Thank you so very, very much for your efforts. I wish both of you a year 2024 which fulfills your dreams. I wish you and me that Ukraine moves closer to victory each and every hour of this year 2024. Slava Ukraïni. Slava Herojam.

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It's funny, that in Lithuanian the same plant is called putinas - exactly like that world terrorist No 1. Thus, this shrub is not very popular now - who wants putin in his backyard?

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I'm sorry for being picky, but the stamp attached to show red viburnum is actually showing cranberry (журавлина - zhuravlyna in Ukrainian) :)

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I don't think you are right. The stamp really depicts kalyna https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccinium_oxycoccos , not cranberry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cranberry . If it is unclear from the berries, just look at the leaves - they are very different.

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Це калина. У горобини (Sorbus) листя як у акації. /// It's a viburnum. In mountain ash (Sorbus), the leaves are similar to those of acacia

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До чого тут горобина, коли я писав про Журавлину?

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Журавлина це взагалі трава, кілька сантиметрів від землі з одиночними ягодами. Вона немає нічого спільного з калиною. А от горобина схожа на калину і деякі люди, що не бачили калину, можуть її сплутати. Тому я думав, ви маєте на увазі горобину, не розрізняючи її від журавлини

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Ok, I'm apparently wrong, because the brief search shows that it's indeed kalyna on the stamp, though the letter Ж(zh) has nothing to do with the plant.

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It's just a letter. It's called a non-denominated stamp that many countries use. This is the explanaition for US non-denominated stamps:

Non-denominated postage stamps are stamps with no value printed on the face of the stamp. As postal costs increased, the Postal Service began to increase their rates for the various classes of mail. Before becoming effective, however, these rate increases had to be submitted to the Postal Rate Commission for approval. Often, the PRC would take as much as a year conducting studies and compiling data before accepting or rejecting the changes. If the rate increase was approved, the Postal Service then had to rush to design and produce the new stamps. In 1975, the Postal Service began printing non-denominated stamps so it would be ready and waiting for the next rate change. A letter of the alphabet was used to represent the unknown rate, so the stamps could meet customer demand until new definitives bearing the actual rate were printed.

I read that Ukraine no longer prints Z or V on non-denominated stamps. Here are some more examples on the top row: https://www.stampboards.com/viewtopic.php?t=83621

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Thank you so much for both your insights and explanations and wishing you a happier and calmer new year (although I’m not sure we are going to get it)!

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Happy new year to all of you, both the authors and those who comment and discuss. This was yet another intersting piece, never heard about the plant mor the song. But while banning the song is typically of oppressive regimes, having read the lyrics I think the interpretation that this is a battlehymne for resistance is correct. Dosent make their behaviour any less ville.

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In Moscow, you can be arrested for laying flowers at a statue.


Being able to express yourself, even if your government doesn't agree with you, is important. But then, for those singing the song, the occupiers are not their government.

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You hit the mail on the head there, those forbidding it are not the government of those singing it. So of course they are a little insecure and aggressive.

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Que nos dirigeants et nos peuples respectifs vous entendent ! Bonne année

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Happy new Year with love and support to all on the forum, who believe in peace, justice and freedom. Especially the authors and of course, all those fighting and suffering in Ukraine.

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Especially the Ukrainians.

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Thanks for your work. All the best in New Year!

Putin also said that NATO should go away on 1997 borders.


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And when you think about him that is just a simple man. He doesn’t have superpowers. He has health problems, he getting old, and so on. Yet all Planet is entangled by a stump. It’s very strange how this race, humans, are living on this Earth.

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Thanks a lot Don.

I especially liked your parting sentence.

Ukraine should not negotiate for it's land,

Putin's army should be defeated and sent home howling.

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Trying to be updated with all the last works from late 23 and New 24 after another health trouble.

It’s like a medicine to read all the informative and documented updates both of you, Tom and Don compile constantly. I feel reassured with your texts, and better as well.

BTW, I wish a happy new year to both of you, your loved ones and also to all the readers around here. Hope this 2024 may be the year of Putin defeat.

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BBC Radio's "Soul Music" series had an episode on 'Chervona Kalyna' -- a highly recommended listen. The programme includes a bit of basic musicology about what mskes it so stirring and interviews / stories of some people who it has particular significance for.


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Happy New Year, Don & Tom!

You do a fantastic and unique job keeping us informed, educated and inspired! I heartly appreciate all the time and commitment it takes.

Here's something for you to enjoy - my favorite performance of "Chervona Kalyna": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZztmQsSAqfo

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