Oh, I do care about both, the 17th and the TD.
But then, that's something one can say for almost all the ZSU's armoured units in this war (except for the 1st: its actions in the…
Oh, I do care about both, the 17th and the TD. I just consider the 17th an 'unlucky' unit (BTW, seems, they've lost at least 1 T-64 at Vysokopillya, two days ago).
But then, that's something one can say for almost all the ZSU's armoured units in this war (except for the 1st: its actions in the Chernihiv area led to the collapse of two Russian CAAs).
That said: keep in mind that the mass of info about what exactly was going on and where, and why, remains unavailable. Thus, I simply don't know. It is perfectly possible that the 17th is actually running from one victory to another.