you're asking me plenty of things outside my scope of interest or appearing outright 'unimportant' to me. I've got my work to do - which is…
you're asking me plenty of things outside my scope of interest or appearing outright 'unimportant' to me. I've got my work to do - which is to run five book series on contemporary military history, write my own books etc (see: https://www.helion.co.uk/people/tom-cooper.php?sid=08fe290567bb99174535d19e4d92d090). Therefore, I've got to focus on what's important in regards of latest developments on the battlefield: no time to care about what are which bloggers complaining about.
Similar is valid for the US politics, and especially regrading making predictions (see: 'do you foresee...?'). For XYth time: I'm not making any kind of predictions.
I'm analyising available information.
Re. Ukrainian lack of artillery ammunition: this was realised in several major NATO reports over the last 3-5 years. The MOD was then fired, and Kyiv scrambled to pruchase whatever 122mm and 152mm ammo it could get abroad. But, it could not get enough on time. On top of that, Ukrainians have major problems due to the loss of several ammo depots and the distances over which they have to move their supplies (all the way from Western Ukraine) - but also because the Russian advances in the south have cut off several crucial links.