" 60,000 Russian dead and 315,000 dead and wounded". Presumably that means 60,000 dead and 255,000 wounded. Seems a bit disappointingly low but all those wounded might just get Russian society to wake up.
Low, but on the other hand just think about those 315k going back to the society and being unable to work at all while having alcohol and drug addiction combined with gun skills.
Regarding drones. I have a feeling that Ukraine shoots down fewer of the drones this year? Is it true? If true is this because of improved Russian tactics, lack of amunition or something Else?
1) The drones are now painted with a black substance which is said to suppress radar waves. Thus they are less visible, both for the soldiers and for radars.
2) The drones now use mobile internet with Ukrainian SIM cards to change the trajectory in real time. If a forward drone is shot down following drones fly away, thus it is not possible for a single AD post to shoot multiple drones.
3) They say that more drones target places close to the front line, thus there is little time to shoot them.
" 60,000 Russian dead and 315,000 dead and wounded". Presumably that means 60,000 dead and 255,000 wounded. Seems a bit disappointingly low but all those wounded might just get Russian society to wake up.
Low, but on the other hand just think about those 315k going back to the society and being unable to work at all while having alcohol and drug addiction combined with gun skills.
That is exactly what I was thinking of.
I think Its more like 60,000 confirmed dead and another 315k likely dead or wounded.
Point taken
Regarding drones. I have a feeling that Ukraine shoots down fewer of the drones this year? Is it true? If true is this because of improved Russian tactics, lack of amunition or something Else?
1) The drones are now painted with a black substance which is said to suppress radar waves. Thus they are less visible, both for the soldiers and for radars.
2) The drones now use mobile internet with Ukrainian SIM cards to change the trajectory in real time. If a forward drone is shot down following drones fly away, thus it is not possible for a single AD post to shoot multiple drones.
3) They say that more drones target places close to the front line, thus there is little time to shoot them.