Re. news about RFA units about to join the battle...
What I get to hear in this regards is like pieces of puzzle not yet coming together.
Re. news about RFA units about to join the battle... About specific units: nope. AFAIK, even the Pentagon stopped counting RFA's BTGs in and outside of Ukraine.
What I get to hear in this regards is like pieces of puzzle not yet coming together.
For example, they've never returned to Ukraine about 30+ BTGs that were mauled in northern Ukraine of the first two months of war: elite units (VDV, mechanised etc), that suffered catastrophic losses there.
In other cases, they have withdrawn depleted units, gave them - depending on their condition and the situation on the battlefield - between 2 and 14 days of rest, 'reinforced' them by whatever suitable reservists were available and then sent them back to Ukraine.
Yes, Syrians are 'there'. Just received a report from an Ukrainian unit that overrun a specific Russian position and collected bodies from both Syria and Libya.
Shelling railways: is already done (and then 'misreported' by Separatists as 'shelling civilians'). But, it's too little because Ukrainians do not have enough artillery to do it continuously.
Russian tanks: AFAIK, these are still sent forward ahead of infantry. But, there are no 'sweeping manoeuvres': they have no units left large enough to survive the attrition of breaking the frontline and then driving deeper into the Ukrainian rear.