Yesno. Age of some tank is not helping gauge if it's easier to learn to drive or not.
Nevertheless, one way or the other, and essentially, one can teach any people to operate a tank in a reasonable fashion - in a matter of…
Yesno. Age of some tank is not helping gauge if it's easier to learn to drive or not. There are tanks that are 'ergonomically sound/better suited to user', and others that are not.
Nevertheless, one way or the other, and essentially, one can teach any people to operate a tank in a reasonable fashion - in a matter of 2-3 weeks.
BUT, teaching large groups of people (platoons, companies, battalions, regiments/brigades) to do so in a way that's making military sense.... that can take years.
....and, sometimes, all the training is for nothing (see what's happening to the RFA in Ukraine of the last six weeks).
However, all of that is not the real problem on hand (in the West): the problem is getting the politics to understand the nature and importance of the war in Ukraine; and then in getting the politics to reform itself into full transparency (in order to stop an to prevent political corruption, which is meanwhile endemic in all the 'Western democracies'), while, simultaneously, maintaining control over the defence sector - and still making the latter capable of delivering quicker.
Right now, I do not see a trace of anybody - whether in the EU or the USA, Canada, Japan, and/or South Korea - even thinking about suitable reforms.