That's the problem. As historian I recall also:
- Paris Accords: got the 'honourable withdrawal' for the USA, and left South Vietnam at the mercey of North Vietnam. What was then the…
That's the problem. As historian I recall also:
- Paris Accords: got the 'honourable withdrawal' for the USA, and left South Vietnam at the mercey of North Vietnam. What was then the whole war about...?
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty: helped exactly whom in how far?
- Diplomatic relations to the PRC: at the price of the USA dropping a faithfull ally - Taiwan - like a hot rock, and wasting a precious seat in the UNSC in favour of a demagogic regime in Beijing (thus intensifying the process of rendering the UN completely useless);
- Kissinger's 'diplomacy' was what brought the 'Arabs' to the verge of a defeat in 1973, first and foremost.
BTW, Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize for little else but babblign hot air; Abyi has got the Nobel Peace Prize and then promptly instigated a war etc., etc., etc., etc.... Sorry, that's really nothing to help one gauging anything at all.