Hello everybody!
It’s Tuesday, and thus the time for the next update on our collection for the…. well, once upon the time, it was a collection for the 151st Mechanised Brigade, ZSU. Meanwhile, and thanks to your donations, it developed beyond my wildest imagination.
The last few days, Anastasiia was so busy acquiring and shipping all the stuff you’ve sponsored, and taking care this to reach the (in order in which their insignia is sorted, on the illustration above) 151st Mechanised-, 72nd Mechanised-, and the 82nd Airborne Brigades, that she barely managed to send me a few photos and other details.
Things developed something along these lines:
‘Sometimes the last week’, the KIA Sportage we’ve acquired for the 151st Mech, and that then underwent a complete overhaul - all of this kindly sponsored by your donations - has reached its… ‘destination’: the SUV is now in use by the unit.
On Friday, 18 October, gents from the 82nd Airborne have received the first set of four tyres for their CASEVAC/MEDEVAC-vehicle. These were promptly installed and they’ve sent us this photo with their thanks (sorry for deleting the rest of the photo: ‘safety & security first’… plus, what matters are new tyres):
To make sure, here a ‘portrait’ of one of new tyres, too:
To show why were new tyres so urgently necessary, here a photo of one of the old tyres, replaced by those donated by you:
This was the invoice for that first set of four tyres (total: UAH 15,388,—):
As requested by the Medical Detachment of the 82nd Airborne, Anastasiia was so kind to acquire the second set of tyres. At the same price. This has already been shipped and delivered…indeed, ‘just in’ is this photo of the new tyres are already on the second CASEVAC/MEDEVAC-car:
Also on Friday, but late at night, gents from the 72nd Mech have picked up their generator, accessories for it (including oil), and three heaters. They were in such a hurry, that only this photo came into being (sorry for all the smudging and re-touching different ‘corners’ and ‘details’, but again: ‘safety & security first’!).
They have forwarded their thanks, left their patch, and - as one must expect from the proud 72nd - ‘disappeared in the darkness’.
As reported last Wednesday, the generator cost UAH 31,531,70. Oil and heaters cost a total of UAH 2,451,30.
Here also the receipt, to confirm the company selling them has received that money:
The 72nd has confirmed the arrival of the generator and oil; heaters and re-charging station arrived today and were handed over in this style:
I must admit, I can hardly believe this, but: through all of this time, you were so kind to continue donating! Thanks so much!

Thus, ‘even’ after ‘all of these expenses’, the stand on accounts is very good and we’re perfectly positioned to continue supporting the ZSU.
Bank account/s: UAH 16,720,11
PayPal: US$ 9,590,48
Must admit, I’m very excited and hope we can continue in same style.
As usually, I’ll end with details you might need to continue helping the ZSU. Here I should add that - faithfully along the KISS Principle (see: ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’) - we’ve decided not to create separate bank accounts for every brigade we’re supporting, but to keep it at two accounts - one for donations in US Dollar and the other for Euros.
For donations in US$:
Bank Card Number: 5375411221843282
IBAN: UA333220010000026200347742354
Receiver: Anastasiia Nakonechna
For donations in €:
Bank Card Number: 5375411218638372
IBAN: GB27CLJU00997188707780
Receiver: Anastasiia Nakonechna
Or, per PayPal: 5266986@gmail.com (Purpose: ‘For Rickshaws’)
(Whatever you kindly donate per PayPal, the PayPal is automatically converting to US$.)
….can only repeat myself: you’re all FANTASTIC! Hearth-felt thanks to everybody!
Many thanks for your continuous support.
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