A reincarnation of Piłsudski's "Intermarium".

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And as likely to succeed...

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Times have changed.

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Did they? Kaczyński was trying to do this not so long ago and failed completely even with Orban.

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Many similarities. Yes. Including historically all the nations who rejected the offer eventually falling to the Soviet Union. That could reincarnate also.

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Thank you. I do hope this will not only be words.

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Everything perfect! However, some of the smaller EE countries, such as Lithuania and Moldova with large Russian speaking population, or Bulgaria with traditional pro-Russian sentiments, are especially vulnerable to Russian propaganda and disruptive operations. And we have seen last winter that this might happen even with Poland. In the paper this is mentioned only once: “Expect hybrid attacks aimed at disrupting alliance cohesion and undermining public support.”. It need much more attention and efforts - the examples with Hungary and Slovakia support my claim!

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A very good point.

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What! First I heard of a large Russian speaking population in Lithuania, and I live there. I guess you mean Latvia, and there not comparable with Moldova.

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Yes, Latvia with capital Riga. I apologise.

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Romania ... haha .. where money will flow that direction is where my country will go .. very unreliable

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One disadvantage of the titled alliance is that the acronym ESA is already taken.

A more serious question is, given how UK sabotaged every European effort to unite military forces/command outside NATO, the proposed ESA might be sabotaged by NATO as a possible competitor. And I foresee some difficult time for armed forces wearing multiple hats: national, ESA, NATO - which takes precedence? When each organization gets involved?

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A bit fantastical. Especially the air dominance part.

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You have to look at who they are trying to "dominate". Ukraine has achieved near combat air parity. But yes, these are goals.

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This type of alliance has been talked about here in Ukraine since late 2022 but very little movement so far other than talk, of course. Some of it is public but much of it is not. My contacts in Prague are also working in this direction even though the Czechs are left out of this particular plan. Fact is, this plan is one of the best I have seen or heard of so far. It's got good bones. Now, we have to see if there will be actual "buy-in" due to the US election results. Here in Ukraine, the need to go from reactive to proactive is still a major problem. Tom knows my sentiments from the early days and thank you, Benjamin for putting forth a cogent and reasonable format.

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I think it's Ukraine's best hope, and the only real shot at deterrence for the Baltics.

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I have advocated for this since the Russian invasion of Ukraine exposed the temerity of a US led NATO to effectively counter Putin's aggression. I fervently hope it will be created.

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Thanks for sharing Tom. This is functioning? Government calls for a summit? A real proposal or an idea from a think tank?

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It's an idea I came up with that others have also mentioned.

No think tank. Just a PhD student.

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Please tell me this is a real thing that might happen??? Trump is going to cut off all aid to Ukraine. Zelensky didn’t play ball back in 2015-16. Trump will do everything in his power to screw them. I’m so nervous for Ukraine post January

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These are very practical and useful thoughts, the problem is, that not every potential member of this shield thinks likewise.

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The alliance basically only needs Finland, Norway, Poland and Ukraine. If these 4 join, the Baltics definitely will.

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Why Czech Republic not included? Also, Germany, France and other EU members if they wish. Also, it can be called Warsaw Pact 2

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Love it. Augmenting NATO. Yes.

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Sounds very doable, especially if the States go bye bye, in which case they can't object. France, Germany, and Britain can go play with their own ball if they think it too much provocation. This would also push Ukraine to reorganize the ZSU to NATO standards as well.

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