Tom: regarding the North Koreans....what about the possibility that the Russians use them as a man-for-man switch with military units guarding quiet borders or border guards. It would open up the same number of troops to send to Ukraine while minimizing the chances for the Koreans to defect.

Just a thought.....

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That's more likely than their deployment on the frontlines inside Ukraine. Alone the language barrier would cause immense problems.

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Yeah, we all figure that when NK soldiers defect there will be MASSIVE repercussions for their families...aka executions...public executions. I will also agree that their has been a vast amount of brain washing and programming of the NK citizens. However, the desire for Freedom, for "MORE" will propel many to make the attempt regardless of the risk to self and to family.

In many ways the situation for NK soldiers is similar to a tactic used by Sun Tzu: when outnumbered and facing imminent defeat place you army into a box canyon. Then they can not run. They will have to fight...or they will die.

Life in NK is like the box canyon. No freedom, no hope, no life only misery and degradation....only a road to inevitable death, whether that road be long or short they all end in a miserable death.

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More people care about money than freedom. How many Russians soldiers have defected voluntarily? Just handful. And their families do not face any repressions, they would just not receive money when their loved ones would go west (to freedom). And my guess is NK soldiers in Russia would get yeah good money comparing to what they have in NK.

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Russia has a single troublesome border în Caucasus. Every other area is quiet and doesn't need combat troops.

NK units în Russia have no utility. Small numbers and no extra skills compared to the Rusians. They would make Rusia look weak just when its back on ascendent în Ukraine.

This seems just a propaganda story wrapped by Budanov.

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Or Kim has sent them as cannon fodder for money, so they'll go straight to the zero line. My guess is, they cost Russian MoD less then Russian conscripts. So, good deal for both side.

Kim has plenty of spare shells and people, too. BTW. less people to feed, more money for nuke toys.

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NK is very careful with the deployment of its soldiers abroad.

They are not wasted, nor sold and definitively not publicised. Usually they are pilots or radar operators for 3rd world countries.

NK has not sent units abroad like Cuba because they always expect some hot action at home.

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That's a good point. But there may be more juicy on the table, like transfer of some technology (e.g. improving NK ballistic missiles) etc. So, we will se in near future, where these troops will go.

BTW. the presence of NK troops in Russia, is confirmed by South Korea too, so it does not seems like Budanov propaganda.

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NK soldiers would not defect, at least not in masses. I bet Kim made sure it would not happen. They would be shot, they were promised high salaries, their family would be persecuted, etc.

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It would be easier for them to defect while guarding a quiet part of a border, not harder... I would expect Russian commanders to want to use them in the meat grinder.

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What makes you think they are willing to defect?

IMO, they (N. Korea) are sending only perfectly brainwashed types abroad :-))

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(The view from a Bradley as the 225th engages their enemy.)

That was a MARDER 1A3. Nope the specifics of the sloping frontal armor...NOT an M2/3 BFV.

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Yep. No idea why I wrote that.

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I didn't even notice until the first time the autocannon fired and was like "huh, that didn't sound right." Thought for a second Skala was pairing Marders and Bradleys, which would be kinda cool.

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Actually the X-Post states it as well

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Yeah, I think I automatically linked the 225th with Bradleys without paying close attention. I didn't know they also had Marders. As Spike says, it's written in plain English.

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First time I watched it after reading the caption "BRAIN" said "something is not quite right." So I watched it again. My "BRAIN" may be addled and damaged, but sometimes even IT works....partially..... (o:

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Interesting to note russian command and control still bad. Suggests it's just easier to concentrate resources on arms and ammo instead of radios and basic training 🤷🏼‍♂️. Good for Ukraine, bad for your average russian soldier.

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Thanks Don

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If the Koreans do show up on the front around Nov 1, could the intent be to spook Americans to vote for Kim's best friend? Letting that many out of paradise at once has never happened before either; could it be they won't be coming back?

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Thanks Don for your dossier!

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Thank you, Don.

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