I'm not 'labelling you pessimistic': actually, can't care less if anybody is pessimistic or not…
What I'm doing is to 'correct' when you start buying Russian fantasies: there's no reason to do so.
I'm not 'labelling you pessimistic': actually, can't care less if anybody is pessimistic or not, because I'm, generally, optimistic, and 'know' this war is going to end well, no matter how bloody, tragic, problematic, and disturbing it might yet get.
What I'm doing is to 'correct' when you start buying Russian fantasies: there's no reason to do so.
Correspondingly, sorry, can't help it when one or another of my reports appears 'pessimistic' or 'optimistic' - whether to you or somebody else: I'm trying to get my facts together and interpret them the way I see them - 'good' or 'bad'.