nothing's going to change.

....and that's 'impossible because poor survivors of Holocaust can't do any wrong....indeed: any critique of Israel is anti-Semitism'.... :rolleyes:

Heck......and nobody is coming to the idea at least to start investigating, prosecuting, arresting, and sentencing Arab war criminals. So, why should anybody do so with the Israelis...?

It's all such a good business to continue selling them arms without an end...

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Reflecting on it I am afraid you are right. Nothing will change this time.

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Now there are classic neoconservative op-eds-masquerading-as-articles in the Wall Street Journal of the, "Saddam Behind Al-Qaeda" type.


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Yup, in the German press, too.

Apparently, they have only two modes:

a) It was Iran or

b) it was Putin....

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Wait few months and there will be

c) it was Ukraine's special forces who started this war, to sell all their western provided weapons to middle east, because (choose one or few) ukrainians are nazis/gays/corrupted/Zelensky is reptiloid/it was ukrainians S300 missile.

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No need to wait, it's happening already.

(PS that reference to Zelensky reptiloid, made me chuckle!)

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And in the Australian media, quoting Wall Street Journal as their 'Iran did this' source 😔 It appears the (Murdoch) media is trying to start a full-blown war with Iran

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In Germany and Austria - too.

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Hello, Tom, I have an unrelated question that I can't ask anywhere else. Do you know any sources dealing with the internal structure of the Sudanese Armed Forces? Open-source information is either scarce or very general.

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If you scroll down my blog, you can find a two-part article on this topic - and a very precise one - from sometimes back in May or June.

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Thanks for the update. Btw, just to clarify the confusion about a point you made in yesterday's article, shouldn't you refer the IDF as terrorists as they are massacring civilians in Gaza?

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Yes, of course - and I did so very often over the years (arguably: not often enough, but... well: sorry if I've got fed up of all the resulting attacks on my person; you might want to read this to understand: https://xxtomcooperxx.substack.com/p/in-own-matter-e47).

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The Jews came to the land occupied by the Arabs (Palestinians) for 2000 years and began to speculate on Holocaust theme. The main item was "Every Jew must have a land to return and find security in hard times". But when Jews from Ukraine had their hard times there occurred to be no place for them in Israel. So we see that there are at least two species of Jews, the Jews of Israel being MORE EQUAL THAN THE OTHER JEWS and more fit to live in Israel. Bearing in mind the famous Jewish solidarity (that failed concerning non-Israelite Jews) what can we expect from the Israelites towards the Palestinians robbed of their land by the Jews? Evidently THEY are not fit to share the promised land with the chosen people.

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Why? Are you aware how many Ukrainian oligarchs, statemen and their relatives have Israeli citizenship?

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Thanks Tom very informative read

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Tom. You have limited energy. Don't waste it on the ignorant. Way too many of them and too little of you! Also, if you have not already done so, I would like your take on the impact of Ukrainian Partisan Warfare at this time. I see a very large active area southwest of Tokmak and a number around key ports to the south but have read nothing about their impact.

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NP. Time (not energy) is my bigger problem - and had to have some fun with that character: helps me remain sane.

Re. activities of Ukrainian Partisans.... I know what are they doing. Perhaps even too well. That's why I have something like self-imposed ban on reporting on anything related. Sorry, there are things I do not talk about.

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Makes sense, no problem. You are very analytical and I am glad you can have fun with idiots. I take it personal and get stressed out, so I just block them.

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