The mass of Europenan governments simply can't - or doesn't dare - speaking truth.
....and the media is, just like politicians, paid by oligarchy to report what oligarchy thinks is important and opportune in the given…
The mass of Europenan governments simply can't - or doesn't dare - speaking truth. Or at least prefer to avoid the unpleasant: leave the problem to the next government.
....and the media is, just like politicians, paid by oligarchy to report what oligarchy thinks is important and opportune in the given moment.
Under such circumstances, very, very few are coming to the ideat to do things like thinking at least a few months in advance, and say it in the public: Ukrainian refugees cannot go home 'tomorrow', not even by Christmas, because for all too many of them, there is nothing to return to.
....and there will be nothing to return to until Russians are out of all of Eastern Ukraine.
...the shortest way to which would be supplying whatever armament one has to Ukraine.
Nah, this is all 'inopportune', perhaps even 'politically incorrect' to say... and, of course, 'it's much more complex than that'... :rolleyes: