Mr Cincuľa, as the assassin of Mr Fico, was never a member of the Slovak Conscripts (organization which is already ceased) or any similar organisation. On one occasion he attended a meeting of them, at which he called on them to pacifism and to give up their weapons. Recently, he has made several presentations of his fervent love for the current President of Slovakia. So correct yourself, because your claim that he was a member of that grouping is not true... but I accept that in the context of war and propaganda, truth is the first casualty.
He was standalone frustrating person, without any connection to politics. He hate Fico because of corruption (as every normal person) and that's why he was attending protest again corruption. Problem is that he tryes to solve sitaution with wrong methods.
Btw also on former prime minister was prepaired assassination, but killer didn't find him so he shot 2 gays. Also standlone person, but this one was in love with Fico :)
Thanks for correction. Also I am not sure if Mr. Gaspar arrest was in connection with killing of Jan Kuciak and Martina.... as well as, there is no connection with Fico government. During Matovic government were 2 guys killed and nobody demonstrated for Matovic/Heger prime ministery... double metter. ;-)
Also Kočner and Zsusova were liberated in trial... but anyway, good article and summary is here... deepL/translator will help.
These 2 guys( gays) were killed because assassins' was first trying to kill prime minister Heger, but he didn't found him so then he kills at least some gays.
And there is a lot of connection between Kocner and some politics from SMER and also many connection to police, prokuratators and judges. Kuciak was wroting about coruption of Fico and Kocner .
Regarding the Ukrainian businessman and arrested and exchanged for a Russian soldier, that's apparently not an isolated incident. Ukraine is so short on POWs they have to grab their own civilians for exchange. This Ukrainian grandma who was sentenced to five years in prison for "liking" a picture of Stalin on the odnoclassniki network was allegedly exchanged for a Ukrainian POW.
Well you can find me on Google ;) See I have talked to quite a few Ukrainians and Russians. Ukrainians feel entitled to my money, and when I disagree, they get angry and threaten to kill me. Can you give me even one reason why I should like you or support your "cause"?
Don: keep in mind that the United States Air Force REFUSED to target KNOWN North Vietnamese Air Bases because they were AFRAID that they MIGHT kill Soviet "Advisors." What a load of unmitigated horse sh%#. Korea had an entire Soviet Air Brigade killing American and Allied Air Crews and though I can not EXACTLY remember it, I seem to recall more than a few Soviet pilots flying for the North Vietnamese. Thusly said, PUTLER can shove it up his wazoo sideways.
Oh yeah.....on 16 May 2024 the RUSKIES launched an ASAT satellite into low earth orbit....same orbit as U.S. satellites. #%%#%*)*&%#$%&^$#@$^&*(()&%$$%^*(....and you can quote me on that). Frigging morons rattling their sabres trying to scare us. Ooooooo. Dumbasses.....if your sabre is rattling....IT'S BROKEN!!!!!!
Mr Cincuľa, as the assassin of Mr Fico, was never a member of the Slovak Conscripts (organization which is already ceased) or any similar organisation. On one occasion he attended a meeting of them, at which he called on them to pacifism and to give up their weapons. Recently, he has made several presentations of his fervent love for the current President of Slovakia. So correct yourself, because your claim that he was a member of that grouping is not true... but I accept that in the context of war and propaganda, truth is the first casualty.
He was standalone frustrating person, without any connection to politics. He hate Fico because of corruption (as every normal person) and that's why he was attending protest again corruption. Problem is that he tryes to solve sitaution with wrong methods.
Btw also on former prime minister was prepaired assassination, but killer didn't find him so he shot 2 gays. Also standlone person, but this one was in love with Fico :)
Thanks for correction. Also I am not sure if Mr. Gaspar arrest was in connection with killing of Jan Kuciak and Martina.... as well as, there is no connection with Fico government. During Matovic government were 2 guys killed and nobody demonstrated for Matovic/Heger prime ministery... double metter. ;-)
Also Kočner and Zsusova were liberated in trial... but anyway, good article and summary is here... deepL/translator will help.
These 2 guys( gays) were killed because assassins' was first trying to kill prime minister Heger, but he didn't found him so then he kills at least some gays.
And there is a lot of connection between Kocner and some politics from SMER and also many connection to police, prokuratators and judges. Kuciak was wroting about coruption of Fico and Kocner .
Regarding the Ukrainian businessman and arrested and exchanged for a Russian soldier, that's apparently not an isolated incident. Ukraine is so short on POWs they have to grab their own civilians for exchange. This Ukrainian grandma who was sentenced to five years in prison for "liking" a picture of Stalin on the odnoclassniki network was allegedly exchanged for a Ukrainian POW.
That's not a valid web site.
"Apparently" you've posted Russia-Today's nonsense. Have you even read the source?
I can sense the bot farm narrative from the very first sentence, “grab their own civilians”, “liking a picture of Stalin”. Joke!!!
Well you can find me on Google ;) See I have talked to quite a few Ukrainians and Russians. Ukrainians feel entitled to my money, and when I disagree, they get angry and threaten to kill me. Can you give me even one reason why I should like you or support your "cause"?
Нечего? Ты не можешь? 🤡🤣
Here you are!!! 🤣
Don: keep in mind that the United States Air Force REFUSED to target KNOWN North Vietnamese Air Bases because they were AFRAID that they MIGHT kill Soviet "Advisors." What a load of unmitigated horse sh%#. Korea had an entire Soviet Air Brigade killing American and Allied Air Crews and though I can not EXACTLY remember it, I seem to recall more than a few Soviet pilots flying for the North Vietnamese. Thusly said, PUTLER can shove it up his wazoo sideways.
Oh yeah.....on 16 May 2024 the RUSKIES launched an ASAT satellite into low earth orbit....same orbit as U.S. satellites. #%%#%*)*&%#$%&^$#@$^&*(()&%$$%^*(....and you can quote me on that). Frigging morons rattling their sabres trying to scare us. Ooooooo. Dumbasses.....if your sabre is rattling....IT'S BROKEN!!!!!!
Thanks Don for the report