There is such a chaos in the Russian lines between Kharkiv and Severodonetsk, that I have no idea…
Just for example (didn't have the time to go into more details when preparing the summary today): in the Izium area, the South OSK has…
There is such a chaos in the Russian lines between Kharkiv and Severodonetsk, that I have no idea who is who there organising their supplies.
Just for example (didn't have the time to go into more details when preparing the summary today): in the Izium area, the South OSK has bunched together 22 BTGs of the 1st GTA, 20th, 29th, 35th and 36th CAAs, AND the 68th AC, plus two BTGs of the 76th VDV - without any particular order. That's 7 corps-level HQs, with 7 - nominally - separate logistic chains, on a frontline of mere 60km, at the end of one railway line and two roads.
If I'm to ask: 'absolutely insane'.
Arguably, most of these 22 BTGs are down to 50-70% of their nominal strength. Thus, they need less supplies than if at full strength. But, really, just organising and running this must be driving lots of people insane...