Rybar - one of Russian ‘military-blogger-industrialists’ (if not the ‘top Russian military-blogger-industrialist’) - is still claiming the 'transport' aircraft shot down by Wagner was an 'Il-18' (thus prompting many in the West to deduct that the aircraft in question was an Il-20 reconnaissance version, or even an Il-22 airborne command post):
As anybody can ‘google’ in a matter of 5 seconds nowadays, the Il-18-family of aircraft has four engines.
The only ‘transport’ aircraft confirmed as shot down during this entire scam about ‘Prigozhin’s coup’ actually had two engines, which can be clearly seen, ‘still in their position’, on the following still from the video shown that aircraft going down in flames…
(And no: there’s no way ‘the other two engines were shot away: there would be no ‘wing stubs left’ if this would have been the case.)
Now, the planform of the Il-18/20/22 family is quite distinct - and that’s not visible on the screen-grab above:
That said, gauging by the shape of the wing, this was no An-24/26/30, as guessed by me yesterday. The shape of the wing is ‘not fitting’:
….and that wing (i.e. the planform of the aircraft going down in flame) is not really looking like that of the (civilian-operated) Il-114, either…
Thus, the actual type of this aircraft remains unclear.
Conclusion: sure, the West is lying, Ukrainians are lying, but never to this level. The Russians are lying, and lying, and lying, and lying, and lying - all the time, at every opportunity, in regards of everything.
….and we’re all still falling for that.
Please accept my most sincere apologies for this mistake. Have wasted a precious day in your and my life. With hindsight, cannot but conclude: the ‘events’ of yesterday were simply 'too good to be truth'.
On the bright side, I hope this FINALLY breaks people's obsession with mercenaries. Nation states have to maintain a monopoly on military force. If you talk to American veterans, for example, almost all of us hate Blackwater mercs and think they're scum. The likes of Erik Prince or Evgeny Prigozhin do not need be running around with private armies.
I, for my part, are very grateful for all your work about “Prigozhin’s drama”, then changed to “Wagner’s comedy”. Sure, all the affair don’t worth the effort, but who may know.
And The Bizantine politics of the ruZZian elites are both a box full of surprises and a matrioska who have another and another into...
Maybe the definition is a box full of evil.