FT article says:

"Russia’s military is believed to have lost about 120,000 troops, with another 280,000 wounded, according to US estimates."

I think you have the numbers of Russians dead and wounded the wrong way round

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This is from the article: "Ukraine does not disclose its casualties but the latest US estimates suggest that about 130,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been injured and 70,000 killed since February 2022. Russia’s military is believed to have lost about 120,000 troops, with another 280,000 wounded, according to US estimates."

As of August 1st, 2023, Ukraine says that 246,690 Russian soldiers have been killed.


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We quoted the same thing from the FT on the number of Russians dead and wounded. Ie we don't disagree on what the FT says.

My point is this blog entry got the numbers the wrong way round when it says, "The US estimates that Ukraine has suffered 130k wounded and 70k dead while Russia lost 120k wounded and 280k dead."

According to FT, the US estimated 120k dead, 280k wounded, not 120k wounded, 280k dead

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I'm glad I could agree with you before I eventually agreed with you.

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Greetings, I´ve been following some of the public statements of the Rapid support forces; they claim they´ve just managed to capture Bilaila Airport in West Kordofan State, inflicted casualties on the Sudanese Armed forces, etc. Things are very much still in motion it would seem. Will you by any chance ever revisit the conflict in Sudan on your substack? Thanks

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Thank you for the update Don.

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However, the Slovak government declared two days after taking office that commercial arms deliveries would continue anywhere. Which is no change. The West has been paying this for a long time

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To be fair, he keeps saying it. Rhetoric does have an impact even there wasn't any government equipment left to give.

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You write: «The EU promised a million artillery shells in a year. After six months, they’ve delivered 30% of the shells…» Feel free to call me a cynic but that is better than expected. If they have ramped up the production They might get to say thi/thirds of the goal. Not enough, but at least an attempt. But lets try to improve.

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We may only be able to speculate as to why the EU and US started so late to ramp up production but the fact is the capacity to do better was always there.

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It takes time to gear up for a new production line, to train personnel, and all this is contingent to getting contracts/money in advance. As long as the pipeline of equipment and ammunition is full, there's hope for Ukraine, despite the start-up delays.

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Do not know about US but at least EU started to ramp up production very very late, because of the politics sent order to the industry at least one year late. (Industry was ready immediately - not ready to increase production, but ready to start increasing the capacity)

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it's an unfortunate problem with EU (too much bureaucracy). There's a built-in delay in doing everything by the letter of the law, allocating funds, letting contracts etc.

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It's not about bureaucracy, but about political will.

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It was and it is. However while there are real issues with training, equipment and so on I think thereal issues a mindset one. And frankly it is not limited to politicians. In Europe, especially western Europe, Welhavens basically been in peace since 1945. Wars at such a scale hasnthappened. The whole society needsto act differently. That is not easy, and its why I am not surprised that we had not deliveredas promised. Rapping up will happen, but mental shifts are difficult.

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Since I can't reply in the other thread and it kinda fits here: Tatarigami has a very plausible estimate about the amount of North Korean ammo delivered to Russia.


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A higher number than expected. Sort of understand Putins decision to buy, still hopes this blows up in their faces but....

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Thanks Don #3 read good information I look forward to your reports have a good one

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I'm glad you find it useful.

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Thanks Don, I always look forward to reading this column.

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Excellent write up Don thank you

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Thanks Don for your work. I had enjoyed so much the hilarious Finnish winners...

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"I haven’t seen any cats in Russian trenches. I don’t know how widespread they are in Ukrainian trenches…"

To fill the informational vacuum:



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